Binding System

Chapter 107 Bastard!

Tom turned his head toward Ace.

'Does he not know I'm a subordinate of the Hudson family?'

Previously he thought he could finish his task easily because no one dared to raise the price.

He just did not expect Ace to yell out a price when Angela was about to tap the small hammer on the table. "611 gold coins."

"620 gold coins." Ace called out a price right after Tom raised it.

"621 gold coins." Tom did not give up and raised the price again.

"630 gold coins." Like before, Ace yelled out a price after Tom raised it.

"That young man is so annoying!" Robert stated.

"Lucas, how rich is he?" Tom asked curiously.

"I don't know." Lucas shook his head. "But these two beauties are with him because he is from a wealthy family."

Tom shifted his gaze from Lucas to Scarlett and Layla.

'They are beautiful and have sexy bodies. It seems like his family is as rich as the Hudson family. What should I do now? Should I use violence?'

He had to get the Lightning Move skill book no matter what because his lord wanted it so badly.

"631 gold coins." After raising the price, Tom shifted his gaze to Ace. "Young man, how about giving this skill book to me? If you agree to my request, I will help you with one thing later, anything you want."

"640 gold coins." Of course, Ace refused. "I really want this skill book, so I have to refuse your request."

"641 gold coins." Tom tried to change Ace's mind again. "Young man, I'm a trusted subordinate of the Hudson family. If you give me this skill book, I'm sure my lord will thank you later. Maybe we can become good friends later. Who knows?"

Layla and Scarlett covered their mouths and giggled after hearing Tom's words.

'I wonder what his reaction would be if he found out he was talking about being a friend to his enemy.'

These were the words that appeared in their minds.

"650 gold coins." Ace ignored Tom's words and raised the price again.

"651 gold coins." Tom clenched his fist.

'Our lord only gave me 770 gold coins. If he keeps raising the price, I will lose this skill book.'

A spark of anger rose in his heart.

"Tom, should we threaten him now? We will lose the skill book at this rate." Robert was also unhappy because their lord would punish them if they failed to get the Lightning Move skill book.

"660 gold coins." Ace yelled out a price again.

"661 gold coins." Because Tom wanted to make sure Ace would not dare to raise the price again, he looked at Ace with his terrifying gaze.

Did that scare Ace?

Of course not!

Ace had seen how terrifying his grandpa's gaze was.

At that time, he was ganged up by fifteen people, and his grandpa came to save him.

His grandpa did not beat his enemies immediately; instead, he looked at them with his terrifying gaze.

And due to how terrifying his grandpa's gaze was, all of them fell to the ground instantly.

Not only did their bodies tremble non-stop, some of them even peed in their pants and fainted instantly.

Even though his grandpa's terrifying gaze was not directed at him, but Ace's legs trembled too.

At that time, his grandpa was so scary.

He was so scary to the point he felt as if he was looking at the grim reaper, not a human being.

Compared to his grandpa's terrifying gaze, Tom's gaze was nothing.

It was funny if Tom wanted to scare him with his gaze because he had seen the scariest gaze.

"Ace, it seems like he really wants to beat you up." Scarlett spoke abruptly.

"I know." After saying that, Ace yelled out a price again. "700 gold coins."

Tom could not suppress his anger anymore when Ace suddenly raised the price to 700 gold coins.

"701 gold coins." After calling out a price, Tom tried to scare Ace again. "Young man, do you want to become the enemy of the Hudson family?"

Ace was not surprised because he had guessed something like this would happen.

'Another person using the family name to scare others.'

He suddenly wanted to mock Tom because he hated someone who used family name to scare others.

"710 gold coins." Ace uttered, "We are in the auction house right now, so you should use your money, not family name."

Tom was breathless with anger because the price had reached 710 gold coins now.

"711 gold coins." Tom's face was red from anger. "Young man, I have never seen you before. It seems like you are not local, so I suggest that you act carefully because you are in my city now."

