Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Summoning (Original Supernatural)

The Summoning (Original Supernatural)


Themes: Demon Sex, Master/Slave, Transformation

Summary: In which a Cult summons a Demon Lord in spite of the Heroes trying to stop them. And yet, it doesn't quite end how you'd think...


“Ackra! Elunteth! Makora! Fla-!”
“Vile Cultists! We have arrived to put an end to your crimes! Release your innocent sacrifice right this instant!”
“Foolish Heroes! You are too late to stop this! Hold them back! In the name of the Red Skull!”
Picture this. It’s your standard demonic summoning ritual interrupted by a group of heroes. You’ve got the cultists on one side, specifically the Cult of the Red Skull, led by their leader the so-called ‘Red Skull’. His real name is Andrew, but that’s neither here nor there. On the other side, you have the heroes. A bunch of idiot do-gooders who wouldn’t understand the pursuit of magical knowledge and happiness if it bit them on the nose.
Though in all fairness, the girl they were here to save, the virgin sacrifice tied down to the altar at the head of the demonic summoning circle? Well, she was the childhood friend to the heroes’ leader. And also one of the most promising young wizards of their age.
And who was Samantha in all of this? Was she perhaps one of the heroes? Or maybe the virgin sacrifice? Hell, maybe she was even the Red Skull himself? Well, if you can’t take context clues from the gendered identifier, then no, let it be made clear… she was none of those things.
No, Samantha was one of the Cultists with the (mis)fortune of being tied to the summoning ritual itself. Kneeling at one of the points of the pentagram, she can do nothing… literally. At the moment she and three other handpicked cultists are all lending their magical power to the man standing at the pentagram’s star point. The aforementioned Red Skull. Aka Andrew.
… Fuck, Samantha knew she should have cut her losses and gotten out when she could. But no, she’d been so insistent on sticking shit out and getting something from this whole mess. She never should have let Andrew talk her into this, and yet here they both were. As she kneels there, all she can do is watch as the Red Skull Cultists not attached to the summoning ritual directly all rush at the heroes with daggers and clubs and what not.
Despite Andrew’s claims that the party of heroes is too late… that’s far from the case. All they really have to do is reach the circle and slay one or more of her and her fellow mana batteries. Then, the ritual will be disrupted and the demon will not be summoned. They’ll be up shit creek without a paddle… if they aren’t dead outright.
It was her own damn fault, really. Sunk Cost Fallacy at its finest. Andrew had been smart to pick her for this… it was pretty much the smartest thing he’d ever done in fact. When he’d drawn her into his little cult, he’d persuaded her of how necessary and needed she was. He’d made her feel wanted. Desired. Fuck, he’d gotten his hooks in deep, like he knew her darkest desires.
And then he’d used her. And not even in a fun way either. Honestly if he’d actually fucked her, Samantha would probably have been more into it. But no, he’d used her as his personal toady. And then he’d taken all of her hard work and passed it off as his own. All of this, everything that was happening right now… Samantha had been the one to make it happen.
If it wasn’t for her knowledge, her guidance, and her assistance, they would never have gotten this far. Hell, even the virgin sacrifice was an old apprentice of hers! For you see, Samantha was in fact a former teacher of the magical arts. It was where she’d met Andrew in the first place, as well as the girl who they were trying to sacrifice today.
Of course, if Samantha had known at the time that the girl was a childhood friend of a bonafide Hero, she would never have chosen her. But that choice was already made. No take backs. And as the group of heroes fights their way closer and closer to the ritual circle, Samantha feels a sense of finality as she kneels there, quite literally trapped. This was it. This was where she died. This-
Wait, seriously?! Samantha finds herself as startled as the heroes are when Andrew actually manages to complete the ritual.
The summoning circle glows bright red and out of its center rises a Lord of the Hells, standing tall and broad-chested, with the stereotypical red skin, devil horns, massive bat wings and huge-looking claws. As the ritual finishes, Samantha finds herself suddenly free to move around again, slumping there on her knees. She doesn’t really move though because… well, for one, she’s exhausted beyond belief. For two, she’s in awe of Lord Karak’s glory. He’s as deliciously demonic and gloriously dreadful as she’d always imagined he would be.
