Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 103 - 103: Fighting Spirit

Chapter 103: Chapter 103: Fighting Spirit

Translator: 549690339

After replying to the invitation email, it was already late in the night.

“We should rest early.” Qin Lang let out a tired stretch, looking at the two Food Spirits, “Spicy, are you going into the Star Vein to rest?”



Spicy shook its head adamantly.

Earlier, when Dan Bao was showing it around at home, it mentioned that it sleeps with Qin Lang every day.

It didn’t want to go into the Star Vein!

It wanted to sleep with Qin Lang too!

“Alright then.” Qin Lang laughed, rising from the sofa and heading towards the washroom, “Let’s go brush up, and then we’ll all sleep together.”

For some reason, he made the assumption.

Future Food Spirits might be influenced by Dan Bao and dislike entering the Star Vein.

“Invitation to the beef tasting banquet, huh…”

In another location in Dongxia City, Lei Ke leaned against a window in a quiet room, reading the new email he had just received, lost in thought.

This trip to Dongxia City had exceeded his expectations.

He originally intended to win the Dongxia City Cooking Competition and get his second Second-Level Food Recommender Badge and used the Zhen Niu Pavilion’s Beef Tasting Banquet as an opportunity to aim for another Second-Level Food Recommender Badge from another city.

But things didn’t go as planned. In the end, the emergence of Qin Lang robbed him of the championship.

However, the Beef Tasting Banquet was still crucial to attend.

On one hand, not only people from Dongxia City were invited to the Beef Tasting Banquet, but also excellent Spirit Chefs and Food Recommenders from nearby cities. If he could connect with them, it would pave the way for him in unfamiliar cities.

This could aid his subsequent acquisition of other Second-Level Food Recommender Badges.

On the other hand, the Beef Tasting Banquet was also a platform for Spirit Chefs to show off their skills.

Fu Hang would present the top-grade beef and personally cook it for the guests to enjoy.

But other Spirit Chefs also had the opportunity to handle top-grade beef, and the dishes they cooked would be given to the guests for tasting, providing a chance for a face-off.

And three days later, Qin Lang would appear on that stage.

Lei Ke might be able to accept failure, but that doesn’t mean he was willing to fail.

Get up where you fall.

In the Beef Tasting Banquet three days later, he would duel with Qin Lang again.

After replying to the email, Lei Ke stretched lazily and headed back into his room.

“Better get an early night’s sleep tonight, need to keep pushing tomorrow.”

Early the next morning, Qin Lang was rudely awakened by the ring of his phone.

The top-grade ingredients he’d redeemed had arrived.

The news dispersed his sleepiness instantly, and he leaped from bed, hastily washed up, and went to receive them with the two excited Food Spirits in tow.

Five kilograms of top-grade black tiger shrimp, ten breeds of top-grade hairy crabs, a kilogram of top-grade fresh matsutake, and a custom set of ten non-local specialty fungi.

This was everything Qin Lang had exchanged for using 10 points.

The items weren’t many, but they were all of excellent quality and hard to come by in the local Food Material Market.

Plus, there was another kilogram of beef short ribs left from last time…

As Qin Lang arranged all these ingredients on the table in the living room, he couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

It’s said that even the cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice.

Looking at these high-grade ingredients, his DNA was stirred.

“We definitely can’t finish all this today, we should divide it up…” While he was talking, Qin Lang divided the ingredients, “We can go for another picnic at noon, and this time let’s finish off the remaining beef short ribs!”


Beef short ribs!

Dan Bao swallowed, the scene of the last picnic where it and Qin Lang experimented with various barbecue methods popping into its mind.

That’s right, Spicy hasn’t tasted it yet!

Excitedly, it huddled up next to Spicy.

“Gududu lulu~”

Let me tell you- Picnics are such fun…

Under Dan Bao’s description, even the normally indifferent Spicy couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

It sounds, so amazing!

“We found the pound of beef short ribs to be a bit insufficient last time, and this time we’ve added Spicy, so we need to prepare more.” Qin Lang glanced at the other ingredients that had just arrived, and couldn’t help reaching over to touch the fresh matsutake mushrooms packed in the bag.

Each of the four matsutake mushrooms was over fifteen centimeters in length. Qin Lang had never seen such large matsutake in his previous life. When he saw that they only needed three Cooking Competition Points to redeem, he did not hesitate at all.

He peeled off the layers of cling film and picked up a matsutake, which still had the fresh scent of soil, rubbing it against his face. A sense of bliss crossed Qin Lang’s face.

“We’ll use two at noon! Let’s try grilled matsutake!”


Is this thing really tasty?

Watching Qin Lang’s action, Spicy blinked his eyes and looked at the matsutake with curiosity.

It looks very ordinary?

“You’ll know once you try it.” Qin Lang gave a mysterious smile, put the matsutake down, and then turned to look at the big bag of various mushrooms next to it, “We’ll leave these ten types of mushrooms.”

For the ‘Ten-Mushroom Bundle’ worth two points, Qin Lang chose ten types of fungi that do not exist on Earth.

Rather than tasting, it’s better to say that he wants to familiarize and study them.

He’ll cook them later to see what they taste like.

If they taste good, they might become part of future dishes.

“Hairy crabs are not suitable for outdoor picnic use, we’ll save them for later.”


No crabs for the picnic…

Hearing this, Dan Bao, who was expecting some, immediately showed a disappointed expression.

It thought it could eat a lot of crabs!

“Don’t worry, when we come back tonight we can make the hairy crabs into a delicious dinner.” Qin Lang ruffled Dan Bao’s head.


Will it be Crab-Stuffed Orange?

Dan Bao suddenly raised his head, its expression turned from disappointment into surprise.

It still remembered the wonderful taste of the last time.

“No.” Qin Lang shook his head, turned to Spicy who was curious and smiled, “I plan to make another delicacy tonight, it’s called Crab Roe Fried Rice.”

Crab Roe Fried Rice?

Spicy and Dan Bao blinked, looked at each other, and then showed a look of anticipation.

It sounds delicious.

“Five pounds of black tiger shrimp is quite a lot, we can’t eat them all in one meal, we can save some for tonight.” Looking at the black tiger shrimp, each one as big as his own palm, Qin Lang considered for a moment, “There are many ways to eat black tiger shrimp.”

“We can remove the vein, skewer them on an iron stick, and make them into grilled shrimp.”

“We can also make them into shrimp slides and grill them on a semi-spherical grill.”

“If we bump into the old man who was selling oranges last time, we can buy some oranges and make Orange Flavored Shrimp for you in the evening.”

“We can also…” As Qin Lang spoke, he divided the shrimp into portions for the lunchtime picnic and the rest to be eaten later.

Meanwhile, Dan Bao and Spicy had unconsciously shed tears of anticipation from the corners of their mouths while listening to Qin Lang’s explanation.

All these delicacies sound so delicious!

I want to eat…

“Alright! Let’s finish the advance preparation for the picnic, then we can set off!”


I will take care of the food preservation!


I’ll hasten the cooking!

Both Food Spirits cheered and followed Qin Lang into the kitchen to start the preparations for the picnic.

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