Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 106: 105The Power of Dagon

Chapter 106: 105The Power of Dagon

Chapter 106 105. The Power of Dagon

The precise physical condition allowed Lan En to wake up from meditation on time at six o'clock in the morning.

With his fingers gently supporting the ground, his strong body and heavy armor stood up silently.

On the bed, Aaliyah, who was huddled under the quilt, was talking in her sleep and talking about some people's names.

Such as "Sansa is a fool", "Robb, help", "Jon, help me".

Everything that happened last night was cruel and sudden. Even with Alia's character, she was really frightened.

The names on her lips are those of her relatives.

On the surface, this little girl seems to be immersed in the excitement of seeing new things every day, but in fact, the fear of missing home and leaving home is hidden deep in her heart, and she is probably not even aware of it.

Lan En shook his head slightly in the dim morning light.

The distance represented by the intersection of the celestial sphere is too far even for interstellar civilization.

He is just a special witcher.

He cannot save everyone.

But it is precisely because of this that Lan En wants to save those people who he may have the means to do.

Even just try it?

He put on the studded leather gloves again, fixed the steel wrist armor, and carried the stiffened corpse.

The witcher, who was getting taller and taller, walked out of the room lightly and headed towards the appointed lake.

Morning mist floats on the lake, which is different from the mysterious and deep atmosphere under the moonlight, giving people a moist and refreshing feeling.

Lan En rented a small fishing boat by the lake. It was very different from the one he used to ride with Bernie when he went to kill water ghosts.

Lan can drive it by himself.

Rejecting the fisherman's offer to sail the boat, the witcher paid a little more as a deposit.

The bow of the boat split the water waves and lotus leaves, and just a dozen meters into the lake, a "clatter" sound different from that of a sailing boat sounded from around me.

The messenger of the Lady in the Lake, the nymph from last night, followed Lan En's boat like a water spirit.

Hello, nymph.

After Lan En glanced at her, he looked away and no longer looked at her from the front.

Facts: Plump fat is a semi-solid substance.

As the water waves flow and beat, the naked body of the nymph perfectly demonstrates the elasticity of semi-solid materials.

Hello to you, witcher.

Nymphs themselves don't care at all. In fact, there are often stories among the people about villagers having wild affairs with nymphs, swamp daffodils, and even harpies.

The villagers were very interested in this, but the witchers were undecided.

There are indeed men who can taste the sweetness of these wild creatures, but most of the men who come to their doorstep are just adding to their meal.

Literally adding food.

Lan En believed that the nymphs who served the Lady of the Lake would not be as barbaric as their wild counterparts.

But she didn't seem very happy today.

Are you in trouble?

Nymph was leading the way in the water ahead. Lan En felt a little bored at the helm, so he asked him bluntly.

The other party also gave a very direct answer.

I lost my necklace. It was made of precious gold and rubies.

Didnt the lady listen to the information in the whole area? Didnt she tell you?

The lady will definitely tell me, Im just taking you there, just asking by the way.

Nymph answered naturally, but Lan En was surprised.

In his long-term impression, the attitude of gods towards requests is that they are all arrogant and indifferent.

Otherwise, it can be done at your fingertips. Whether it is the antecedent or the consequence, it will be completely dealt with with a wave of your hand.

This is the case in the Eastern myths of the hometown world, otherwise it would be so shameless?

But from what Miss Nymph looks like

Except for the lady who used her own power to search, it seems that she didnt use her extraordinary power at all.

Even the location has to be asked by the nymph in front of the lady.

Lan En imagined this scene a little bit based on the myth of his hometown. The Queen Mother passed down the imperial edict of immortal law and ordered the maid to come and embroider with her and chat with her about household matters and gossip?

Thinking about it this way, its so life-friendly.

Perhaps this is God in the Western context.

Lann didnt have any opinion on this, because he didnt believe in any god.

Black Tern Island is not far from Sunken Water Village, it only takes about 40 minutes by boat.

This small island in the lake should have a wonderful view, but when Lan En approached the island, he frowned.

Like a passenger who feels motion sick and wants to vomit.

I feel an inexplicable nausea. Even the scenery is beginning to disgust me.

This is where the Lady of the Lake should live?

The fishing boat stopped at the shoal and carried the body to the island.

Nymph and Lan En walked together.

Her expression is not pretty either, but she is more adaptable than Lan En.

This is the power of Dagon. Isnt it hard to bear?

Nymph frowned and explained to Lan En, who was also frowning next to her.

"But it should be hard for you to imagine that this level of feeling is already the result of the lady mobilizing the power of Lake Vizima to suppress it."

Lan En was slightly speechless.

My own willpower has been proven long ago through the surgery I performed on my own chest.

He can cut open his own heart and blood vessels without hesitation while possessing a clear and rational understanding.

But with such willpower, just stepping onto Black Tern Island will make you feel irritated and nauseated.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be equivalent to entering a manic state directly upon landing on the island, right?

If it continues for a long time, you may go crazy directly.

And this is after being suppressed. Dagon is indeed a terrifying evil god.

You say it is the power of Dagon, but my badge does not shake.

While wading in the water, Lan asked the nymph for more information.

"The witcher's badge does not react to all supernatural powers. Even in the eyes of a lady, Dagon's power is deep and strange. It is normal for the lack of reaction to occur. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the lady would think that with his The power to control the souls of the deceased will not cause an imbalance in the local magic power."

That is a force outside the world that does not participate in building balance.

The small island on the lake couldn't be too big. Lan En followed Nymph and after walking a few steps, he reached a small pool in the center of the island.

Nymph raised her hand to stop Lan En behind her.

She herself knelt down on one knee lightly and lowered her head first.

Good day, madam. As you commanded, I have brought you the witcher you desiredLane of Cintra.

Lan En also threw the body on his shoulders aside, put his left hand on his chest, stretched his right hand flat to his side, and bent down to bow.

This is the court etiquette in this world, and I mentioned it when chatting with Triss.

Lan En feels that it is better to follow local rules when worshiping local gods.

The memories of the Emperor's Children, which are full of beauty every second, have made a considerable upgrade to Lann's artistic sense.

This makes even if he is performing a ritual that he has only heard of, the details of his movements are full of ritual beauty.

If a Temerian palace steward came to see it, he would probably not think that this was the etiquette of his country.

Because there are many non-compliances.

But to say that this is a similar etiquette in a distant country, he probably dare not say more.

Because this ceremony looks really solemn.

Lan En sent greetings to the clear spring.

Good day, madam.

Shuitan responded.

Asking for first order!

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