Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 450: No need for that

Chapter 450: No need for that

Xi Ma thoughts are spot on. At the same time that they are digging for their way in, not only the whole Shizi Empire surrounded by the black smoke, which is the best place for YinYings, the beings that are still trapped within are even fighting for their lives.

"Hmm. I have a feeling that I forgot something important." Ma Wang Shu murmured to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you think I forgot something?" She asked one soldier under her command that is closest to her.

"Captain, can you give any clue? Anything that will give us the idea of what you are possibly referring too." The soldier answered. They are so used to the question that it is nothing new.

Their captain is female and too carefree sometimes. If she is not competent enough, they will have casualties every time they set out for a mission.

"Something about Shizi Empire. Why do we have a Justice Affairs unit here?" Ma Wang Shu tried to recall. Though she does not put her nose to Ma Fei Hong business, she knows that something is up.

"Captain. Anything related to such things is not accessible to us."The soldier replied. He cannot help smiled nervously under his mask. Who knows what his captain had forgotten? Was it essential of not?

"Ah! Nevermind!" Ma Wang Shu gave up. "Look, they are almost done." She said, referring to the others that are digging. There is black smoke coming out from the hole, that means they have already on the tunnel surface and made a bigger hole from it.

Then the soldier asked, "Is it alright for us to bring them? The tunnel is surrounded by black smoke."

"Article XVI, Section 7, states that casualties that volunteered before the mission will not be blamed on the unit assigned." Ma Wang Shu reminded. "Oh! I remember that clearly!"

The soldier did not reply, but others also heard her statement. They are pretty sure that they are the casualties that she is referring to.

"..." They are all speechless again...

Xi Ma face is black due to annoyance. 'How irresponsible?!' He thought to himself.

Even though they did volunteer, or it is best to say that they have insisted, Ma Wang Shu just clearly declared that she would only give a little effort for saving them in case something happened.

Then again, the retainers from Wei Palace are not the only one who volunteered. He casually glanced at Ho Fang and just like him; the woman's expression looks like she was wronged.

"Crash!"The noise made by a bunch of rocks that fall from the hole they made above the tunnel. This will be their entrance to Shizi Empire.

The hole continued to release black smoke that even made Xi Ma's face scowl. How long does he need to protect himself using his spiritual energy? They will be wasting their strength by just walking toward the primary chamber!

"Let me go first." Ma Wang Shu declared suddenly. Before they can even react, the woman already jumps towards the hole.

"Please wait for her to return." A soldier stated, stopping the others from following.

"What if she died inside? Are you expecting us to wait here?" Ho Fang asked.

The soldier tilted his head, "If she dies inside, then there is no way you can stand or fight what is there."

"That is..." Ho Fang stopped speaking. It took a while for her to understand the man's statement. It only means that if the captain did not return, the enemy inside the tunnel is not someone they can handle. It will just suicide if they continue.

'Then what about master?' Ho Fang though worriedly.

"She will be back."The soldier assured.

Justice Affairs are responsible for their safety. They are there to remind beings of that. However, if in the even that volunteers insisted, then they will end up being casualties, that they are not accountable for. Just like what Ma Wang Shu had said.

"When she does, tell your men to cover themselves with spiritual energy. This black smoke is artificial impurities and will enter to any living being forcefully." Xi Ma decided to advise.

"No need for that." Ma Wang Shu shouted from the tunnel before she then jumps out of it.

"So quick! What did you find?" Xi Ma asked immediately, stepping closer to the woman.

"Stand back!" Ma Wang Shu exclaimed suddenly and moving away from them.

Then they noticed her strangely holding her right arm, drops of blood is coming out from it. The blood is also starting to melt her right sleeve.

(Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)

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