Aaaand he’s looking right at her. Samantha’s eyes widen as he regards her for a moment. She’s pretty sure she’s seeing things, because she could swear there’s a heartbeat of amusement in those yellow eyes of his. And then the moment is over. Because of fucking Andrew, of course.
“Lord Karak! I am the Red Skull, and I have summoned you to the mortal plane! Please, accept this virgin sacrifice and grant me and my followers but a small taste of your power, so that we might destroy these heroes in your name!”
Speaking of the heroes… Samantha looks over to see them standing their ground but not immediately attacking. Their leader looks particularly frustrated. Which… fair. A Demon Lord was so far beyond any of them that it wasn’t even funny. In fact, Lord Karak was SO much more powerful than them that Andrew was actually being pretty smart in not asking the Demon Lord to kill the heroes outright for them. Such a task was beneath an entity of Lord Karak’s power.
Though… Samantha didn’t appreciate Andrew taking all of the damn credit like that. He might have performed the ritual, but he couldn’t have summoned Lord Karak without her help, damn it! He-
“Mmm… no.”
Wait, what?
“Wait, what?!”
Unknowingly repeating Samantha’s thoughts as words, Andrew sounds utterly befuddled. But then to be fair, everyone in the cavern looks as baffled as he sounds, the heroes and virgin sacrifice all included. Humming to himself, Lord Karak inspects his claws for a moment before huffing.
“I don’t feel like it.”
“But… but I summoned you! I have brought you into this world! How can… how can you just say no?!”
Andrew sounds like he’s on the verge of tears. Samantha would probably be laughing at him, if she weren’t so confused.
“Quite easily, mortal. You summoned me, yes… but you summoned me at the wrong time. This is not when Lord Karak is destined to walk the mortal plane. How you lot managed to get me anyways, I do not know. But because you brought me forth too early, I am not bound to your circle. Likewise… I don’t really have much of a taste for virgin flesh at the moment. I just had virgin for breakfast, truth be told. And this one… eurgh, she has the stink of that Hero over there all over her. She might be virginal, but she’s not pure, that’s for sure.”
“FOUL DEMON! Err… does this mean you’re not going to take Ophelia?”
Oh right, that was the brat’s name. Samantha watches as the heroes’ leader steps forward, lifting his blazing holy sword into the air… and then lowering it in honest confusion. Lord Karak just snorts at him and then waves a clawed hand. In an instant, Ophelia is freed from the altar and gets up, trying to run to the Hero. Andrew tries to stop her, of course.
“No! You-!”
But even as he lunges for her, the Demon Lord they’ve summoned waves a hand… and Andrew burns. He burns QUICK, turning from a screaming man on fire into a pile of ash in just a handful of seconds. Everyone freezes at that display of power, the so-called Red Skull dead, just like that.
“Right. I’m going back to my plane now to await the appointed time. I suspect we’ll see each other again eventually, Hero. Until then… that one will make up for this disturbance.”
That one? But Lord Karak is pointing in her direction. Samantha looks behind herself… but there’s nobody there. Of course, when she turns back around… she’s no longer in the cavern. Instead, she’s kneeling in the center of a demonic throne room at the feet of an amused-looking Demon Lord who stares down at her with knowing yellow eyes.
Samantha is reminded of a simple fact that she probably shouldn’t have ever forgotten in the first place… more powerful demons were notoriously good at dipping in and out of mortal minds. To control and charm them into doing their bidding, yes… but also for the purposes of mind READING.
“Heh. Ah, you’re not too stupid, are you? Figured it out quite quick.”
Lord Karak… knew everything. Including that she was the one who’d really made summoning him before the allotted time possible. Oh she was so dead.
“Mm… don’t worry so much about it. Yes, I’m aware that you were the true brains behind that pathetic little cult. But I don’t blame you. In fact, you should be lauded. Somehow, using your resources, that idiot managed to summon me ahead of schedule. We’ll talk about exactly HOW that happened later. First… I think we both know there’s something you want to ask me.”
