In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 467: British Ministry of Magic (2 in 1)

Chapter 467: British Ministry of Magic (2 in 1)

Breakfast was delivered to the door of his room according to the time Jon had set for Bork.

The food was prepared exactly as he had requested, allowing Jon to experience for once the absolute privilege of purebloods in this magical society.

After filling his stomach, he glanced at the time on his watch, it would be a while before the Ministry of Magic would begin its workday.

So he finally checked all of his belongings and the induction papers for his new job, and from the black briefcase that he kept at the foot of his bed, he retrieved a wand that was roughly 9 inches long.

According to the information Jon had already memorised in his head, he could easily recognise it as the original Spike Ollivander's wand, with its applewood frame and dragon heartstring core.

He tucked his own wand away, keeping this applewood wand with him, and walked out of the room after making sure it was about time.

By this time there were already some wizards sitting in the bar downstairs, all of them enjoying their breakfast and listening to the whispers that talked most about the public trial that had been held by the Witching Horizon, as well as Dumbledore's declaration of war on the British Ministry of Magic, after doing the deed.

Jon didn't listen closely to what they were all saying but swaggered over to Bork, who was busy at the bar with his briefcase.

"Go to Diagon Alley and ask my grand-uncle for the expenses for these days."

The wizards who met Jon face to face consciously averted their eyes to the side, Spike had been living in the Leaky Cauldron Bar for quite some time, and those who frequented the place were aware of his background.

Even amongst the pureblood families, the Ollivander family was already the one with the best reputation out of the many scums of the earth, but purebloods are ultimately purebloods, and even if their reputation was good enough, no one amongst the half-bloods would want to mess with them.

Bork even bowed his head for a while, and sent Jon, the great god, out of his bar, and after watching his back really leave, this old wizard, who had once been Voldemort's boss, let out a long sigh of relief.

After leaving the Leaky Cauldron Bar, Jon followed the information in the file to find the public toilet located in London.

It seemed extraordinarily busy in comparison to other public toilets, yet there was a strange force protecting the surrounding building, making those muggles whose needs weren't that urgent subconsciously find themselves all sorts of reasons to avoid it before searching for other toilets.

But there were always some strangely attired individuals who kept walking in, and rarely would any of them be seen walking out of it again.

Jon was puzzled as to why the Ministry of Magic had chosen a public toilet as an entrance for its employees to go to work, and could only attribute it to the bad taste of a certain Minister of Magic.

From the information he had learnt, that in fact, very few normal employees would normally enter the Ministry of Magic through this entrance to go to work, most of them simply used Apparition to teleport directly to their jobs.

That's right, in most cases, there is no Anti-Apparition Charm restriction within the British Ministry of Magic, but because of the incident that happened yesterday, the entire Ministry of Magic, of course, turned on the Anti-Apparition Charm today, except for those high-ranking officials, such as the heads of the various departments, the Secretaries who have a special network of Floo paths to arrive directly, everyone else needs to go through the regular passageway in the public toilets to return to work in the Ministry of Magic.

This happened to be a favour to Jon.

He had never been to the British Ministry of Magic, and of course, he could not use Apparition to directly teleport into it, if in normal times, if he didn't use Apparition, a young man from a pureblood family like him actually had to go through the regular passageway like the public toilet, it would definitely cause other people to pay attention to him.

And the situation that happened today made it reasonable for him to take the regular passage.

There were a lot of people in the public toilets, the employees of the entire Ministry of Magic had to queue up for work, and there was a long queue outside every toilet cubicle.

After seeing Jon walk in with his briefcase, and especially after seeing that he was wearing robes embroidered with an Ollivander's family crest, one of the queues closest to him instantly reacted.

The employees who were queuing behind him took a step back together and lowered their heads to face Jon, obviously making way for him.

Jon acted very naturally to this, tilting his head, not even looking at the half-blood employees, as if everything was as it should be, and pushed the door directly into the cubicle.

