Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Defilement at Edo Castle (Nioh)

The Defilement at Edo Castle (Nioh)

A/N: The Defilement at Edo Castle was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in November of 2018. Posting it up now for people to read!

Summary: In which Edward Kelley wins. With all of his enemies dead at his feet, what's a man to do but take the spoils of that victory for himself?

Themes: Mind Control, Rough Sex, Monster Girl


As Edward Kelley looks out over the courtyard of Edo Castle, watching as the Purple Amrita Crystals below incite violence and bloodshed among Samurai who were moments before brothers, he grins wickedly. All according to plan. And with that fool William dead at his pet's hands… letting out a pleased sigh, Edward turns away from the violence below and towards his ever-present companion. The Yuki-Onna, the resurrection of the wife of Oda Nobunaga, Princess No… she smiles as he raises a hand and caresses one of her bright blue cheeks. Leaning into it, the Yuki-Onna moans as she nuzzles his hand affectionately, her eyes glowing bright purple all the while.

Past her are the women of Edo Castle, the ladies who could not be expected to fight, who he would not have shed their blood for his amusement like he is having their husbands, brothers, and sons do down below. His eyes drift past Yuki-Onna as he looks them over, his loins already stirring. There's no great threat left to his plans now, no big enemy for him to prepare for. Everything will go as it is meant to, with even the great Tadakatasu Honda now under his control.

Ah… but this is interesting. Stepping past his darling Yuki-Onna, Edward moves forward, making his way towards the group of women. Many shrink away, huddling closer together in fear at his appearance. To be fair, he is quite frightening, this he knows. With his chest bared and the tattooed script visible across it, with his skin pale and his eyes red… yes, he was quite frightening indeed.

That was fine though. Edward cared not for the simpering maidens who shuddered away from him, who trembled in fear of him. Perhaps if they were all he had to amuse himself with while his business in Edo Castle was conducted, he might have. But they are not. Set apart from the rest of the women is one who does not pull away, who does not huddle with the others in fear.


Her eyes sharpen, the only warning he receives before she lunges upwards, aiming a blade at his throat. It's all the warning Edward needs though. One hand closes around her wrist and the other grabs her throat, stopping her dead in her tracks as he lifts her off the ground. She squirms and struggles of course, but he just tightens the grip on her wrist until finally, her weapon falls from her grasp.

Now, Edward recognizes this one. It took him a moment, but now he knows who she is. Okatsu, daughter of Ieyasu, sister of Nobuyasu. And kunoichi, trained under Hanzo. How interesting. How superb. Flashing his teeth, the Alchemist grins wickedly as he continues to hold her squirming form aloft. Her kunoichi attire is just barely visible at times beneath her more conservative kimono due to her struggles.

"You would have been a very useful tool against my enemies… if I still had any. Alas, your father is dead. Your teacher is dead. William Adams is dead. I stand above the graves of my foes, victorious. I am-!"

Edward suddenly finds himself interrupted by the little bitch, as she does the only thing she can do. She spits at him. The spittle lands on his cheek, causing him to cease speaking immediately as he twitches in budding rage. Okatsu, meanwhile, has the audacity to smirk just a little, despite what he's told her. Her eyes remain defiant to the last, even as his grip tightens around her throat.

But no. Right before he might have snapped the impudent kunoichi's neck right then and there for the insult delivered to him, Edward thinks better of it. He has another idea, something he prefers over… just senselessly ending this beauty's life. Slowly, he lowers Okatsu to the ground. Then, he begins to push her down further, forcing the kunoichi to her knees with his hand still around her throat.

"Hold her."

He doesn't have to say anything more for his darling Yuki-Onna to move in and grab the kunoichi's wrists from him, dragging Okatsu's arms behind her back. She snarls and struggles, but his beautiful Ice Spirit is as ever, the epitome of strength and power… and all his. Grinning, Edward uses the hand that's now free to wipe Okatsu's spittle from his face. He flicks it off onto the ground, and then uses that same hand to pull at his power as he places it before Okatsu's drawn, angry features.

"Do not fret, girl. I shall give you new purpose, soon enough."

