Devil’s Music

Chapter 137: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

Chapter 137: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

The next day, as soon as Geon finished his morning work, he called Shaun and Damian to the zoo's accommodations. Damian, with his hand in his pocket, looked around the accommodation inside the zoo with an amazed look and said, "Wow, I knew there were keepers' accommodations, but it's my first time seeing it."

Geon chuckled at Damian, who was looking around with curiosity. "Right? It's my first time seeing it too. It's really pretty and nice here, isn't it?"

"Haha, yeah. But the smell is a bit strong."

Shaun remarked, looking at the two of them.

"With so many animals, the smell is inevitable. But hey, Kay. Have you caught something?"

Feeling the urgency of the upcoming performance, Shaun urged. Geon smiled at Shaun's impatience.

"Yeah, I caught it. And it seems like I caught it quite well."

Shaun grinned happily. "Oh! Really? Let's see the sheet music!"

Geon handed over the sheet music with a smile, and Damian, who had been wandering around, also returned to his seat and focused on the sheet music with a serious expression. Shaun read through the sheet music slowly, stroking his chin.

"Hmm... For now, the scales and orchestration seem to be in place. Did you study?"

Geon laughed, pretending his arm hurt.

"I can't even remember how many Debussy scores I transcribed because of that."

With a serious expression, Damian, without taking his eyes off the sheet music, said, "Hmm... Looking at the sheet music, it seems like a typical orchestral score... There's a mute indication for the trumpet? Does it mean to attach a straight mute? To reduce the sound?"

Geon said, taking out a drink from the refrigerator.

"That's right, Damian. I'm trying to minimize the sound of the trumpet to create overall harmony."

Damian licked his lips, deep in thought.

"I've never heard of using a muted trumpet in an orchestra. I can't quite grasp it."

Geon offered him a drink with a smile.

"You won't know until you try. When are the performers you recruited coming?"

"After already arriving. They were given the piano scores first. They should have grasped the essence roughly."

Geon looked at Shaun and asked, "Shaun, have you finished practicing the piece arranged for piano?"

Shaun nodded without taking his eyes off the sheet music.

"Yes. I originally majored in piano. An hour of practice is enough for me. It's also my original piece."

Geon clapped his hands.

"Great! Then let's go to the orchestra today and watch them practice after handing over the sheet music."

As the three of them hurriedly got up from their seats, they found Alice Tully Hall, where the Juilliard Orchestra was practicing, using the car that Damian had brought. Even before entering the hall, they could hear the music flowing from the hall, as over 80 musicians were playing other pieces for the upcoming performance.

The group quietly took their seats in the audience to avoid disturbing the orchestra's practice. Shaun, looking at the stage, chuckled.

"Huh? The conductor is a woman? That's rare..."

Geon looked at the female conductor with black hair from behind and said.

"Why? There are many famous female conductors these days. It's not physically demanding work."

Shaun shook his head.

"That's a misconception. Conducting an entire orchestral score and giving passionate performance instructions require tremendous physical stamina. So, it's still a challenging job for women. Oh, don't misunderstand me. It doesn't mean women are less capable. It's just about physical stamina."

Geon nodded, understanding, and Damian said.

"That's a mistake. Conducting calculations and passionate performance instructions consume a lot of physical energy. So, it's still a tough job for women. Ah, it doesn't mean women are less capable. It's just that physically..."

Geon glanced at Damian, indicating he understood, and then they all turned their heads to the stage, noticing that the orchestra's practice had stopped.

"Oh, it's break time. Let's meet the conductor now."

Geon quickly got up from his seat and ran to the stage. Damian and Shaun got up a bit more slowly and walked towards the stage. As Geon swiftly climbed the stairs to the side of the stage, the female conductor, who was organizing the sheet music, looked at Geon with a surprised expression. The female conductor, in her early twenties with neat black hair tied in a ponytail and snow-white skin like eyes, looked deep with thick eyeliner, and her lips sparkled with pink lip gloss. She looked startled and blushed as she dropped the sheet music she was holding.

Seeing the scattered sheet music on the floor, Geon picked them up one by one and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I startle you by running too fast?"

Picking up the scattered sheet music, Geon smiled and looked at the conductor, who blushed with a flustered expression. The conductor, Sabrina, clasped her hands together and slightly bowed her head, speaking in a voice that sounded like a creeping sound.

"Uh... yes, h-hello."

Sabrina, with her head bowed, couldn't meet Geon's eyes, so Geon awkwardly looked at her. Soon after, Sean, who was walking slowly, spoke to Sabrina.

"Sabrina? I greeted you last time, right? Today, Kay and Damian are here to work together. I'll give you the sheet music and watch the rehearsal."

