I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 97: The feast is in full swing, but its hell.

Chapter 97: The feast is in full swing, but its hell.

These guys are way too out of control Ginji has been teary-eyed all this time, and Kazamihara is grinning like crazy and seems quite high.

Honestly, it feels like Ive seen this all too many times in my past life

Niihama-kun fufufufu

Eh Fudehashi?

I couldnt help but be puzzled when I saw the short-haired girl approaching with a juice can in hand.

Fudehashi Mai, a girl who may have a slightly brute side and some regrettable aspects, but at her core, shes a very earnest and sensible person, the most normal girl among this group.

However, the way shes approaching with a face that seems to be floating in the brilliance of the setting sun is just plain odd. Theres something about it like shes elated, her composure slightly off

Let me tell you something. I had a very faint impression of you, Niihama-kun

Huh? What are you talking about?

But, you know, from around the cultural festival, it seemed like something awakened in you. Its like youve become super amazing, going all out and doing things you never did before Why did you hide yourself until now You suddenly become so cool gwaah

Mais vocabulary of adjectives was quite limited as expected, but her words had a sweet, mellow tone that was a departure from her usual lively self.

With her carefree smile, she exudes a sense of intimacy that gives the wrong impression of the distance between us, and if she showed this side to the boys in class, shed probably become even more popular.

Ufufufu I wont say any more than this, though If I do, Haruka will use a kitchen knife to go splash and turn me into a red stain on the sand

Wait, what!?

Haruka using a kitchen knife to go splash?

In other words! So what Im saying is, this is the beach, so be confident and go bam and daa to Haruka! Heck, go ahead and give her a tight squeeze and gabaa uehehe

Im not sure how to interpret Mais incomprehensible words, but she seems to be getting carried away on her own, with a lewd grin on her face.

Wait, isnt she more like a dirty old man than I remember?

(And wait isnt something off with everyone?)

Its natural for everyone to get excited at a beach with friends for a barbecue party, but theyre all way too over the top.

Ginji has been crying the whole time, Kazamiharas usual calm and laid-back demeanor has disappeared, and now, Mai, who should have been bright and serious, has been grinning like that.

Its almost as if were really

A Aaaahhhhhhhh!?

Thats when I realized.

The canned juices Gintji and the others have been drinking since earlier.

Theres very small lettering on them

Namely, indicating that this is alcohol.

Y-You guys! Hand those over for a second!

I grabbed the canned juices in a panic, but the three, with sleepy eyes, only gave minimal responses like, Oh? and Hmm? You want some too, Niihama-kun?

(Oh no Is this really alcohol!? How did it end up mixed in here!?)

I can confidently say that no one here brought alcohol secretly. And yet, how did it end up mixed in the cooler box?

(Oh, I see When we stopped at the supermarket on the way here to buy drinks and snacks!)

At that time, I had another errand to run, so I asked Ginji, Kazamihara, and Mai to pick out various types of drinks for me. (TLN: Why is he suddenly using her given name like that?)

Presumably, they mistook this liqueur for fruit juice and put several of them in the shopping basket.

Indeed, the problematic liqueur had a label design that prominently featured a pop art of fruits, making it easy to mistake for regular juice.

(I must have overlooked it amidst all the other drinks in the basket Curse you, cashier! How could you let underage drinking pass like this!)

I lamented in my mind and rubbed my temples.

Fortunately, it seems they havent drunk much yet, so they wont suddenly feel sick. However, its clear that the effects of alcohol are beginning to show on everyone, who have been playing around all day.

(What a blunder! How could I, an adult, allow underage drinking like this!)

Since Ginji and the others were the ones who took care of putting the drinks in the cooler box, it was difficult for me to notice the alcohol.

But still, with my experience as an adult, I should have spotted it.

Woaaahhh Niihamaaaa-kun! Thank you sooo much for bringing me heeere!

Whoaa?! Hey, get off me, Ginji! Were you always a crybaby like this?!

As I tried to pry Ginji off me, I noticed that everyone else was also in varying states of intoxication.

Ufufufu By the way, how was your time alone with Haruka in the afternoon? Did you enjoy tasting the fully ripened muskmelon and plump peach?

Theres no way thats true! Are you some kind of lewd old man getting excited over dirty jokes!?

Eeeeh, what a waste! I saw it in the changing room, you know? That dynamite body, of course, but also that mole just below the collarbone Its soooo sexy Guehehehe

Completely opposite to her usual image of a healthy track and field beauty, Fudehashis drunken behavior was too much like that of a dirty old man. If she remembers any of this later, shell surely be mortified by her own words and actions.

As I sadly observed the lecherous grin on my drunk classmates face, Kazamihara, who seemed to be the most drunk, approached me unsteadily.

Listen, Niihama-kun! Im usually so unfriendly and stoic, right? But during the cultural festival, you were so kind to me, and I was so grateful I couldve died, you know?

Kazamihara got closer to me in a manner that seemed like she was about to headbutt me, yelling in a state as if she had visited three izakayas in a row. Her face, with glasses (if she didnt open her mouth), looked lovely, but there was no charm or sex appeal left in it.

But aside from that! I was so envious of you being all lovey-dovey and going on a date during the cultural festival! I thought I was going to explode with jealousy!

Dont say that when you were the mastermind behind it all!

Ugh, I cant handle this

Ginji is crying, Fudehashi is spouting lewd things and grinning, and Kazamihara has turned into a mess.

Even though I confiscated the alcohol, they are still acting drunk, and theres no way to have a normal conversation with any of them.

(This is hell)

As the only sober one, I have to take care of these drunk peoplethis role of drawing the short straw, which Ive experienced countless times in my past life, fills me with despair.


Ah, Shijouin-san! Actually, were in a bit of a tough situation!

Suddenly, I heard an angelic voice from behind and turned around, showing a hopeful expression.

Among the chaos of my three drunk classmates, there was still one glimmer of hope left

Or so I thought.


What I felt against my chest was an incredibly soft, squishy sensation.

At the same time, something smooth touched my neck, enveloping me in the warmth of human skin.

A sweet fragrance that I had smelled only a few times before gently filled the air, and the suddenness of the situation left my mind completely blank.

In a manner where her arms encircled my neck, Shijouin-san was hugging me from the front

It took a good five seconds for me to fully understand what was happening.

W-W-What the heck!? Shijouin-san, what are you doing!?

Fufu, fufufu~

The voice I heard by my ear was Shijouin-sans soft and light-hearted laugh.

As if she were humming a tune in the bath, her voice was incredibly carefree.

Ufufu~ Ive caught you, Niihama-kun~

(This is!)

Shijouin-sans murmuring eyes were hazy, and she was smiling very seductively.

With her flushed face, it was clear that her rationality had taken a holiday for the day, leaving her in a state that seemed like she was floating in a dream.

(Shes really, really drunk!)

In this chaotic situation on top of chaos, I let out a silent scream in my mind.

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