His fingertips glow purple, and in their light, spread across Okatsu's face, he can see the kunoichi's understanding in the final moments leading up to his spell, he can see her eyes widening with horror and her struggles JUST starting to anew before it's done, and the purple glow transfers from him to her, sliding into her body right there on the spot.

A soundless cry leaves the kunoichi's throat as her lips open in a wide O, and then the glow begins to shine through her eyes, the same purple glow that shines through his loyal Yuki-Onna's pupils. This is the sign of servitude, of adoration and devotion. Releasing Okatsu's throat and stepping back, Edward spreads his arms wide and grins ferally.

"Who am I, darlings?"

Yuki-Onna answers immediately, but now, Okatsu does so as well, both of them speaking in the same moment.

"You are my Master."


Chuckling darkly, Edward looks away from his two slaves for a moment and over at the rest of the weak-willed, worthless women that currently occupy the top of the castle with them. They're all cowering away still of course, with some looking on at what he's done with fresh horror and some hiding away their faces, as if they can deny what's happening if they just can't lay eyes upon it.

For a brief moment, Edward considers having Okatsu prove herself to him by slaughtering the lot of them. It was obvious that the kunoichi had been up here, either by orders or by her own volition, to protect these women from whatever his predations might be. Now though, she could very well be the instrument of their murder.

But perhaps not. Perhaps he would find some use for the lot of these ladies later on. Best not to do anything too final with them when they couldn't even hurt a fly with the strength they had between all of them. They were no threat to him… and with that thought in his mind, Edward waves a hand in their direction dismissively. A flash of gold shines in each of the pairs of eyes he can see for a brief moment, and then one by one, the group of sobbing, simpering women fall over, unconscious and under the sleep spell he's just cast upon them.

With that taken care of, Edward turns to his two pets, both Okatsu and the Yuki-Onna still kneeling before him, waiting for his words, waiting to hear his commands. Grinning wider than ever before, Edward Kelley considers what that might be. He has time until his business here is done, and nothing to truly prepare for, all of his enemies lie dead. So… why not enjoy himself, yeah?


Edward grunts as his fingers curl through the short black hair of the kunoichi currently giving him head. Okatsu's eyes, still glowing purple, stare up at him in abject desire as she sucks and slurps at his cock like the slutty little whore she now is. At the same time, another pair of glowing purple eyes shine from beneath her chin and a little off to the side as the Yuki-Onna who killed William for him lays against his inner thigh, suckling at his ball sack quite eagerly.

Despite her control over the cold and her power over ice, Yuki-Onna's tongue and lips, while blue, feel quite good on his churning ball sack. She's not quite capable of heat, but she can turn down the frigid nature of her existence until its nothing more than a breath of cool air across his genitals. Combined with the heat Okatsu is providing with her own mouth and convulsing throat as she bobs her head up and down his enlarged cock, and the entire experience is quite pleasurable indeed.

"Fire and Ice… my beautiful concubines. I think I shall keep you both around for a long, LONG time…"

Grinning somewhat like a loon, Edward tightens his grip on Okatsu's hair quite suddenly, and his grin becomes slightly manic as he stares down into her doting purple eyes. Even if she is now completely and utterly loyal, That does not mean she is forgiven for the spittle.

"For you though, my dear… punishment is in order."

He drives her down the length of his cock quite suddenly, watching with satisfaction as his member disappears deep into her small mouth and tight throat. Glowing purple eyes go wide, but she does not resist as he adds his second hand to the first and grips her head with both to begin skull-fucking her, right then and there.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As he does, Edward sneers at her, thoroughly enjoying his power over the helpless kunoichi.

"Worthless tramp, stuck-up bitch… should have kneeled of your own accord. If you'd all just submitted to my authority…"

Drool and slobber collect on Okatsu's chin, even as involuntary tears well up in her glowing eyes before sliding down her face. Her face, which is of course painted to look as pretty as the ladies she was hiding amongst and trying to protect. The colors that make her look so much more beautiful, like some sort of perfect, living doll, quickly begin to run under the onslaught on her tonsils. As Edward fucks the kunoichi's face with wild abandon, black tear tracks slide down her cheeks, and her eyes begin to roll back in her head from lack of air.


