Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 103: You Are My Hero

Chapter 103: You Are My Hero

"Then just try it." After saying that, Ryan had turned into a wisp of smoke and landed in front of the three criminals.

At the same time, these three people were shocked and immediately casted their fists.

However, Ryan quickly thwarted the attack while kicking one of them.

He then grabbed one of his enemy's hands and twisted it tightly. With ease, the person was sprawled with a broken wrist.

Ryan immediately focused on eliminating the third person. He disappeared again from his line of sight and reappeared behind him. He easily knocked him out by throwing a punch towards the back of his head.

Though he still had a knife with him, Pedro watched all of this in panic. Who was this stranger?

"God says that people who got lost and don't know the way back home don't deserve to go to heaven." Ryan said.

Pedro took a step back when Ryan approached him. At this time, he saw one of his friends stand up and take out his knife!

Pedro smiled and thought his opponent was going to die. However, the opponent seemed to already know that. Because when his friend tried to stab him, Ryan had flipped through the air and landed behind his friend.

"Trying to kill the messenger of heaven is a grave sin." Ryan grabbed the man and slammed his elbow into the person's chest until he was unconscious.

Pedro's hands trembled more after Ryan approached him carrying his friend's knife.

"If you take one more step, I'll cut her throat!" Pedro locked Hailey's neck even stronger.

Ryan stopped walking and said with a flat face, "God says that no salvation shall come to the lost sheeps if no one shows them the right way."

After saying that, Ryan's figure suddenly disappeared. A second later, he was right in front of Pedro. Pedro was surprised that he loosened his grip. He then tried to stab Ryan.

Ryan easily caught Pedro's wrist and firmly gripped it. Then he lifted Pedro only from his wrist, and allowed Hailey to run away and hide behind Ryan.

"Ah!" Pedro was hovering in pain. The person he faced right now wasn't human!

"Never go against God's will!" Ryan gripped Pedro's wrist even stronger.

"Think of this as the first and last warning." Ryan glared at him. "Don't steal especially from beautiful women." he threatened.

After that, Ryan hit him in the stomach until he passed out.

"Are you really a messenger from heaven?" Hailey was curious about her savior and asked Ryan from behind his back.

Ryan turned and looked gently at the beautiful woman. "Think of it so."

Seeing this man, Hailey's heart felt warm for some reason. She had thought that she would never be able to return home. However, she was saved and the presence of her hero was stuck in her heart. Ryan's figure had entirely filled her heart.

"You are my hero." Without a doubt, Hailey kissed Ryan.

The young woman's kiss was exciting and long. Ryan really enjoyed it. After a while, Hailey left the lips of her savior. The man felt his body was getting hotter.

Hailey then picked up her scattered belongings and took out her business card. "This is my phone number, call me anytime you want."

"I like an angel like you." Ryan then kissed Hailey's cheek and just disappeared.

Hailey was shocked when Ryan suddenly disappeared. Though she had turned her head in any direction, she still couldn't see any trace of Ryan.

How could that be?

Was he really a messenger of heaven?

A cold wind began to blow past her. Her face and heart still felt warm when she remembered the figure of her savior.

On the other side, Ryan had arrived at his house and saw Ms. Susan waiting at the door.

"Finally, you came home. Ryan, do you want me to warm your food?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Susan, but I'm full." Ryan said with a smile.

When Ryan went up to the second floor, he met Irina who was only wrapped in a towel. It looked like his wife was getting the hair dryer from Ivanka's room.

Only a towel prevented him from seeing that voluptuous and sexy body. However, a scene like this had its own erotic side and made Ryan smile widely. Moreover, Irina's smell was very fragrant, making him like her even more so.

Since he and Valerie had been stopped twice, God might want to make up for him so he could play with Irina.

"My beautiful wife just finished taking a shower huh?" Ryan hugged Irina from behind.

"Hey, don't touch me." Irina said coldly, but she wasn't as angry as before. It seemed like she was already used to Ryan's coo.

