Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 111: 110 Investigation of the Witcher

Chapter 111: 110 Investigation of the Witcher

Chapter 111 110. Investigation of the Witcher

In the palace of Vizima, Triss put down the hand entangled with magic in astonishment.

Keira shrank in the chair behind her, not at all as lazy and casual as when she first met Lan.

Instead, he bit his nails and looked anxious.

The fact that Prince Lazlav Stesa's name was true also frightened her greatly.

Logically speaking, there are not many people in Temeria with the power revealed in their early investigation.

But the reason the two sorceresses never thought about him is because if it was really him, it would be a big deal.

The worst outcome can always be avoided subconsciously.

It is precisely because of this that when the worst result comes, it always catches people off guard.

How did he respond? Keira asked anxiously. "When will he leave?"

Triss stood in the circle where the spell was cast, stunned.

He said he wouldnt leave.

Not leaving?! Keira jumped out of the chair.

Why? Money? Fame? What does a witcher want with this thing!? Doesnt he want to live?

Not for money or reputation, he said it was for his own happiness.

Happy? Crazy! This person is simply crazy!

Biting her nails, Keira paced around her chair.

"No! This must be an excuse. He definitely thinks that he is not given enough! He is a demon hunter, and he has to run for money all his life, how could he not want it?!"

"Damn it! This time we let him catch us. We have to feed him and make him shut up and leave. Otherwise, if Stesa knows that we have really found out about him, the two of us will even resign as royal advisors. Dont count on it! Just wait and be poisoned to death one day!

With that said, Keira hurriedly walked to her laboratory. It seemed that she wanted to collect more money so that Lan could shut up and leave Vizima.

Triss stared at her back blankly.

She intellectually agreed with Keira's guess. After all, she had lived for decades but had never seen such a person.

No money, no power, not even the most illusory reputation.

Just to make yourself happy, you have to seek justice from the most powerful earl in the country?

How can this be true?

Where is such a person?

But emotionally she had an inexplicable feeling that the man was serious.

He really wants to kill a count for the sake of a few civilian children that no one cares about!

What about yourself?

Trisss hand is wrapped with magic power.

Should I follow my rational thinking and break away from Lan En on this matter like Keira did?

In the Royal Advisor's laboratory, Triss is in a dilemma.


And in the manor that covers one of the largest areas in the entire trading area of Vizima, there is a handsome middle-aged manCount Prince Prinslav Stesa.

I have finally determined that my good dog from Skellige must have died last night.

Thats interesting, Morgan, come here.

Count Stesa is sitting in his study, dealing with today's affairs.

The first thing that was placed on his desk was that Urbank left last night with ordnance and a list of personnel transfer rights in the **** company, and he has not returned yet.

Stesa uses Ubank and has always been very comfortable using it.

Because this descendant of a dog trainer from Skellige simply regarded himself as the earl's hunting dog.

He knew very well what kind of hound the owner would be happy with, so he naturally moved closer in this direction.

Be docile when you should be docile, be fierce when you should be fierce.

Work hard, but never leave the nest without reason.

He himself enforces all the rules for training hounds even better than the hounds.

So when the Count found that his dog had not returned, he was sure that Urbank was dead. The manors butler walked into the study politely.

He was wearing a tight-fitting dress, with his lower legs and arms tightly wrapped in fabric, and his thighs and upper arms with puffy sleeves that are currently popular.

Sir, what are your orders?

Most of the noble housekeepers have a kind of reserve.

This reserve does not come from their own will, but to make the owner feel better.

It is much more fulfilling to have a reserved person bend over to serve you than to have a flattering person do things.

Stassa gave casual instructions while processing the documents on the table.

About Ubank, is there any news about him?

I think he is dead, my lord.

Stetha's steward, Morgan. He has the same judgment as his master.

"I know he is probably dead, but who can kill him? There are twenty-seven armorers, plus two ferocious hunting dogs. Who or who can kill these people, I am very interested."

Thats the witcher, my lord.

Without a moment's hesitation, the butler easily drew a conclusion based on Ubank's recent words and deeds.

"They sent back a maimed witcher last night, and now they are throwing it in the basement. Urbank also reminded you before that there will be a witcher who will not stop fighting to the death and will come to Vizima. I think they are After sending this demon hunter over, he was killed by the one who really posed a threat."

Oh? Alone?

At this point, Stesa stopped what he was doing and raised his head with interest.

"Are those mutants so powerful? I remember that the demon hunter who rescued Yada, although he was indeed powerful, had his neck torn open by the little girl's nails. What was the performance of the one who was captured?"

After being shot with a crossbow, he was no different from an ordinary person.

At this point, Stesa's interest disappeared forever.

The damage performance of the crossbow is no different from that of ordinary people. He believes that it is completely worthless and no threat to him.

After all, if he wanted to, the crossbows he assembled could shoot arrows that could cover the sky and the sun.

And those mutants?

Dirty and mean.

There is no need to worry about their slight difference from ordinary people and dirty your eyes.

But those who have reached this level, even if they feel disdainful and contemptuous in their hearts, will still be prepared accordingly.

Ubank has good tricks, and anyone who can trick him should pay attention. Morgan, find out the identity of the real threatening demon hunter and give me the information.

The steward bowed in response and asked one more question.

Should we increase the defense level of the estate?

Stetha didnt even look up.

Morgan, Morgan, you are making too much of a fuss.

"There are forty warriors in full plate armor in this manor, and a hundred and fifty skilled warriors wearing standard armor. There are thirty people looking at the basement, rotating all year round. Even Foltest I'm having a convulsion, and I'm leading the city defense troops to attack, how long do you think this manor can last?"

Butler Morgan bowed in response.

"My lord, I have been present at every expansion of the manor. The manor in this city was designed from the beginning for the scenario you mentioned. If no siege engines come in, we can survive at least a week."

Then what more can you say?

The count waved his hand casually, as if he was chasing away a few annoying but harmless flies.

"He's just a witcher. Is it possible that he can turn the world upside down? Maybe by now, he has already run out of Vizima like a lost dog."

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