"Young man, I suggest you not to raise the price again." Robert added.

Ace crossed his arms over his chest and called out a price again. "720 gold coins."

"721 gold coins." After saying that, Tom rose to his feet. "Young man, don't raise the price anymore!"

"750 gold coins." Like before, Ace still acted calmly. "Who do you think you are? Why do I need to listen to your words? Are you God?"

"751 gold coins." Tom let the anger consume his body because he barely had the money to compete with Ace. "Young man, I will kill you if you raise the price again!"

"Do you think you can kill me?" Ace asked in a mocking voice.

When Tom was about to walk toward Ace, Angela spoke, "Mister Tom, fighting is prohibited in Wynn trading house. Otherwise, don't blame me for kicking you out."

Tom sat on the couch again.


He cursed venomously in his heart.

Wynn trading house was guarded by many awakeners. Some of them were even at Master rank, so he knew what would happen if he caused trouble in the Wynn trading house.

The worse thing was that they would take back the golden token in his hands. His lord would kill him if he lost the golden token.

"770 gold coins." This was Tom's last chance to get the skill book because his lord only gave him 770 gold coins.

Darwin only gave him 770 gold coins because he believed it was more than enough to get the skill book.

Actually, Darwin's guess was right if Ace did not come to the Wynn trading house because, previously, no one raised the price after Tom called out a price.

Darwin's guess was wrong because he did not consider the possibility of someone like Ace showing up at the Wynn trading house.

"780 gold coins." Ace raised the price again.

"Bastard, do you want to die?" Tom no longer cared about his image and yelled at Ace.

Almost everyone on the second floor was happy, especially the people who didn't like Tom and the Hudson family.

Because Ace wanted to mock Tom, he decided to raise the price again. "781 gold coins."

"Bastard, the Hudson family is a powerful family. Are you sure you want to become our enemy?" Robert's eyes were bloodshot.

"782 gold coins." Ace raised the price again.

"Good, good! It seems like you don't know anything about the Hudson family." Tom uttered, "The Hudson family is one of the most influential families in this city. You won't be able to leave this city alive after offending the Hudson family."

"783 gold coins." Ace had a lot of money now, so raising 1 gold coin was nothing for him.

Because Tom did not call out a price anymore, Angela inquired, "Mr Tom, do you still want to bid?"

"No!" Darwin only gave him 770 gold coins, so Tom could no longer raise the price.

'Damn it! Our lord will be angry at us later.'

His face darkened.

"Tom, there is still another way to get that skill book." Robert spoke and paused for a second before he continued, "We still have a chance to get that skill book."

Of course, Tom understood the meaning of Robert's words. "That's right. We can snatch that skill book from him later."

They started to grin.

"Is there anyone that wishes to raise the price?" Angela inquired.

None of the audience wanted to raise the price because it was already expensive.

The auction had just started, and there were still many items, so they wanted to save their money for now.

Since no one wanted to raise the price, Angela hit her small hummer to the table. "Congratulation to Mr. Ace for obtaining Lightning Move skill book."

"Thank you." Ace showed his charming smile.

When Scarlett saw Tom's expression, she uttered, "Ace, it seems like they will try to snatch your Lightning Move skill book later."

"What are you going to do, Ace?" Layla asked curiously.

"Well, they can try it." Ace responded calmly.

The auction continued.

Apart from obtaining the Lightning Move skill book, he also got the Great Lightning Dragon spell book and Frost Arrow skill book.

Even though he managed to get the skill and spell books he wanted, but he also made enemies in the process of getting them.

Now there were another five people who wanted to beat him to death. These five people were Billy, Aiden, Mario, Teo, and Ben.

Even though they were not part of a powerful family or organization, but they were quite strong.

This was the reason why some of the audience felt sorry for Ace because they believed he would die after leaving the Wynn trading house.

Of course, Ace still acted normally. He even let them follow him,

'I spent a lot of money earlier. Now it's time to rob their money. No, I mean, to borrow their money.'

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