"Hahaha it's your fault that you're this gorgeous." Ryan inhaled the scent on Irina's neck deeply, making the woman glare at him.

The man's hands were getting impatient. Though his touch was blocked by the towel, Ryan could still feel the extraordinary softness of Irina's skin. And he really knew that his wife was not wearing anything under this towel.

When he remembered Valerie's earlier underwear, Ryan couldn't hold back his lust any longer.

"Honey, you are so beautiful today." Ryan then inhaled once more on Irina's neck and meant to kiss her.

Irina thought to herself that this man wanted to molest her again. She could only shake her head but she caught a waft of perfume fragrance escaping Ryan's body.

When Ryan wanted to kiss her, Irina hugged him tightly. Ryan thought that Irina was shy and felt that Irina reacted cuter than usual.

Irina just wanted to know what smell she had breathed just now. After inhaling it, she immediately recognized that it was female perfume. Irina's expression turned cold in an instant.

She quickly pushed Ryan and said in a cold tone, "Where are you from?"

Ryan was surprised and said with a smile, "I have a lot of business today. Which one of my adventures do you want to hear?"

"Just after leaving the house in a hurry." Irina sharpened her gaze. "Where did you go?"

Ryan felt that his wife was a bit strange. Why did Irina suddenly ask him that?

"Hahaha it turns out my wife is worried about me, huh?" He then hugged Irina's waist.

"Who cares about you?" Irina immediately walked to her room. "It's up to you whether you want to say it or not."

"Ah! I don't mean that." Seeing Irina leaving him, Ryan immediately followed her.

"I have business with one of my subordinates Valerie, do you remember her?" Ryan quickly grabbed Irina's hand, holding her back from leaving.

"Affairs?" Irina was curious, but remembering the smell of that sticking perfume, her heart somehow felt sad.

"She's a beautiful young woman. What business do you have with her?"

"Aww My wife is jealous, huh?" Ryan replied with a smile.

"HuH? Why would I get jealous?" Irina blushed and immediately ran to her room. She didn't want anything to do with Ryan anymore. However, when she slammed the door to her room, Ryan had managed to sneak in.

"Honey, I really didn't do anything." Ryan immediately explained. "I don't know if you've heard of the ginseng doll incident in our company or not."

"My secretary said it, I didn't really care about it." 

"The ginseng doll is really important to me. Valerie found it in her neighborhood, she called me and I hurriedly went to see it. The doll is really hard to catch." Ryan hugged Irina again with affection.

"Okay, I believe in you. Now come out, I want to change my clothes." Irina saw the seriousness in Ryan's eyes so she believed him.

"Honey, have you forgotten that we are husband and wife? So what if you change clothes in front of me? I don't mind seeing your beautiful body." Ryan said with a smile. "You also recently doubted your husband's loyalty, I have to punish you "

Irina began to surrender to face this person. When she was about to push Ryan, the man actually picked her up and slammed her on the bed.

Ryan quickly crushed Irina and said with a mischievous smile, "This is your punishment today."

Without waiting he kissed Irina, but Irina managed to escape.

"Get out of here!" cried Irina.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get those pretty lips of yours." Ryan started to get a little rough.

When Irina wanted to break free, Ryan hugged her tightly and they rolled together. Now Irina was at top saddling Ryan's arms.

"Hahaha it turns out you want to be on top?" Ryan smiled at her. "Well, your husband will obey you today."

Irina blushed when she heard that. When she wanted to rebel, the towels on her body sagged even more and it made her unable to fight freely.

"You can't go anywhere."

Ryan also realized that Irina's towel had almost come off. His smile grew even wider.

"Honey, since you doubted me earlier, I have to make it clear that you are the only one for me. So don't think of this punishment as punishment, take it as a statement."

When she felt cornered, Irina took out her defense card, "If you don't let me go, I'll call Mrs. Susan."

"It's okay, she will just think that we are making out."

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