Still he does not stop. Still he does not let up. Her teeth never so much as graze her Master's shaft, even as her glowing purple eyes disappear for a moment, only the whites showing as she finally loses consciousness around his massive cock, her nose buried in his crotch as he groans, enjoying the feeling of her throat still spasming around his member.

Edward holds her like that for a moment, and then he pulls back, letting his cockhead pop free of her lips and slapping his meaty length across her face a few times to bring her back to the land of the conscious, to bring her back from the sweet oblivion he'd forced her into. Okatsu comes back to life with a gasp, her eyes rolling forward in her skull again, and the glowing purple once again shining out of them as she looks up at him, panting heavily.

But her mouth is still open, her tongue still lolls out of her lips. She licks and laps at his cock as he leaves it across her ruined face, watching her rub and nuzzle against it. Smirking, Edward pulls back and fits the tip of his member back between her lips. He pushes back into her mouth… and then he goes further still, as he forces her down the entirety of his length yet again.

The kunoichi doesn't resist as he proceeds to repeat himself, over and over. He brings her to the brink time and time again, fucking her throat until she's lost consciousness and then forcing her back so that he can enjoy her slurping tongue once more. Of course, he can feel her getting weaker each time. She wakes back up, she returns to servicing his member to the best of her ability, but she isn't quite as fast or quick as before. She's still eager, but she's growing tired… he's wearing her out.

Luckily for Okatsu, he cums long before he can find out just what her limits might be. His seed pumps into her mouth and down her throat as he watches her swallow to the best of her ability, drinking and drinking until there's nothing left to drink. All the while, Yuki-Onna has been slurping at his churning balls, suckling and massaging them with ever-so-slightly cool fingers. It'd felt good, and still felt good in fact, but now he wanted more.

Pushing Okatsu away, Edward does the same with his darling Ice Spirit as well. The two brainwashed beauties quickly move to kneel before him on the futon that they're all currently lounging on. The lord's futon, as it were… it had felt appropriate to take the best room in the castle as his own, after all. Lounging back, watching them both for a moment, Edward considers what he wants next.

Ah, but in the end, what he wants is obvious, is it now.

"Present yourselves to me. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to use you as my own personal onaholes."

The wicked grin is back across his face as he gives those orders. Neither the kunoichi nor his precious Ice Spirit hesitate for even a moment, both turning about face just like that and presenting their asses to him as they prostate themselves in the opposite direction. At the same time, their hands come up and pull down their undergarments from beneath their rather skimpy kimonos. They reveal their perfectly shaped posteriors to him, and then begin to beg.

The Yuki-Onna is the first to speak, her words melodic and her tone reverberating as she spreads her pussy lips apart with her fingers.

"Take me, Master… take me and use me as you will, treat me like nothing more than a toy, nothing more than your pet~"

Edward grins, even as he gets up onto his knees as well, moving behind the two beauties as they present their buttocks towards him, stroking his cock as it once again grows thick and hard in his grip. Before he'd put the Yuki-Onna under his spell, she hadn't been much of a talker. She still wasn't, unless he ordered it. But thanks to his magics, she was his slave, through and through. Loyal to the end, and willing to do whatever was necessary to make him happy. He would not forget all she'd accomplished for him, not any time soon.

Ah, but there's still Okatsu as well. As soon as the Yuki-Onna has finished, the kunoichi steps in. She does not spread open her pussy lips though… instead, the beautiful dark-haired woman spreads apart her ass.

"Please, Master… punish this worthless kunoichi for her actions against you. I fought alongside your enemies and did not submit myself to your will earlier as I should have. Use me, abuse me… take me as your slave and punish me as much as I deserve. Only you can decide if I am worth anything, only you can give me true purpose!"

The offer of her back door, sitting pristine and clean in the center of her heart-shaped derriere… now THAT is a ringer. Edward pats the Yuki-Onna's beautiful blue behind once and then moves over to Okatsu, chuckling as he slides his massive length into her ass crack, hot-dogging her behind for a moment.

"Sorry my dear spirit, but for the time being, the kunoichi has bested you… come and make the experience of reaming this bitch's tight little asshole all the more pleasurable, won't you?"