After closing the door behind him, he didn't stop and pressed the flush button on the toilet, and in the next moment the water in the toilet was flushed down, and Jon's whole body instantly twisted and disappeared into thin air along with the water that was being pumped out of the toilet.

In the next second, his feet landed on another firm surface.

People were still appearing all around the area, all of them dressed formally and carrying either a briefcase in their hands just like Jon, or clutching stacks of thick information.

Jon saw that he was currently in a huge, foyer-like area, and he straightened the tie around his neck and proceeded to walk towards the inner part of the Ministry of Magic.

Anyone around him who noticed the badge on his chest consciously kept their heads down and made room for him to go first.

Of course, there were also some wizards who, like him, didn't pay attention to the people around them at all and just walked towards the Ministry of Magic with their heads held high, and they all had the family crests of their different families in their bodies as well.

This is where the Ministry of Magic is most different from the previous Hogwarts Castle.

Inside the castle, students of different bloodlines were divided into different houses, usually Even if there was some socialising, it all belonged to a rare situation, so even if there was a straightforward difference between high and low status, the half-blood students weren't able to feel it more intuitively, it was just that in their usual education, they were constantly reminded that they were a bunch of second-class citizens.

But when they leave the protection of the school and come to the workplace, this difference in status is incredibly obvious.

Purebloods had an absolute status advantage over any other bloodline, especially in the Ministry of Magic, the largest workplace in the entire magical world, it was even more straightforward.

Jon didn't have time to feel so much, he wasn't here to do any social practice this time but to carry out more important matters.

After arriving at the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, he saw the stone statue of "Magic is Might", which was erected only after Voldemort took complete control of the Ministry.

In front of the Atrium, Aurors were guarding it, checking the wands of every employee who entered the Ministry and verifying their identity.

But the privileges of the purebloods are clearly evident here, as wizards with the family crest on their chests are allowed to pass this check and enter the Ministry without restriction.

The Aurors wouldn't try to stop them, and everyone else took it for granted.

Jon, like the other purebloods, carried his briefcase in his hand and just walked straight inside the Ministry of Magic.

The only way to put any restrictions on purebloods would be by order of Voldemort himself, and if he did order it, it wouldn't just be Aurors that would be guarding the place for inspection, there would also be Death Eaters around.

Half-blood Aurors with impure bloodlines were certainly in no position to perform such insolent checks on purebloods.

Jon once again experienced the convenience of pureblood privilege, which was the polar opposite of what he had experienced when he had infiltrated Hogwarts Castle under the guise of being a muggle-born.

After entering the main hall, he walked directly into the lift in the centre.

Because the half-bloods were basically still stuck outside being examined one by one, the ones entering the lift at this time were basically pureblood wizards with badges on their chests.

"-Did you hear the rumours and arrive this early?"

"Everyone was talking about the incident at the last gathering, and the Department of Mysteries was the focus of it."

"So that means anyone who gets in this time is one of our own?"

"At the top, we're not sure about Slughorn's attitude for now. Of the new entrants, Ollivander is the one we want to rope in. Their family has very few people serving in the Ministry of Magic, so I guess none of them knows about this yet."

"Wait, here he comes."

The people inside stopped talking after Jon stepped into the lift.

The entire Ministry of Magic was huge, and there were many employees inside. Among them, there were quite a few pureblood young adults who were used to being second-rate people at home and wanted to come to the Ministry of Magic to experience life.

Coupled with the fact that this identity that Jon was currently assuming - Spike Ollivander was a student who had only graduated from Hogwarts Castle two years ago, and after graduation, he partied all day long at home for more than a year before joining the Ministry and had only been working in the Ministry of Magic for less than a year, his interpersonal relationships weren't that complicated.

Jon only had to remember the faces and names of the few people he would usually strike up a conversation with, and it was clear that all of those people standing in the lift right now were at best nodding acquaintances.

