God's Eyes

Chapter 105 - The Knowledgable

"Passing all exams with 100%?" Antalia looked at the golden-eyed youth in front of her with a ridiculing smile

"Passing one exam with 100% is already extremely challenging for our best apprentices but passing all three without making a single mistake? Don′t make yourself a laughing stock with empty words. Learning for a single Artisan exam within one week is already though...Don′t overestimate your abilities!"

Antalia said with a serious voice and she was obviously not pleased with Jason′s

"But, WHAT IF I can do it?" Jason resolutely asked, without listening to her words.

Seron also looked at Jason as if he was asking to get beaten up or punished.

He would not receive any rewards because he wasn′t included in the statistics because he learned about the basic occupations since birth.

Furthermore, he didn't have the ambition to learn a lifestyle-occupations as his mana channels gave him enough work to do.

Seron would probably receive a high score for all tests and one or two 100%, but being able to receive full marks for all exams would be even hard for him if a nasty question were to come up.

Jason looked confident on the outside but nobody knew how his insides looked and if they knew he was as confident on his inside as he was on the outside they would be questioning his sanity.

Even Till looked at Jason as if he was an idiot but Jason didn't mind the onlookers.

He was only looking at the fair-skinned busty woman who returned his gaze.

She saw ambition, determination, and confidence in his eyes which caused her to gulp down her anger because it was obvious that Jason took this seriously.

"If you can pass all three exams with 100%, I′ll give you a copy of my "book of experiences".

Inside this book, all recipes I′ve learned are written down, including the things I′ve gone through while brewing."

Jason listened carefully but he wasn't really sure how much of a reward her book of experience was.

However, everyone sitting inside the assembly hall was shocked as they began to gossip.

This told him, that it was definitely nothing cheap and if he knew that reagent recipes were extremely expensive, he would know that her reward was worth more than a few billion credits…

Not many Artisans would sell their occupational diary to others and if someone did, the prices would soar to the billions within seconds during an auction.

Receiving first-hand experience was important as the basic lifestyle-occupations could be dangerous and reagent recipes couldn′t be purchased by everyone except grade-1 healing reagents.

Jason knew for example that the price for paralyzing reagents were not expensive solely because of their material costs as their selling price would bring in more than 20 times the material costs in profit.

These reagents were so expensive because of the astronomically high prices for regent recipes, the uncountable failure rate, and the investment one paid while learning the basics.

Antalia looked at Jason with a proud face but she frowned when she noticed that the youth in front of her wasn't even slightly impressed.

Never would she know that Jason wasn't aware that the book of experience from Rank 4 was worth a lot.

She thought he ridiculed her indirectly which caused her to fume in anger.

Provoked by his nonexistent reaction, she thoughtlessly blurted out anything she wanted without considering what she did.

"In addition, I′ll give you the chance to make a request at the Artisan tower in Cyro-City"

However, when she noticed what she said, it was already too late and she could barely add

"Under the condition that you pass all aptitude tests"

Before the whole assembly hall went wild.

With this being said, Jason′s curiosity was finally picked up

`Making a request in the Artisan tower could mean almost anything, either crafting a mana gathering platform at home or crafting him mana or even a soul weapon but also a mysterious potion, if a high-ranked Artisan that was capable to fulfill the requirement was present`.

He knew that the Cyro city Artisan tower had a Rank 5 Blacksmith that was said to be infinitely close to the 6th Rank.

As such, he could craft Mid Grade-3 weapons and also mana and soul weapons but that was not was made Antalias' statement so foolish.

If she allowed him to make a request for almost everything, he could also ask for guidance from this Rank 5 blacksmith or even worse, asking him to take him as disciple and Antalia could only slap herself for being foolish and stupid.

But what said, was said and it would harm the reputation of the Artisan-tower if she would take back her words, as she was representing the whole Artisan tower at this moment.

`Arghhh I′m so stupid!!` she thought and Jason smiled lightly while asking himself what kind of things he could request at the Artisan tower.

However, it would be extremely difficult to pass all three aptitude exams and Jason was aware of that fact.

Till quieted down everyone with another snap and Antalia tried to not mind Jason anymore.

Turning away she tapped on the holographic screen in front of her as a holographic screen appeared out of their tables, where one had to write down his or her data to enter the exams.

After login in the exams immediately started and there was no time to waste

Almost everyone's credentials and financial status were on the line as nobody would ever want to graduate from school with debts.

A silent pressure permeated through the whole assembly hall and everyone's concentration heightened.

Jason entered his data before looking at the first file which was about inscribing and runemasters overall.

Only a few minutes passed and Antalia was looking through the rows of students and she saw many despaired youths.