Not even the barest bit of disappointment shows from the Yuki-Onna as she rises from her place on her knees and moves to join him. She leans into his side, wrapping her arms around his body and pressing her breasts into him as she nuzzles his neck.

"Fuck her, Master. Fuck her and teach her where she belongs. Show her, her place just like you did me."

Okatsu is not quite either, moaning and clawing at the blanket beneath her as she continues to press her face into the futon and lift her ass into the air.

"Yesss, Master… do it. Fuck my virgin asshole, use me as your onahole, just as you said! I am nothing but a toy for your pleasure, nothing but a tool for my Master!"

With such enthusiastic support coming from both of his sluts, what was Edward to do but follow through, leaning forward, he places one hand on the small of Okatsu's back to hold her steady, while the other grips his cock and guides it backwards until he can press the tip into her tight little asshole. He begins to push in, and Okatsu groans and gasps as he starts to penetrate her… but there's simply not enough give. She's too tight, and too dry. Without lubricant…

"Allow me, Master…"

Edward lifts a brow as he watches his Yuki-Onna slide her hands over his shoulders and leave them hanging above the kunoichi's heart-shaped rump. Ice crystals form on the Ice Spirit's fingertips, but they're clearly made to be weak and not as dense as she's capable of. They melt off her fingers in moments, and the cool water splashes down in droplets onto Okatsu's ass. Much of it ends up on her respective butt cheeks, but plenty slides down her crack as well, causing the kunoichi to cry out and tremble at the cool feeling as it slides over her asshole.

Pulling his cock back, Edward replaces his member with his fingers for the time being. He rubs the water into Okatsu's buttocks, watching as she grows wetter and wetter thanks to the Ice Spirit's assistance. Eventually, he's sliding his digits in between her cheeks and pushing the fluid deep into her loosening sphincter as he forces her back door open, bit by bit, inch by inch. It takes a little while, but not as long as it might have, mostly because Edward isn't interested in making this a truly pleasurable experience for the kunoichi prostrating herself before him. No… it does need to hurt a little.

So, he pulls his fingers back and brushes a hand against his Yuki-Onna, the Ice Spirit ceasing her own actions as she brings her arms back and rubs against him from behind again. Edward once again draws his cock forward, once again pushes the tip of his member against Okatsu's asshole… and this time he does not hold back as he thrusts forward, the slightest give enough to make him impale her on his shaft with all his might.

Okatsu cries out, glowing purple eyes going wide as her back arches a bit. He holds onto her firm buttocks as he begins to fuck her with a wild sort of abandon, thrusting in and out like he's fucking her cunt. But he's not, he's taking her up the ass with a ferocity she is clearly unprepared for, her moans accompanied by screams as he fucks her quite painfully. Pleasurably for him of course, but for her, its clear she's not enjoying it. Not for herself, anyways.

"Y-yes, Master! Fuck me! Fuck your worthless k-kunoichi slave's ass! Use me! The pain! The pain tells me I am alive, the agony tells me I have done wrong! I'm sorry Master! I'm sorryyyyy!"

Growling, Edward grips Okatsu's posterior a little harder for a moment. Then, on his next thrust into her asshole, he rears back one hand and then brings it down onto her left butt cheek with a resounding SMACK as he thrusts into her. Okatsu cries out, her entire body shuddering and trembling beneath him, but Edward just repeats the maneuver with the opposite hand and the other butt cheek.

He fucks her like that, up the ass and spanking her back and forth across her derriere for as long as he likes. And slowly but surely, Okatsu adapts. The slutty kunoichi begins to moan under the barrage of blows to her backside, she begins to shriek with pleasure as his plundering of her bowels, his plowing of her anus bring her to climax after climax.

She proves herself to be a true anal whore the more he fucks her, his mind control spell in turn making sure that she becomes exactly what he wants her to be. The perfect tool for his desires, an obedient toy for his pleasure. Growling, Edward finishes things off with a massive thrust deep into her ass, and then he begins to pump a nice thick load of his seed into her bowels, filling her back door up with his cum as she mewls, collapsing entirely, barely able to keep herself upright.

Leaning forward, Edward grabs a fistful of Okatsu's hair and draws the beleaguered kunoichi's head up so that he can murmur into her ear.