Looking at Sean standing next to Geon, Sabrina said with a chilly expression.

"Yes, Mr. Lennon. It's been a while."

Sean, who hadn't seen Sabrina's reaction in front of Geon, laughed awkwardly and said.

"You're always so cold. You're a beautiful person; it would be better if you smiled more."

Sabrina glared at Sean with a cold face and said.

"I am not a woman; I am a conductor. Please refrain from such remarks, Mr. Lennon."

Sean raised both hands and smiled.

"Yes, I understand. Sabrina. I apologize. Kay, here's the sheet music."

As Geon stepped forward and handed over the sheet music, Sabrina blushed as she took it with both hands.

"Here you go, Miss Sabrina. I'm really sorry for giving you the sheet music late."

Sabrina said with a slightly flustered expression.

"Oh, no, Kay. It's okay. Um, then I'll..."

Seeing Sabrina hastily grabbing the sheet music and rushing to the waiting room, Geon, looking puzzled, said to Sean.

"What's up with that woman? She's so cold towards me, but she blushes in front of Kay. Anyway, women are..."

Damian, standing behind them with his hands in his pockets, laughed.

"Understandable, Sean. It's because Kay is handsome. Guys like us don't get treated like that. Haha."

Scratching the back of his head, Geon stared blankly at the closed waiting room door.

"Well... she's a bit peculiar. Anyway, we didn't have time to discuss; what should we do?"

Sean muttered with dissatisfaction.

"Her personality is like that, but she's the top student in our department. Professor Leontine Price also praised her, so she must be talented. I'll give you my phone number; if you have any questions, feel free to call, don't worry, let's go eat."

The three of them headed to the restaurant in the school. While Sean was eating diligently, he suddenly received a text message while walking to the restroom.

'Sabrina Molly: I have a question for Kay. Do you know where she lives?'

Looking at his phone, Sean shrugged and sent a message.

'Sean Ono Lennon: Shall I give you her phone number, Sabrina?'

'Sabrina Molly: It's not something I want to ask over the phone. If you tell me where she lives, I'll visit her.'

'Sean Ono Lennon: Ah... well, she has some issues, so if she's still at school, we'll go visit her.'

'Sabrina Molly: Do you not know where she lives?'

'Sean Ono Lennon: No, there's a bit of a problem.'

'Sabrina Molly: I see. I'll contact you again.'

'Sean Ono Lennon: She's in the school cafeteria. You can meet her right away.'

Waiting for Sabrina's reply for over five minutes, Sean, with a puzzled expression, headed to the restroom. When Damian saw Sean coming back from the restroom after a long time, he asked.

"Sean, why were you in the restroom for so long? Is there a problem?"

Sean, sitting back at the restaurant table, dragged his chair and said.

"Oh, no. I was just texting with Sabrina."

"What did she say?"

"She suddenly asked for Kay's address, saying she had something to tell her. I found it odd, so I didn't tell her, but then she ignored my text again with a chilly response."

"Wow? Does that girl really like Kay?"

Seeing Damian's mischievous expression, Geon awkwardly laughed and said.

"Then I guess today's schedule is over? That's good; there's a lot of work to help with at the zoo. I'll go now. If Sabrina contacts you, please let me know."

Geon refused Damian's offer to give him a ride and arrived at the Bronx Zoo by subway. Since it was still operating hours for the zoo, Geon saw many people loitering around and quickly dashed into the zoo. It was because he had left his hat and mask in Damian's car. Gasping for breath as he sat on the sofa, Geon looked up when he heard someone approaching the door. Taylor, who was smiling at Geon, entered the room.

"Oh! Taylor, are you done with work already?"

Geon quickly got up and opened the door, and Taylor smiled as she spoke.

"No, I have a gorilla birth in our section, so I have to go there, but I couldn't find anyone to watch Pie. So I brought her here in case Kay is at the lodge."

Geon smiled as he looked at Pie, who was lying on the floor.

"Yes, I'll take care of her. But is today the day the baby gorilla is born?"

"Yes, mountain gorillas are precious friends from our zoo. We have four pairs of gorillas given to us as gifts from Virunga National Park in Central Africa. Today, the baby born will be the first mountain gorilla born in our zoo."

"Wow! I want to see too. But I guess I can't, haha."

"Yes, but if you wait until this weekend, you can see Kay too."

Taylor said, touching Pie's face as she bent her knees.

"Okay, Pie. Listen to your brother. I'll be back!"

As Geon picked up Pie, Taylor waved her hand and disappeared. Geon went into the room, looking at Pie, and said.

"Okay, Pie~ Let's play with your brother today~"


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