Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Chance Encounter (Diablo 4)

A Chance Encounter (Diablo 4)


Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Furry Sex

Summary: In which a Female Barbarian hunting down cannibals comes across a Werewolf Druid and his wolf pack tearing through her quarry. Needless to say, she's intrigued.


… When she’d caught wind that some offshoots of the Unclean were still in the area, Galla had immediately set out to hunt them down. She was of the Clans, after all. And while they might have lost much, there were still some who followed the Old Ways. She was one of them. A woman who had been born for battle, and who had held her first weapon at an age where others might still be holding a stuffed animal.
Large and in charge, tanned of skin and dark of hair, Galla was proud of her accomplishments, which were painted across her body in the tattoos of her people. She was a Blood Knight! On a journey of Honor and Glory! Her travels took her to distant and exotic lands! Where she tended to meet interesting people and deadly creatures, and then killed them as needed. You know, normal Barbarian stuff.
But even still, she could not suffer even a single Unclean to live. The cannibals were different. If even a single cannibal from any of the Clans still lived, they were ALL shamed. As such, while Galla liked killing in general, Cannibal Killing was far more personal for her. It was much closer to the heart.
Which was why she’d dropped everything to track down the rumors of Unclean in the area. Only… she didn’t have a clue what she was going to find when she finally hunted them down. Would there be too many of them? Would this be where she fell in battle? Such things were always possibilities, but Galla hadn’t lived the life she’d lived by being cowardly, so in the end it really didn’t matter to her.
However, nothing could have prepared her for this. She’d finally found the Unclean… she was sure of it. But instead of them being in some fortified position that she would have to throw herself at and perhaps die in an attempt to put them all down like the filth they were… she found them already under attack.
No, not just under attack. They were being slaughtered. And in a dark twist of fate, they were being eaten alive… but hungry, hungry wolves. These weren’t just any wolves though. They were led by a werewolf, a hulking monstrous half-man who pointed his claws at the Unclean and snarled once more.
Before Galla can make herself known, before she can say a word or do a single thing… the werewolf’s head suddenly turns towards her, his eyes filled with intelligence.
“Well? Are you going to join in or not?”
His deep, gravelly voice sends shivers down Galla’s spine. She’s far from an asexual creature. In fact, fucking is almost as fun as fighting in her book. But rarely is she the smaller one in any… interaction, be it sexual or otherwise. And yet, in this moment the werewolf is actually looking down on her. Physically of course, not metaphorically. Or at least, she hoped. Damn it, she couldn’t let him look down on her as a warrior!
With a roar, Galla throws herself into the fray against the scattered cannibals. Letting out a laughing roar of his own, the werewolf throws himself into the fight as well. It was already a slaughter without her help. Now? Now it was a massacre. And the whole time, the werewolf’s wolf companions are taking bites out of their foes, quite literally consuming their fill as the cannibals cry out and break, showing their cowardice and pleading for mercy.
It is… darkly hilarious, to see the remnants of the Unclean reduced to such a state. At the height of their depravity, they would trade with other Barbarian Clans… only to demand BODY PARTS in payment. Fingers and toes, hands or feet… in some cases, arms and legs. Despicable. Disgusting. In the end, this fate… was well-deserved.
Though while she might know where she stands with the werewolf and his wolves during the fight, it’s the after part that Galla isn’t so sure of. As the last of their enemies dies and the wolves settle in to gnaw the marrow out of cannibal bones, Galla finds herself in their midst, being gazed upon by the werewolf as she stares back at him, tense.
And then… much to her surprise, he transforms. In an instant, he is no longer a werewolf but a man. Losing a couple feet of height, he abruptly stands eye level with her, making Galla blink in surprise as she takes in his incredibly stocky appearance. Calling him fat would be an outright lie. He’s barrel-chested, but every ounce of his body is very clearly muscle. Hefty to be sure… but then, there was nothing wrong with that. Not only was he her height, but he was twice her width. She kind of liked that.