"You're mine now slut… now and forever. You're MINE!"

Okatsu can't manage much more than an incoherent moan at that, as she lays there with her ass still in the air, his seed already beginning to leak out from betwixt the cheeks of her derriere. Letting out a pleased sigh, Edward turns to his Yuki-Onna and grins, reaching up to caress her cheek.

"My dear pet… you have never been anything but what I required. This one earned her punishment… YOU have earned your reward."

The Yuki-Onna's glowing purple eyes are filled with nothing but devotion as she softly smiles in turn, nuzzling her face into his palm. Her skin is cool to the touch, but not as cold as it might have been if she were truly using her full power. She's suppressing that frigidity like the good little toy she is, and Edward has no problem pushing the Ice Spirit onto her back, tearing open her already-loose kimono the rest of the way to reveal the entirety of her naked, blue form.

Reaching out, he grabs hold of a beautiful tit, groping and squeezing it. At the same time, he leans down and presses his lips to hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth without an ounce of resistance. Their tongues intertwine together as a result, even as he gropes her and with his other hand, begins to finger her. He finds the Yuki-Onna to be quite wet and not in much need of foreplay, but this is as much for him as it is for her.

The more he touches her, the more he pleasures her, feeling her moans against his lips, swallowing up her mewls with his mouth, the harder he gets. His cock is soon erect once more, nice and ready for another round… and she is that other round. Pushing her long, blue legs apart, placing his cock tip against her pussy lips, Edward growls as he thrusts into the Ice Spirit. Her insides are as cool as her body, not quite chilly, but certainly not like any woman he's ever taken before her.

Not that this is the first time he's had his way with the Yuki-Onna. He'd actually fucked her that first time after she dealt with William for him. Having that constant thorn in his side finally removed had put Edward in the best mood of his life, and he'd satisfied his lusts and his happiness on his Ice Spirit's body, using her as his toy even then.

By now, its old hat to be buried inside of her clenching, squeezing cunt, filling her with his cock, thrusting away as she moans into his mouth. Pulling back, Edward enjoys watching as the Yuki-Onna's face contorts in pleasure the more he fucks her. Both of his hands are on her breasts now, his fingers digging into her blue, shimmering tits as he gropes and squeezes them to his heart's content. In response, she writhes beneath him, squirming this way and that.

He's not even sure she could feel pleasure without the spell he's put over her, the glowing purple light in her eyes giving the Yuki-Onna more of a personality, more of a sense of purpose than anything had before he'd taken her under his control. She was his plaything, and he did not enjoy dead, lifeless toys. So, she was alive, she was lively even, and she was fun to fuck, fun to play with, fun to use to his heart's content.

Sliding his fingers from the Ice Spirit's breasts to her nipples, Edward pinches both between his digits and pulls back, right as he's in the middle of his deepest thrust yet. The Yuki-Onna's eyes go wide and her mouth opens into a nice, big O as she cums on the spot, the orgasm shattering what little composure remained, causing her voluptuous body to shake and spasm beneath him. The Yokai is beauty incarnate, and all his now… so of course, he's going to use her to his heart's content.

Leaning down, Edward begins to ravish the Ice Spirit with his mouth and teeth and tongue, starting at her neck but eventually moving down to her breasts, to one after the other, biting the soft tit flesh, nibbling and tugging at her nipples with his teeth. All the while, he continues to fuck her, continues to use her cunt to satisfy his desires, to pleasure himself as he pounds into her again and again and again. She cums repeatedly, but this like everything else is just for him as well, the spasms and the tightening of her inner walls eventually milking Edward of his release as he fills her womb with his seed, as he pumps a nice, thick load of cum deep into her body.

Only then does he pull back from her chest, from her sprawled, well-fucked form. Looking down at her, Edward nods, well-pleased at the blissed-out expression on the Yuki-Onna's face. Chuckling to himself, he pats her on one of her tits, smacking it a little and causing her to moan and wiggle once more beneath him.

"That's a good girl…"

Then, his eyes slide back around to Okatsu. He's not done with her yet, not done by far. He's not done with EITHER of them.