He was the last to step into the lift, and while half a dozen people were standing inside, the atmosphere seemed silent, and the only floor button that had been pressed was the one for the ninth level.

That was exactly where the Department of Mysteries was located in the Ministry of Magic, and exactly where Jon was heading on this visit.

This also meant that the ultimate destination of all the people in this lift today was also the Department of Mysteries, and it was very likely that they would be Jon's future colleagues.

In this regard, Jon did not bother to look at them much, he only noticed with the corner of his eye the badges embroidered on the chests of the two standing in front of him.

They were from two new-school pureblood families respectively, and were not members of the old-school Sacred Twenty-Eight Families.

The main hall was on the eighth level, and the lift only descended for a few seconds before they reached the location of the Department of Mysteries on the ninth level.

When the lift doors opened, Jon was wrapped up in the middle of the people around him and fishtailed out.

After exiting the grill of the lift, before them was a humble corridor, with nothing more than a few candlesticks on the surrounding walls, not even a single portrait or a single tapestry.

The group of purebloods walked along the corridor together in silence, and soon they came to the end of the corridor and reached the only door in the place.

The black door was very plain, with no pattern on it, and not even a single handle to be seen.

A pureblood witch at the front placed her hand on the black door and pushed it open.

Behind the door was the same pure black space, except that the whole place was in a kind of round shape, Jon and the other purebloods walked in together, and after entering they realised that even the ceiling floor was black.

And all around them including the door they came in through, there are twelve identical black doors that didn't even have door handles.

When they stepped inside the room, the door they came in through was closed by itself, and then the circular room began to rotate, and the twelve doors went from fast to slow as if they were being rattled with some kind of bearings, before finally coming to a slow standstill.

But at this time, Jon and the others could no longer tell which door they had walked through.

The good thing, though, the room wasn't without someone waiting for them.

In the middle of the black room, a middle-aged witch wearing glasses was sitting at a table, and her delicate scarlet robes were also embroidered with a crest that Jon could recognise as the crest of House Parkinson, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

"I knew you all would definitely pick the last day to come over. It's a good thing I didn't wait here on the previous days."

This Parkinson family witch complained and took out a form.

"Hurry up, don't waste my time. Check your name and tick it on the sign-in sheet, that's all you need to do, wait in the lounge, when everyone arrives at noon today you can wait for the various halls to receive you."

Someone in this group was obviously familiar with this witch.

"Mrs Parkinson, is there any leeway for us to choose our jobs after induction?"

"Do you think this is your backyard? The people above us have spent so much to complete the replacement of the entire Department of Mysteries, and you want some leeway to choose!"

This was clearly not a rebuke on her part, but more of a joke.

It was also because of this that after her words fell, laughter resounded all around.

Jon laughed along with them, but in reality, he was watching the scene with cold eyes.

From the time he got the information about the Ministry of Magic's recent strange movements in the Department of Mysteries, to the time he entered the lift just now and eventually heard a few of them talking, and finally to the time when these purebloods were now speaking amongst themselves without a care in the world, Jon could clearly sense that these people had already formed their own faction.

In the upper power structure of the magical world, which was originally controlled by purebloods, it had split into its own circles.

And just as Jon was observing, a black door directly opposite him was suddenly opened from the inside.

A chubby old man with what looked like a constant smile on his face, sporting a walrus-like moustache, stepped out of it.

"Ha, this is great, the newcomer has arrived Elena."

Hearing his voice, at once the face of the witch known as Mrs Parkinson bloomed into a smile like a daisy.

"Yes, it's like I was talking to you before Horace, They're all lazy as hell, and the ones who can report at this time on the last day are hard workers."

"I'm just short of staff at the moment, you know, there's just too much information left behind by the former Head. They've already signed in, right? Then let me pick someone first, so I can give my old arms and legs a rest. Well, just him, that Ollivander's boy."


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