Game, Live Stream

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

“What big words!” Duan Hongzhen scoffed, “Who’s going to die isn’t clear yet!” He rushed towards Lily Marlene.

Then he was beaten back.

Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu attacked at the same time, but soon they were also beaten back.

Lily Marlene smiled from the beginning to end, she didn’t even use any effort, and just laughed and beat Duan Hongzhen and others back one by one.

She was very powerful, extremely powerful. The kind of powerful that was crushing.

Xiao Tangqiu stared at Lily Marlene closely. As a self-aware burden, he naturally would not rush forward and act as cannon fodder when the power gap was so great. He just watched the battle, trying to find any weaknesses and flaws from Lily Marlene, but he couldn’t. Faced with the repeated assaults from Duan Hongzhen and others, Lily Marlene did not even frown.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart sank and a very bad premonition came. Lily Marlene was obviously stronger than Lippinobert and stronger than he had imagined. Even Duan Hongzhen and the others combined were not her opponents at all. The worst was that these fights didn’t even reveal the slightest weakness and flaw in her.

He subconsciously looked at Shen Yuan besides him, but when he saw Shen Yuan frowning with dark eyes, his heart sank further. Even Shen Yuan frowned!

Xiao Tangqiu bit his lip and his thoughts raced. Why did Lily Marlene appear here? According to her statement, she broke the “wall” between the real world and the instance world before she came to the instance world. Because of that, she also abandoned most of her power, but this was obviously not all of it. If only abandoning power and breaking the “wall” could allow her to come to the instance world, why didn’t other demons do this before? Couldn’t they do the same?

The Reincarnation Team had played many S-level instances, but they had only encountered some low-level demons in S-level instances before. Lippinobert and Lily Marlene were obviously far beyond their abilities. Lippinobert was only an impure demon, and although his powers sourced from the demon heart fragments was suspicious, at least he was originally an NPC in the instance world. But Lily Marlene was a high-level demon who came directly to the instance world from the real world... How did Lily Marlene do it?

Xiao Tangqiu had a tense frown. He felt that he had missed a lot of important clues, but his brain was in a mess and it was difficult to sort out his thoughts, so he could only force himself to calm down first.

Why did Lily Marlene pretend to be the Miko of Kisaragi Shrine? Did the Miko of Kisaragi Shrine really exist? Clearly, Lily Marlene pretended to be a Miko to confuse them all along to use their hands to get rid of the mountain god of Hundred Ghost Town and Hundred Ghost Village. So why did Lily Marlene get rid of the mountain god? And why couldn’t she do it herself?

The most important question was if her goal was their instance mission or to get rid of the mountain god?

Thinking of this, Xiao Tangqiu was suddenly startled. If Lily Marlene confused them and led them to kill what they shouldn’t kill, would their instance mission be counted as a failure?

At this moment, a familiar and cold system voice suddenly sounded in his ear, “...Congratulations, dear players, for triggering the Super S-level hidden mission,

The Witch’s Tribute. Your mission task is ???, time limit is ??? days, you will get 1,000,000 points and special rewards after the mission is completed...”

Regardless, Lily Marlene’s overpowering strength made him doubt whether they could return to the City of the Abyss in the form of mission failure.

But what concerned Xiao Tangqiu the most was that the system did not prompt them whether the mission was completed. Although they solved the issue of the mountain god, the S-level instance’s mission did not seem to be over... Was Lily Marlene also part of their task? Or was it that their original mission task was only the Mountain God, but after Lily Marlene stepped in, another task was added?

Wait! He remembered that their original mission goal was “escape from Hundred Ghost Village”! If the issue of Lily Marlene was not resolved, they would never escape from Hundred Ghost Village!

The more Xiao Tangqiu thought about it, the more anxious he felt. At this moment, Shen Yuan finally made a move. He took out the silver gun, pointed it at Lily Marlene, and fired!

The gunshot rang out and Lily Marlene smiled without moving!

Everyone was shocked. They had never seen anyone who was not afraid when Shen Yuan shot. Lily Marlene was not only not afraid, she was very calm.

Shen Yuan’s bullet pierced Lily Marlene’s body in an instant. Lily Marlene not only did not turn into a black hole like the low-level demons, but actually absorbed Shen Yuan’s bullet!

Xiao Tangqiu stared with wide eyes as Lily Marlene raised her eyebrows, “Thank you for giving me energy. Although it is not much, it still feels quite good.”

Shen Yuan’s bullets had no effect on Lily Marlene!

Not only that, the demonic energy contained in the bullet was absorbed by Lily Marlene!

Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened and he put away the gun. He obviously realized that no matter how many shots he fired at Lily Marlene, she wouldn’t hurt or itch, and could even absorb his bullets to increase her powers.

“Why don’t you continue?” Lily Marlene chuckled, “I’m even counting on your bullets to restore a little more demonic energy...”

Shen Yuan would naturally not shoot after her words. But if he did not shoot, Lily Marlene would not let him go.

Duan Hongzhen’s group of three had fallen down one after another. Lily Marlene’s sight swept across Shen Yuan, Xiao Tangqiu, Tang Mianmian, and Xue Junli, and then rushed straight towards Shen Yuan.

Xiao Tangqiu first breathed a sigh of relief for not being the target for the first time in this instance, and then he became worried for Shen Yuan. Although Shen Yuan was very powerful, his attacks did not seem to be very effective against Lily Marlene. He couldn’t help turning to ask Xue Junli, “Can Shen Yuan beat her?”

Xue Junli said coldly, “I believe Lily Marlene should be a pure-blood natural born demon, an Arch Demon. Her power comes directly from the Abyss Demon.”

Xiao Tangqiu sucked in a breath, “Pure-blood Arch Demon? Had the Abyss Demon broken through the ‘wall’ and come to the instance world years ago?” A pure-blood demon lineage could only be granted directly and Lily Marlene was an NPC in the instance world. This proved that the Abyss Demon had come to the instance world before!

Xue Junli spoke mildly, “This is not surprising, otherwise how could Shen Yuan encounter the Abyss Demon in the Super S-level instance?”

Xiao Tangqiu was taken aback. Although he had wondered about this before, he never thought about it in depth, “But...”

“I understand what you mean. Rest assured, even the Abyss Demon can’t come and go freely in the instance world,” Xue Junli frowned, “By my guess, a demon as powerful as the Abyss Demon can only cross over to the instance world by the ‘sacrifice’ approach.”

“Sacrifice?” Xiao Tangqiu was dumbfounded again.

“The demon cultists in the instance world use their lives, souls, or other sacrifices to summon demons,” Xue Junli said with a frown, “Haven’t you seen it before? Lippinobert tried to summon Lily Marlene this way, but he probably failed.”

Xiao Tangqiu understood, “Lippinobert failed, but Lily Marlene succeeded by herself?”

“Demons are very good at seducing and deceiving people. As long as there is darkness, there will be their followers,” Xue Junli did not refute it and even put forward his own guess, “Maybe the real Miko Kisaragi is a demon cultist and she also called Lily Marlene to come to this world!”

Xiao Tangqiu understood thoroughly. Maybe Miko Kisaragi really was Miko Kisaragi at first, not the witch Lily Marlene. Otherwise Shen Yuan would have discovered something wrong with Kisaragi!

Under the guidance of Lily Marlene, Kisaragi led them step by step to end the mountain god she once devoutly believed in while she completed the sacrifice to Lily Marlene without their knowledge. By sacrificing her own body, soul, and power of the mountain god, she finally successfully summoned Lily Marlene to the instance world!

It’s ridiculous! As a devout Miko, Kisaragi sacrificed her mountain god and summoned a demon from another world!

No wonder Miko Kisaragi needed to borrow their hands to get rid of the mountain god. It was actually an important part of summoning Lily Marlene’s descent! They actually personally summoned Lily Marlene to the instance world!

Xiao Tangqiu finally understood why Xue Junli’s expression was so serious. Xue Junli had clearly thought of this a long time ago. They had completed the sacrifice to Lily Marlene by themselves!

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “...It seems that we were just playing in the palm of her hands.”

Xue Junli said coldly, “Demons are cunning and good at deceiving people’s hearts. Even though we were full of vigilance towards her from the beginning, and always remained very vigilant towards her, we still fell into her trap.”

Xiao Tangqiu nervously watched the situation, “Isn’t there some way we can deal with her?”

The fight between Shen Yuan and Lily Marlene continued. Both sides did not use weapons, only using the most primitive fighting technique to fight hand-to-hand. At this moment, Lily Marlene grabbed Shen Yuan’s neck.

She gave a cold laugh, “Too weak. You don’t deserve his power... Obediently become part of my power!”

Lily Marlene choked Shen Yuan’s neck tightly and a visible black demonic power rushed from Shen Yuan’s body to her’s. She was absorbing Shen Yuan’s demonic energy!

All of this happened too quickly. In an instant, Shen Yuan’s complexion became pale, his eyes became colder and darker, and large black mysterious tattoos appeared on his neck.

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