The sounds of female pleasure and masculine grunts fill the air, as does the ever-present smell of sex. To be fair, they've all been fucking for hours. Edward has taken his two pets and put them both through their paces. They do not have an orifice he has not already enjoyed, there is not a position he has not already fucked them in. Now, he's brought them back out onto the castle's upper floor balcony, where the other ladies had been sleeping.

He's woken them up of course, so that they can watch. Perhaps he'll place them under his spell too and enjoy an orgy with him at the center. Perhaps not. It matters little. Right now, Edward is focused on one thing and one thing only… the unbelievably tight cunt wrapped around his cock. Okatsu, his kunoichi toy and the woman who had been so fiery as to spit at him, is bent over a railing, overlooking the carnage below. The fighting in the castle courtyard is long done by now, and only one Samurai remains standing.

The mighty Tadakatasu Honda stands ready, his weapon in his hands as he waits for an enemy that will never come. Still, if anyone does try to storm the castle, Honda will do as a distraction. For now, though, he is an observer, just as the ladies behind Edward are observers. All of them are forced to watch as Edward takes his pet kunoichi and truly defiles her, desecrating her body.

Beside Okatsu, his Yuki-Onna is also bent over the railing. The Ice Spirit is just resting now, because she'd been fucked first. His seed oozes from her cunt lips yet again, but also from her asshole now as well, the white cum a stark contrast against her blue skin as she just hangs there, resting across the railing, not moving as he's told her to remain where she is for the time being.

Her legs still twitch every once in a while, as the seed oozes from her lower orifices. But that's to be expected. Even now, Okatsu's legs are twitching and shaking and trembling as he fucks her from behind with deep, penetrating thrusts. His hands grip her waist quite harshly, and his cock buries itself in her cunt, slamming up against the entrance of her womb over and over and over again without pause or mercy.

He's beginning to break through now, he can tell. And to think, before all of this, the darling kunoichi had been virginal. That had been unexpected, if Edward were to tell the truth. The first time he'd penetrated her cunt, he had not expected a hymen, nor for her to be so tight. The stories he'd heard of female ninjas, of the dressed up kunoichi… were stories of seduction, not battle. They were stories of knives in the dark, after one had satisfied one's customer.

For Okatsu to not have already spread her legs for another man… it spoke to how much she'd been coddled, how much she'd been sheltered and spoiled, even by the man who'd taught her the ninja arts. But not to worry, Edward had been sure to show her just how to be a proper kunoichi whore over these last several hours. He'd not let a single moment go by without teaching her where she belonged, her proper place in HIS new order.

Even now, she sings his praises, even now she screams out for more, for all the world to hear.

"Yes, Master! Yes! Fuck me harder Master, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeee!"

Grinning ferally, Edward does exactly that. Though he's a little annoyed when the collective terrified sobbing of the women looking on behind him distract from the pleasurable moment. Its not that a woman crying turns him off… its just that a woman supplicating themselves before him is so much more pleasurable. With a growl, the alchemist half-turns and throws out a hand in the direction of the ladies behind him.

One by one, their eyes begin to glow with purple energy. Unlike with Okatsu, taking their minds as his own is a negligible use of his power. They have no true will, not true inner strength. They are women who have been pampered and kept safe all their life, never knowing a day of hardship in the entirety of their respective existences.

As they fall under his control, Edward sneers at them.

"Moan for me, you sluts. Touch yourselves to the sight of me ravaging the kunoichi who was your last hope for safety and show me how much you love seeing her defiled before you."

The group of huddled-together ladies pull apart from one another, no longer needing each other's support. They fall into all sorts of positions, some on their hands and knees, some on their asses, some crouching there like true whores. All of them are quick to pull apart their expensive, gaudy-looking kimonos though. All of them are EAGER to touch themselves as he's ordered, to grab at their own breasts, to finger their cunts.

They're soon moaning for him, just as he commanded, watching him as he goes back to plowing Okatsu's bent-over form, pounding her into the metal railing with all his might. The moans serenade him, where the crying distracted him. THIS is much better. With a feral grin, Edward reaches out and grabs Okatsu by her hair, pulling her head backwards. He slides his fingers on each hand into the side of the kunoichi's mouth and begins to fuck her in this new position even harder than before, while she clings to the railing for dear life and gurgles around his hooked fingers, eyes rolling around in her head.

