Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 110 - 110: Storms

Chapter 110: Chapter 110: Storms

Translator: 549690339

When Jiang Bai saw the orange flavored shrimp appearing in various angles on the screen, and being devoured by the two food spirits with much gusto, he painfully clutched his stomach.


Midnight poison!

Not good! I can’t suffer alone!

Jiang Bai turns to post the video link in his fan group, then promptly turns on do-not-disturb mode, completely ignoring the outraged voices that explode in the group a few minutes later.

“I’ll consider it a way of bringing traffic for Chef Qin.”

Looking at Qin Lang’s fan count changing with each refresh, Jiang Bai chuckles.

Oh yes!

Almost forgot to like!

Jiang Bai raised his hand to like Qin Lang’s video.

“Eh? The dove has a new video?”

A young man is sitting at home, eagerly opening a new video posted by an up host he follows, and starts watching.

He is a die-hard fan of the D site up host “Want to Drink Dove Soup”, also known as Jiang Bai. He particularly enjoys his video style.

Looking at the start of the video, the young man couldn’t help mumbling, “This place called Willow River Park, the scenery is quite good! If I have the chance to go to Dongxia City, I’ll have to check it out.”

Following that, he saw the encounter between Jiang Bai and a spirit chef named Qin Lang.

“Dongxia City Cooking Competition champion?” Curiosity filled the young man’s face, “I wonder how much better his cooking is than mine?”

“It’s a pity I’m not in Dongxia City, otherwise I could let the dove taste my skills!”

After watching Jiang Bai taste the food cooked by Qin Lang, the young man sniffed, “After all, I am also a magnificent spirit chef!”

He continued watching the subsequent evaluations until the video ended.

As usual, he liked the video, then opened the silent fan group, wanting to see what other fans thought of the new video.

However, he quickly realized that many fans were angrily admonishing Jiang Bai.

Seeing the disjointed chat records, the boy sighed.


It took him a while to see the start of everyone scolding the dove.

It was a video link that the dove had shared in the group.

Upon opening the video, the young man quickly recognized the host of the video as the person who had appeared in the dove’s new video just now.

The Dongxia City Cooking Competition champion named Qin Lang?

His interest piqued, he started to watch patiently.

Seeing the dish called ‘orange flavored shrimp,’ the boy couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

It looked very tasty.

It seemed there were oranges and shrimp at home. Should he try to replicate it?

The boy decided to act immediately; he followed this account nicknamed “Traveler,” then put his phone down and dashed to the kitchen.

After dropping the video in the fan group, Jiang Bai refreshed Qin Lang’s homepage, then returned to the backstage, continuing to interact with his fans.

She had no idea just how terrifying her fans were.

Blaming her didn’t work, so one of the fans in the group said, “We can’t be the only ones to suffer,” and everyone spontaneously started to share Qin Lang’s video.

A played ten, ten played a hundred.

As the champion of the Dongxia City Cooking Competition, Qin Lang, whose account was not yet verified, had it massively shared and his fan count started to rise rapidly.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Bai, who was interacting with her fans until she got a bit tired and was preparing to sleep, had her phone shook violently.

A silver banner whizzed past from the top of the page.

[Vera 0205 supports Up Flost “Traveler” with a Silver Treasure Box and leaves a message: Get a better device next time, I love watching.]


Jiang Bai sucked in a breath, her sleepiness instantly gone.

This is a D site bigwig, how did she notice Qin Lang, who just became an up host today?

Jiang Bai’s face took on a hint of envy.

This is a Silver Treasure Box!

According to the treasure box rules on D Site, the Silver Treasure Box could be seen by all users living in the same state as the up-owner…

She opened Qin Lang’s profile in a hurry, noticed his fan count already exceeding hers, and gasped once again.


The day rolled over to the next.

Since he didn’t enable notification permissions on D Site, Qin Lang had a peaceful night’s sleep, completely oblivious to what had happened.

“At noon, I’ll prepare Twice-Cooked Pork and Egg Fried Rice for you all!”

After spending the entire morning reading the books left behind by his original self on the balcony, Qin Lang made a clear-cut decision about the lunch menu.

Um… it was a bit dry, so he could simmer a pot of Mushroom Meatbail Soup.


The two Food Spirits naturally had no objections to such a plan.

After all, Egg Fried Rice and Twice-Cooked Pork were their respective Origin Cuisines.

And the Mushroom Meatbail Soup sounded really tasty.

Soon, one human and two spirits were bustling in the kitchen.

The first dish Qin Lang started preparing was the Mushroom Meatbail Soup.

The three-fat, seven-lean pork was finely chopped into ground meat amidst the constant sound of chopping in the kitchen. It was then mixed with salt, a little light soy sauce, and starch, soaked in Ginger Scallion Water and kneaded until firm.

Once the ground meat fully absorbed the water, it was pressed at the bottom of the special stew pot for Nanchang Clay Pot Soup, layered with soaked shiitake mushrooms, filled with water up to 80 percent full, and seasoned with salt and MSG.

The lid of the stew pot was closed, and the pot was placed in another pot for simmering.

Cantonese Cuisine is famous for its soups, but it is certainly not the only one.

Nanchang Clay Pot Soup is known for its special way of stewing soup.

The most classic of all is this Mushroom Meatbail Soup.

The process of stewing the soup is a bit long, taking about an hour.

Qin Lang didn’t plan to speed things up with Spicy yet.

Because he still had Twice-Cooked Pork and Egg Fried Rice to cook.

After removing the hair and odor from the large piece of pork belly, he added Scallion and Ginger Cooking Wine to stew it.

Seeing this familiar scene, Spicy’s red and green colored eyes suddenly lit up.

It’s time to make Twice-Cooked Pork!

“Speed it up!”

Seeing Spicy’s impatient look, Qin Lang grinned and pointed at the closed lid of the pot.

Spicy rushed forward, using the power of Cooking Acceleration to envelop the pot stewing the pork belly.

As the spiritual power was drained bit by bit, the pork belly in the pot was being cooked at an accelerated pace.

The twenty-five-minute maximum acceleration ended quickly, and with the Tianxuan Star Vein now empty, Qin Lang took out a bowl of leftover rice and a few chicken eggs from the fridge.

Now, it was Dan Bao’s turn to have his eyes light up.

Egg Fried Rice!

Under Qin Lang’s smooth actions, the leftover rice and egg yolks were quickly mixed together.

The wok was heated, and the egg whites were stir-fried.

The egg whites turned into soft clouds in the wok, their fresh egg fragrance mixing with the savory aroma of the pork belly from the pot nearby, creating a tantalizing smell.

The egg whites were removed from the wok, and the leftover rice was added and stir-fried until each grain was separate. The egg whites were then re-added, stir-fried a few more times, and the steaming Egg Fried Rice was ready to serve.


The Egg Fried Rice is ready!

Dan Bao approached excitedly, even playfully nudged Spicy with his big tail.

Let’s eat together, the Egg Fried Rice is delicious!

Spicy had heard Dan Bao mention the delicious Egg Fried Rice many times, but this was the first time he saw it.

Inhaling the rich egg aroma in the air, he couldn’t help but drool a bit.

It indeed looked very delicious.

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