… He’s right, she realizes. He’s completely right. Blushing profusely, Samantha… shucks off her cultist robes, revealing her raven-black hair and pale body underneath them. More importantly than that, she reveals her nudity, complete with massive tits, wide hips, and a fat ass still resting on the heels of her feet. As she kneels before the Demon Lord, now naked and laid bare, Samantha finally lifts her gaze, even as she also lifts her tits in offering to Karak.
“Please Lord Karak… please take this worthless mortal as your slave. Treat me as harshly as you like. Use me as a demonic broodmare. Fuck me into a state of insensate, catatonic bliss.”
This was the truth of Samantha the former Teacher of Magic. She was in her thirties and couldn’t find a man for the life of her. Not one that would actually stick with her through thick and thin. All she’d wanted was someone who would stay by her side no matter what… but even joining the Cult of the Red Skull hadn’t gotten her that.
“Very well. Ride me.”
Except that it had, hadn’t it? Moaning wantonly, Samantha climbs onto Lord Karak’s lap. The Demon Lord is easily twice her size and his cock, when it comes out from beneath his codpiece, is huge… she might die if she impales herself on it fully. But Samantha doesn’t care. Not anymore. In awe of Karak’s magnificence, she climbs him like a fucking tree (albeit a very red one) and promptly presses the ridged, somewhat barbed tip of his dick to her slit. Then, she begins to descend down his length.
Moaning, working her hips every which way, and all around pushing herself further and further down his cock, Samantha’s eyes flutter as she impales herself along his shaft. He’s massive, of course. And she can feel him pushing past her cervix and entering her womb. It feels like he’s rearranging her insides… but though it’s slightly painful, it’s a good kind of pain. And she’s not dying. Her insides are not rupturing.
“Heh. You are in Hell now, bitch. You can suffer eternal torments here and not be permanently damaged. If I wanted to, I could rip through your flesh with my cock in an instant… but I’m feeling magnanimous today. So we’ll be nice and gentle for your first time with a demon.”
Samantha almost opens her mouth right then and there to beg him to be as rough as he wants with her. But before she can do so, he grabs her by the waist with one single clawed hand… and begins to thrust her up and down his cock without hesitation, making her eyes widen and her mouth open in a silent scream as pain and pleasure alike rush through her.
On the one hand, she’s never felt fuller or more stretched out in her life. On the other hand, those barbs of his are returning with a vengeance now that she’s no longer sliding DOWN his cock but being slid up AND down it. As she’s dragged back along his ridged barbed member, Samantha howls in agony. But at the same time, it feels so good that she finds herself cumming her brains out.
This is what sex with a Demon Lord is like, isn’t it? This is what she has to look forward to for the rest of eternity. Because there’s no doubt in the busty and pale raven-haired woman’s mind that she’s never escaping Lord Karak. She belongs to him now. Fully and utterly.
“Heh, you’re right about that. Though there might be a place for you at my side, rather than merely at my feet. The more I look into your mind and see how this all came about, the more impressed I am. Your insecurities and shallowness aside, I can appreciate a selfish woman willing to sacrifice others for her own gains. Yes… I think we have the beginnings of a very profitable relationship between us, pet. Though… Samantha is such a boring name. Perhaps I’ll call you Sezzarine from now on.”
Sezzarine. The moment she hears that name, is the moment she knows it’s here. Samantha dies and Sezzarine is born. In an instant, horns sprout from her pale forehead. Wings explode out of her back. And what was once a mortal woman becomes an immortal demon on the spot.
“HAHAHA! Eager little thing!”
Yes. Yes she was. Sezzarine knew this much about her former self… all she wanted was to be desired. It was really that simple. Andrew had half-assed it, but Lord Karak had not. He’d given her the attention she truly wanted… and now she would serve the Demon Lord all too happily for the rest of her days.
Bouncing up and down on his cock, basking in BOTH the pleasure and the pain in equal measure, Sezzarine cries out in agony and ecstasy. The newborn demon throws her head back and moans wantonly as she rides him to kingdom cum… knowing full well that she would follow him to the ends of the Hells themselves if he asked it of her.
… Or perhaps he would send her to corrupt that former apprentice of hers. When the time was right, of course.


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