“Aleric. Druid.”
He thrusts out a massive bearpaw of a hand and Galla only hesitates for a moment before reaching back and taking it. His grip is strong and filled with confidence. She REALLY liked that.
“Galla. Barbarian.”
Throwing her a lopsided grin and a nod of his head, Aleric chuckles.
“Aye, that you are. But not one of them, I don’t think. You were hunting them, weren’t you?”
She almost bristles at the insinuation that she could EVER have been one of them, but he’s not saying that. He’s saying the exact opposite in fact. Galla nods sharply.
“I was, yes.”
“Hm, then apologies for stealing your hunt.”
At that, Galla has to shake her head.
“No. The Unclean must die. Every last one of them. In the end, only my own pride says I have to be the one to do the killing. But honor dictates that I thank you for your help. Your efforts do you a great service, Aleric.”
He gives her a long look at that before raising a single brow.
“You have to be the wordiest Barbarian I’ve ever met. Was that recited from something? Don’t worry about standing on ceremony or tradition with me, heh.”
And like that, Galla slumps.
“Oh thank fuck, I hate having to get all the words in the right order. Its so much easier to just fucking fight shit. Hey, you wanna fuck?”
He’d seen right through her AND helped kill Unclean after all. Plus he was built for it. Galla really didn’t see any downsides, so she figured she might as well offer. Aleric, for his part, doesn’t even hesitate.
And that’s how they find themselves stripping down amidst the blood and gore of a well-fought battle. He really is built for battle Galla reflects, even as she feasts her eyes upon his stocky, hairy, altogether naked frame. Meanwhile, his gaze is drawn to her tits, causing Galla to grin a little bit and grab them, hoisting them up for him.
“Like my tits, do ya? Then I know just how we’re gonna fuck.”
Moving forward, pushing Aleric onto his back amidst the mud and blood isn’t all that hard… but only because he doesn’t fight her. With a glint of amusement in his eyes, he lets her climb on top of his stocky frame. His hands, massive even when he’s not a werewolf, grab her by her hips, making Galla’s breath hitch from the strength behind them. As well as the size. Though the size of his hands is nothing compared to the size of his cock.
“Hmph. Most men can barely keep up with me. Somehow I don’t think you’ll have any trouble.”
Grinning wickedly, Aleric grabs her by the hips… and promptly impales her on his cock as his answer. Galla cries out, tossing her head back and moaning as his massive shaft penetrates her clenching, muscled cunt. She’s extremely tight, not from lack of experience but from sheer athleticism and fitness. Her body is a killing machine, her every fiber of her being dedicated to battle and survival.
It just so happens that all of those things also contribute to being very good in bed too. Well, with the right partner anyways. She’d had her fair share of mishaps. Some men really thought they could handle her and were too prideful to accept it when it became obvious they couldn’t.
Aleric definitely wasn’t going to have that problem. As he thrusts up into her from below, Galla has to be careful not to lose herself in the pleasure. It’s incredibly rare she finds herself dominated by a man, which is why she enjoys it so much when it happens. Still, it’s one thing to be dominated by a man… it’s another entirely to be dominated by a werewolf, isn’t it?
With a goal in mind, Galla knows she needs to prove herself. And so, bouncing up and down on Aleric’s cock, straddling the druid’s broad body, she leans forward. Pressing her tits into his face, Galla grins when Aleric’s hands immediately leave her hips and move to her chest. He grabs hold of her huge breasts and begins to grope and squeeze and maul them.
Normally, her tits were a source of annoyance for Galla. She had to constantly bind them down in order to make sure they didn’t get in the way in a fight. But when it came to sex, men loved her breasts… so it was worth it. Because Galla loved fucking just as much as fighting.
That said, no man had what Aleric had. His large hands, his rough touch… even his mouth and teeth suddenly on her teats. He knows exactly what she needs and he gives it to her. Thrusting up into her from below, even as Galla slams herself down from above. Fucking her pussy while mauling and gnawing at her breasts.
Tossing her head back, the dark-haired barbarian woman howls in pleasure as her cunt walls squeeze down on his cock. Yes, Aleric definitely knows what a bloodthirsty, battle-hungry bitch like her needs when it comes to fucking. But does he know what she WANTS?!
