Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

Chapter 133: time turner is a double edged sword

Chapter 133: time turner is a double edged sword

Chapter 133: time turner is a double edged sword

“I want to take the blood samples from them and study the runic structure of the curse.

Then I will think of a way to see if the runic curse will be broken using some antidote or magic or runic words or something else.

Naturally blood curse is hard to cure because they could not see the runic structure.

But once the runic structure is scene then the counter runic structure can be formed.

Then use the same way as the blood curse appeared to cure the blood curse.”

As soon as Jonathan said this the expression of Florian changed to that of hope and also that of fear.

It is fear because this is an unknown venture and there might be a chance of death to his daughters.

Knowing his thoughts Jonathan spoke again.

“Mister Greengrass don’t have to worry.

I already had a test subject with me.

I will first see if I can cure her and then I will cure Daphne and Astoria.”

Florian immediately stood up and came to Jonathan and spoke while holding his hand.

“You really are a good person.

I can understand how much you like my daughters to go so far as to find cure for the blood curse.

If you can really cure my daughters then I will marry them to you as long as their heart desires you.


He made the promise in the spur off a moment but he could not take things back.

Also he can see that his daughters really love Jonathan and their love for him is clear in their eyes.

Jonathan smiled and thanked Florian for his words.

After saying some pleasantries Jonathan left here.

He is going to research more about this blood curse and solving method for it.

But it would take time.

Based on his estimate it would take him an entire year to solve all these problems.

But for now he would collect the blood samples from Daphne and Astoria.

Well when seeing a syringe the two girls instinctively shivered a little.

But Jonathan held them slowly and took the blood.

He did it so smoothly that they did not feel any pain at all.

Also Jonathan cast a vitality healing spell unique with his wand to make the small wound immediately heal.

He stored the blood samples into his expansion space pocket and left after few pleasantries.

After returning back he did not continue to research with Nagini.

He needs the help of an experienced person in this matter.

That should be Dumbledore or slughorn.

Well it is related to blood curse and curing something so they would definitely be interested and help Jonathan.

But before all this Jonathan wanted to make some legal patents on the things he invented like the magic microscope.

Also the method to discover the blood curses.

With the help of Dumbledore it would be easy.

So he quickly contacted Dumbledore.

With the help of Narcissa it was easy for Jonathan to go out as he pleases.

So no one stopped him.

He went to Dumbledore and explained about the things he discovered.

As for the test subject Jonathan kept silent and did not reveal the information.

Dumbledore also did not ask about this for now.

He was sure that Jonathan would not do some bad things.

With the name of Sirius cleared Dumbledore did not feel any negative feelings to Jonathan.

He also heard that Sirius and Jonathan have some discord.

But he did not dwell deep into the matters of father and son.

He has seen Sirius and felt that Sirius was too attacked to Harry than his own son.

Even thought it was strange it was the truth and they could not change anything.

So Dumbledore could only sigh about this matter.

But he was also a relative to Jonathan and he decided to support Jonathan to the best of his capabilities.

At least before he sacrificed himself for Harry based on his plan.

Well that plan did not come into motion yet.

When Dumbledore get the Marvolo Gaunt's ring and was cursed by that ring, he would start to prepare for his own demise.

He will include his sacrifice into the plan at that time.

Before that he is still thinking normally.


When he understood the plan of Jonathan and some basic concepts he was immediately hooked.

Just like the magic cards before the current knowledge on blood curses that Jonathan spoke is also unique.

Jonathan currently needs some forbidden books from Hogwarts.

These books are related to runes of various mythologies.

He can only get them through the help of Dumbledore.

These runes are different for different society of the world.

So there are more than 100 kinds of runes.

But when carefully studied they can all be turned into a single rune script.

It is just that over the years the people changed them and adapted them into their own languages.

So they might look different.

But deep down all of them are the same and the original symbol for all of them are the same.

Jonathan wanted to research the things deep into their origin level and then break them apart into the lowest level.

It is like breaking the molecule into atoms and then breaking the atoms into sub atomic particles.

The process might be long but he will be able to get close to the origin of magic.

For that he has to study hard and once again spend his time with the time turner.

Naturally he doesn’t mind using the time turner but it is a double edged sword.

The more he uses the more time he spends.

Within the same time span he has already spent more than 2 and half years more than hi pears.

That is how dangerous it is to use time turner more and more.

It can give him extra time but that extra time has a price that he has to pay to use it for his needs.


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