Her noises sustain him, her cunt's tightening grip entertains him, and her entire body is his, now and forevermore. With that in mind, Edward lets out a shout and finally begins to cum, his last load filling Okatsu's womb, pumping deep into her most sacred of places as she shakes and spasms along his length, gurgling even louder around his fingers, clearly cumming her brains out at the same moment that he's filling her with more of his seed.

Once he's done, he pulls back and releases her, letting the kunoichi slump forward over the railing, moaning pitifully but unable to do much beyond twitch like the Yuki-Onna is doing still beside her. Both of them are bow-legged at this point, even as his cum continues to leak from their holes. For a time, Edward just enjoys the view, as well as the moans coming from behind him. Then he looks down at his messy cock and considers it for a long moment.

He contemplates having the ladies on the ground behind him clean him up, but something about that just isn't fulfilling for him. Instead, a better idea soon crosses his mind. Reaching into his pouch, the alchemist pulls forth a cage, within which a glowing light shines outwards. Wrapping the chain around his wrist, he lifts the cage up and peers at it, a wicked smile spreading from ear to ear as a pair of eyes look back out at him.

"Hello, sweetheart. Come out and play, won't you?"

The light within the small lantern-like cage grows brighter, and then she appears before him. Saoirse, the Guardian Spirit he'd stolen from William Adams, all the way back in the Tower of London. Gods, that'd felt like a lifetime ago. And now he was so very close to his goals.

"W-Where… where is William?"

Edward smirks at that. Of course, the little bitch would be more interested in her previous master than anything else. Her eyes do flick around her to take in the sight of the debauchery he's wrought, but the Aquatic Guardian Spirit is laser-focused on one thing and one thing only… William Adams. Of course, so long as Edward holds her cage, he holds her. She must obey his orders, and until he tells her she's free, she is not truly free. This is merely a little… walk outside of her prison.

As he remains silent for a moment, the alchemist takes the time to truly admire the Guardian Spirit before him. William had been a lucky fellow. Saoirse resembled a Merrow of Celtic Legend, complete with feathered wings and a fish's tail. Her breasts were covered by a star-like top, her head was adorned with wings instead of hair, while the rest of her was distinctly inhuman. And yet… she was beautiful. So very, very beautiful.

She's also still waiting for an answer. Her eyes search his eyes, and Edward's grin widens slightly as he sees the fear building within her.

"He's dead. Can't you tell? Or does my hold over you truly blind you to his circumstances, little spirit?"

Saoirse gasps, her 'hands' coming up to cover her mouth as she rears back in shock. Raising a hand, Edward gestures at her, bringing his fingers in like he's closing a fist, and the Guardian Spirit is pulled close against her will. Tears are gathering in her eyes as he forces her face down to his crotch, rubbing his cock all over her features.

"He's dead, and he's never coming back my dear. You're stuck with me now… and you should get used to obeying your new master. I've got plans for you… such delightful plans."

As he rubs the mess on his cock all over Saoirse's face, the tears do finally begin to fall. This time though, he doesn't mind her crying at all. A woman crying, or a female spirit as it is in Saoirse's case, can be very hot indeed, especially when it's him making her cry. Letting out an evil laugh, Edward grabs hold of one of Saoirse's winged ears, drawing a cry from her as he pushes the head of his cock against her lips.

"Clean me up, cunt. I've had my fun, and now I'm ready to be done with women for the day."

Saoirse's tears only get worse as she begins to obey, streaking down her cheeks. Her face is probably half the size of his entire length, in truth. She's small, smaller than a human by far. But that doesn't stop her from giving it her best show. She sucks on the tip of his large member for a moment, and then slurps and licks along his shaft. Edward watches for a time, his closed fist still holding her, but no longer fully controlling her movement. Instead, he enjoys what she's doing to the fullest, allowing her to somewhat take the reins, though she's still under HIS control.