She doesn’t ask immediately, because some part of her feels like she has to prove she can handle it first. But eventually… eventually she can’t hold back any longer. Leaning forward, she locks eyes with Aleric, forcing the druid to finally pull back from her tits and look at her.
“What is it?”
Panting lightly, but clearly not spent by any means, Galla licks her lips and grins a savage grin.
“Is this all you’ve got, Aleric? Because I don’t fucking think it is. I’ve already seen it. Your other form. Don’t fucking disappoint me now~”
His eyes widen slightly in surprise at that… and then narrow as a look of determination appears on his face. His jaw clenches in resolve and in that moment, Galla KNOWS she has him. Of course, she also knows this because the next thing that happens is he begins to transform… while she’s on top of him… and he’s still inside of her.
The beautiful bombshell of a barbarian’s eyes widen as his cock suddenly doubles in size while also becoming distinctly inhuman in shape. Galla has never fucked a dog before, she’s not THAT much of a degenerate… but as the huge, tapered cock pierces deeper into her muscled cunt than the human penis that was in here moments before, she suspects THIS is a canine cock.
But it’s attached to a man… albeit a suddenly hairy, wolf-man. Huge claws suddenly grab her hips and Galla only has to take one look at Aleric’s eyes to know… she’s in danger. Good. That’s precisely how she likes it.
Of course, she doesn’t get to stay on top. She doesn’t even get to be on her back. In what feels like a split second, she’s pulled off of his cock, spun around, and promptly face planted into the mud. Face down, ass up. That’s apparently how Aleric the Druid Werewolf likes to fuck. One of his huge paw-like feet presses into the back of her head, and his claws hold onto her hips… and then he’s inside of her again. Mounting her. Fucking her with every last inch of his massive wolf dick.
“Is this what you wanted, Galla? Is this what you were hoping for? No holds barred… very well then.”
Galla howls in ecstasy as she’s properly fucked into the dirt. All around them, Aleric’s wolves continue feasting on the disgraceful remnants of the cannibals she came here to fight. And while she HAD gotten to fight them, she had found something even better than that in the aftermath. Getting treated like Aleric’s bitch is everything Galla didn’t even know she needed. Forget plain old domination, getting plowed by a fucking WEREWOLF was where the fun REALLY was.
Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Galla cums and cums as Aleric pounds her into the ground. He lays claim to her and she can do nothing but take it, moaning and squealing and crying out like some cum drunk slut the entire time. She’s a strong, powerful, and altogether respectable warrior in her own right. And yet, here she is being treated like a toy by this druid werewolf.
Alas, all good things come to an end eventually. Galla’s body shudders and shakes its way through more orgasms than she can count, but finally… Aleric huffs, grunts… and proceeds to knot her. It’s something she only knows about from her childhood, from a story she’d been told once about how wolves mate. Well, she’s fucking a werewolf with a canine cock, so she supposed she shouldn’t have been too surprised.
And yet, she’s still caught off guard when his knot penetrates her and he begins to cum a moment later. His seed flows into her womb and proceeds to fill it up in mere moments… and then it keeps coming. Or rather, cumming. He cums and cums inside of her, filling her with more spunk than Galla has ever been filled with before. And not an ounce of it escapes her either. Not a drop of it can get around the thick, throbbing knot lodged in the entrance of her cunt.
Galla shudders in orgasmic bliss as he grabs her by her dark hair and yanks her up from the mud. She barely registers it when he sits back on his ass and chuckles, letting her rest back against his chest with his knot buried in her twat and her chiseled abs distended with his seed. Her poor belly looks like she’s already a few months pregnant as she rests on his lap and recovers slowly but surely.
“Well? Was it everything you hoped for? Or have you perhaps learned a lesson about tangling with werewolves, Galla?”
It takes her a moment to respond, but when she does she scoffs and looks back at him, tilting her head back.
“… Druid Aleric, I formally request permission to travel with you going forward.”
He blinks at that and then lets out a bark of laughter.
“Permission granted.”
And with that, Galla drops the ceremonial bullshit again and speaks her mind.
“Fuck. Yes.”


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