God's Eyes

Chapter 100 - Five

After eating, Jason went to his room, where he decided to calm himself down by reading through the [Weightless Steps] manual.

In the beginning, he was still thinking about his scarcity of soul energy but after reading the first few pages of the tiered movement skill in front of him, Jason felt like he was bewitched.

To his surprise, the Weightless Steps skill seemed to be a sub-form of the Floating sky skill Jason had copied.

Reading through the manual within a few hours, Jason was certain that he would be able to reach a terrifying speed with this skill, once he reached a certain degree of mastery with it.

Maybe he would even be able to use the copied mana circulation with some modification into the `Weightless Steps` technique, but that had to wait for some time.

First, Jason had to practice the original technique and he would have left to the combat area if his soul energy wasn't close to being completely replenished

Only around one hour was left according to his estimation.

As such Jason, he to enter the video uploading platform Celetube to watch some videos.

He was slightly embarrassed when he clicked on the videos... If anyone saw him right now, it was very likely that he would be laughed at.

He was looking at brading videos because the Heaven′s Hell technique alone couldn't give him the visible support in order to understand how to braid.

Only the descriptions alone were way too complex for Jason to understand and comprehend as his hair was relatively short without him being able to practice brading.

Jason watched multiple videos and even rewatched some to imprint the details into his mind when his soul energy was completely reproduced.

Now, his concentration would have to do all the work as Jason steeled his heart before he entered the soul world.

Only a short moment later, he stood in front of the stable floating soul world with the soul energy liquid buzzing around vigorously.

Taking a deep breath he divided his soul energy into five equal sections.

This alone took Jason already three minutes to forcefully calm down the vigorous soul energy that buzzed around.

Luckily Jason′s mind was already refined and his will strong enough to hold out the strenuous work.

Numbering the sections in his mind would help him keep the track of the whole process before he even began.

The strand at the leftmost was his number 1 while the one next to it was number 2 until he reached section number 5.

Jason placed the soul energy strand 1 over strand 2 and under strand 3, while strand 5 was placed over strand 4 and under strand 1.

This was just the first step and Jason was already confused if he did the right thing but doubting himself would hurt him more than helping himself.

Now the soul energy strand 1 was at the sideways angle, near strand 5. After passing strand 5 over strand 4 he passed it under strand 1.

Jason smiled lightly seeing the ground fundament of a braid forming while sweat poured out of his pores.

After foolishly smiling, Jason placed strand 2 over strand 3 and under strand 5.

It looked like strand 5 was now the second to the left and Jason repeated the same basic process with strand 2, that he used at the beginning of the braiding.

He made sure to pass a strand over first and under second, as it was said to be the pattern of the five-strand braid.

After taking a deep breather, Jason felt mentally exhausted.

He placed strand 4 over strand 1 and under strand 2 and it is now closest to strand 1 and strand 2. Moving strand 1 to strand 2, Jason made sure to weave strand 4 over and under.

Jason continued this pattern until he reached the end of the soul energy strands and he wondered how the hell he finished it without failing a single time.

(Author Note: Should be right xd)

But somehow it worked and Jason smiled bitterly.

It was much easier for him to control the single Five-Strand after he finished braiding.

The soul energy five-strand helix was roughly 10 centimeters long but at least three-times thicker compared to the commonly used helix.

His mind was racing and he could hear his heart thumping loud, while he forced himself to inject the five-strand helix into his soul world core.

The pain of forcing a thick and more solid soul energy strand into his soul world core was multiple times more painful than the mosquito bite, the common helix gave him.

It was a shorter process but definitely more painful.

A few seconds passed before the searing pain in his mind lessened considerably, while Jason was forced out of the soul world.

His whole concentration was used up and Jason was lying in his bead, sweating severely.

The only thing he had to find out right now was how long the whole process took him.

Gazing at the clock of his holographic screen around 90 minutes seemed to have passed, which was shorter than he expected for his first try.

After getting to know that, Jason couldn't control his body anymore as his mind entered the dreamworld it longed for.

The sun was already up when Jason woke up.

Looking at the clock it was already 9 am.

It took him quite a while until he remembered what he did the day before at night.

Once he remembered Jason immediately entered his soul world.

Sensing the reproduced energy, Jason thought for a second before a smile appeared on his face.

One single practice of the Heaven′s Hell technique brought him slightly more than 0.1 soul energy.

Practicing the technique three times a day would give him at least 0.3 soul energy, and this was for the first week.

Maybe he could push it up to 0.4 for the second week.

If Artemis waited for two whole weeks, Jason′s soul energy would increase from 11.2 units he had now to 15.9, which was a huge difference.

With the amplification from Artemis's evolution, Jason was confident in reaching the needed requirement for a low-awakened beast.

Jason could endure the pain from the five braided soul energy helix because of the devilish valkyrie-shield fruit′s torture.

Comparing these pain of both was unnecessary as the result was obvious.

Only Jason′s concentration would need time to adjust to controlling five strands at once but that would be fine after multiple tries.

He was confident in doing so.

Now with his completely reproduced soul energy, Jason wanted to practice the Five-strand braided helix once again.

Slightly less than 90 minutes passed and Jason was again on his bed without enough strength to stand up.


He was craving food but he was unable to stand up.

It took him almost 20 minutes until he could barely stand.

Staggering down, Greg greeted him, while Jason′s mind was solely focused on the fridge as he lamented about his empty spatial storage.

Opening the fridge, Jason took out a few sausages and Jason sighted some toast next to the fridge and picked the whole package up.

Jason scarfed down everything, while Greg looked at him with astonished eyes.

`What's wrong with him??` He thought when he remembered that he was about to practice his combat skills.

"Hey Jason, let's spar again!" Greg asked Jason, without letting him gulp down all the food he prepared.

Jason was joyful about his successful second try in practicing one of the most difficult helix′s of the Heaven's Hell technique′s second level and it was a feat to be proud of when Greg threw him out of his train of thoughts.

Before he could even answer, he was dragged out by Greg, like he himself did only a few days before.

It felt like a deja vu and Jason′s eyes looked longingly at the sausages and toasts that were still on the table, close, yet far away.

But there was nothing, Jason could do about it and he was also expectant to test out his newly acquired movement skill.

Maybe he could overwhelm Greg with it and win his first fight!!!

But almost immediately after Jason thought that his mana eyes detected something different on Greg.

"D-Did you break into the 4th- Adept rank?" Jason asked slightly hesitating.

`What if he doesn't restrict his mana core rank anymore?... Ahh nevermind that`

Jason was comfortable with Greg and he believed his friend wouldn't kill him or heavily injure him.

From what Jason knew about Greg, he was rather guys with Fairplay principles who wanted to improve his technique rather than bullying the weaker opponent.

As such, Jason was confident that Greg would at least restrict his mana core strength to the 9th Novice rank or at most the 1st Adept rank.

"Ohh..haha... Yes, yesterday!" He said, not even trying to cover his pride expression.

Suddenly the two boys saw Malia absorbing mana in the backyard with her soul beasts around her when Jason′s eyes detected yet again something.

"G-Greg!!! Your sister also broke through... She is already at the 2nd Master rank...and only 16 years old. Woah... Her aptitude must be extremely good." Jason praised and he already forgot that he hadn't praised Greg, who looked at his sister jealousy.

He swore to himself, that he would be stronger than her in the future while thinking about the first soulbond that was better than Malia′s

Laughing inwardly, Greg continued to drag Jason to the combat arena, before he could avert his gaze.

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