But not fully. Not mentally, yet anyways. And there's something enjoyable about that. His Yuki-Onna and his new pet kunoichi have been fun, certainly, but breaking this precious Guardian Spirit down and turning her into his own personal cock-gobbler is a different kind of fun, and very much enjoyable in its own right. As he pushes his messy length back and forth across her face, as he watches her small tongue dart this way and that to clean the combined juices from the past several hours off of his shaft, Edward just grins. He grins, and he feels his cock growing hard once again.

"… Huh, guess I was wrong. I'm not quite done yet. You've managed to awaken me one final time."

Saoirse pulls back as far as she can at that declaration, eyes widening with panic as she stares at his erection in burgeoning horror. Chuckling darkly, Edward slides his hand down to between her wing 'ears' and grips the Guardian Spirit's small skull easily, even as he pushes his engorged cockhead against her lips.

"Open wide, slave."

Having no choice in the matter, Saoirse opens wide before the man who'd orchestrated the death of her previous master. He pushes into her small mouth, and watches with perverse delight as her lips stretch beyond what any human could manage, as her throat bulges obscenely the more he forces into it. She doesn't choke, and he's not quite sure that Guardian Spirits like her are CAPABLE of choking… but she's certainly not enjoying having his cock lodged in her throat, not if her teary, hateful gaze is anything to go off of.


She immediately begins to suck him off, even as she continues to sob around his length. Sliding her head back and forth along his shaft, Edward tilts his own head back and groans. This is the moment of his triumph, this is the time of his ascendancy. None stand before him any longer, and in fact, those who remain kneel at his feet, servicing him as they were made to do. This is how it should be. With him on top, and everyone else beneath him.

He uses his one-handed grip on Saoirse's skull to fuck the Guardian Spirit's throat even harder, and though she does not choke or gag on his cock, she does very much gurgle around his member, making quite strange noises the more he fucks her face. Edward watches on, even as he forces the diminutive spirit all the way down to the base of his member, his ball sack actually brushing against her covered-chest and her nose getting buried in his crotch.

He watches, and he enjoys the expressions that cross her face as her 'hands' are left to flail helplessly in the air around them. She can't stop him. She can't help but obey him. There's nothing left for the Guardian Spirit but service to her new master, and he intends to make sure she learns that fact, no matter how long it takes. For now though… with a groan, Edward cums, this time truly for the last time. He pumps a nice, thick load of his seed from his practically empty balls, and he fills Saoirse's tight little throat with it. It goes right down her gullet without her having to so much as swallow, and he watches in amusement as the Guardian Spirit's abdomen actually inflates just a little bit from what he can see.

Then, he pulls out slowly. Very, very slowly. He makes sure every inch of his cock gets sucked and slurped by Saoirse's still-working mouth before finally, the tip of his member pops free of her lips. His length is left looking pristine, save for saliva of course. She'd done the task he set out for her and done it with flying colors. Shit-eating grin across his face, Edward lifts up her cage in his other hand once more. Saoirse' watery eyes flicker to it and then widen, and she's in the middle of beginning to beg when she's sucked back into it.

"W-Wait! I-!"

And then she's gone, trapped once more in the lantern-like prison that he's held her in since he took her from her now-dead master. Bringing it back up to eye-level, Edward smirks as the shrunk-down guardian spirit pounds against the cage bars, no sound coming out… but he knows she can hear him.

"We'll revisit your loyalty soon, my dear. Perhaps if you don't want to go back in once I'm done with you, you can start thinking of me as your new friend. Or not… I couldn't really care."

He sees the impact the words have, as Saoirse shudders in horror and fear and pulls back in on herself, huddling within her prison. Chuckling darkly, Edward puts the cage back in his pouch and then just takes a moment to bask in his surroundings. Edo Castle, Defiled and Broken. Its ladies fingering themselves, molesting themselves for his pleasure, spread out all across the floor behind him.

And before him? The asses of his Yuki-Onna and his kunoichi remain where he left them, both still oozing his seed as he takes them in, a wide smile across his face. Everything has gone according to plan. Victory is his. Of course… there was still the matter of his creator. Now that he was ascendant, now that he was victorious… did he truly need John Dee any longer?

Was it Edward Kelley's place to serve, or his place to rule? Looking out at his surroundings, the alchemist thinks he knows the answer to that. Oh yes, he does.


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