In her opinion the questions weren't that hard, only the large section of topics to learn was more difficult including a few in-depth questions.

Learning for the most basic exam like this would at most take 1 month but considering the time-span of one week, she hoped that at least a few good seedlings would be able to enter her eyes.

Among the frowning youths, she saw one particular caused her to almost laugh in joy.

Jason, the handsome youth that was so full of himself, was frowning when only a few minutes passed.

She almost couldn't contain her laughter and it took her a while to calm down.

Upon inspecting Jason closer with mana amplified her eyes she noticed that Jason was neither sweating nor showing signs of being afraid to amass a huge amount of debts which wondered her.

Seeing Jason writing down answers consistently, she thought that he was guessing the answer without thinking about the right answer.

His answers were too fast for someone who had only a single week to memorize everything and she lost interest in Jason after a short amount of time.

One could say Antalia was disappointed because she somehow hoped that she would find a hidden gem.

Considering that she was forced to join as lecturer for the weakest affiliated Vanguard-school, she was in an unpleasant mood since the beginning and Jason caused her to feel slightly better.

She wouldn't really lose anything if she had to send Jason a copy of her book of experience.

Furthermore sending such a file to a genius who learned for all three basic exams and could pass them with flying colors within a week wouldn't be a bad trade to gain some trust.

If his mana-mastery was extremely good and he could pass the alchemy aptitude test, she would immediately try to lure him as her disciple.

With this, she might even be able to gain a decent amount of fame and reputation as a prodigy′s teacher.

She had that dream for a decent amount of years already, like many other artisans, but the truth was that it never really worked out and if it did, higher-ranked artisans would lure their prodigious disciples over, saying that they nurtured them.

Antalia had seen many cases like that and it was always sad to see gentle and innocent children drawn into the scheming of others

Without anyone knowing, six hours passed and more than half of the students were still sitting in front of their exams with most of them showing desperate expressions.

Some of them even began crying because they couldn't answer most questions.

Figured out that there was no way for them to pass the theoretical exam, their mind was devastated.

This meant they had to pay back the costs of all filled books, which would amass to a huge fortune.

Would they be able to pay everything back before they graduated from school by doing school-missions? Probably not!

Most students that only picked a single lecture to attend had long since gone and it was not difficult to figure out if they passed or not due to their joyous mood, as most hadn′t fallen for the schools′ scheming.

Jason was still writing his answers at a fast pace and it looked like his writing speed hadn′t changed since the beginning.

Only a few minutes after the 6th hour passed, Jason sent the files to the AI.

The AI would correct the exams within 5 minutes and he decided to lift his head in order to look out for the Rank 4 Alchemist′s reaction.

After five minutes, Jason got a notification and the three exams were sent to him, but he didn′t look at his score and continued gazing towards the busty woman, who also received a notification.

Every file that passed the exam would be sent to the head lecturer, which was in this case Antalia.

Previously Ms.Sharon hadn′t looked at a single notification she got which left a few students wronged as they tried to show of their knowledge in front of the three Artisans.

However, nobody didn′t care about that at all.

But right after she got the last notification, she felt weird as if someone wanted something from her.

It was uncomfortable and she felt naked in front of the unknown gaze.

Turning around she saw Jason staring at her and when both looked into each other's eyes, Jason smiled, while pointing at his own quantum watch.

Antalia had a bad premonition rising up inside her as she immediately opened up the last notification she received, only to see something pleasant and unpleasant at the same time.

[Jason Stela: Grade-1 Class:54 Rank:224

Basic-Alchemy apprentice Exam→ 100%

Basic-Blacksmithing apprentice Exam→ 100%

Basic-Runemaster apprentice Exam→ 100%]

Her jaw hit the ground and a "What?!!" was screamed out unconsciously, waking up all students out of their focus.

Jason liked her reaction and knew that he passed the exams with 100%, so he stood up and left the assembly hall, without minding Ms.Sharon′s burning eyes following her, even though they felt extremely unpleasant.

Goosebumps spread over his skin and if Jason didn't know better he would think that Antalia wanted him to take of his clothes and do something to him, as her burning eyes burned with desire.

Her eyes followed the black haired youth, who looked no older than 14 as she questioned herself, how it was possible to learn for three basic apprentice exams at the same time within a week.

To add on, Jason had used two hours for every exam which was one hour less than planned for every exam.

Previously she scanned Jason′s mana core and now, this information combined with everything else was more shocking to her than seeing a Rank 5 Artisan.

But never would she have known that Jason′s memory was so good because he refined his brain in order to split his mind.

Without that, it would be impossible for Jason to score 100% in every exam.

Rather than that, it would even be difficult for him to pass all exams at once, as the required knowledge consisted of a wide range.

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