Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 106: Despacito

Chapter 106: Despacito

"HEY! What are you two doing?" Mia ran to them. She then glared at Andy. "Do you want to taint our reputation?"

Andy almost vomited blood at that. He was being humiliated and instead of supporting him as a fellow profession, Mia was defending this outsider?

"Ryan, are you okay?" Mia asked in an anxious voice.

Ryan was shocked because Mia's hand had moved to wipe the sweat on his face.

'Ah this girl seems to have fallen for my charm!'

Ryan smiled seeing the thoughtful Mia. He then let go of Andy and said, "I'm fine, your friend is just being impolite."

"Andy! Why do you keep looking for trouble with other people?" Mia became angry seeing Andy's childish behavior. Every time she talked to others, Andy always joined in.

"Ah! I mean. I don't mean that." Andy wanted to explain but no words came out of his mouth.

Ryan then said, "He just threatened me because I looked close to you. In fact, he threatened to take me to the police station."

This time Andy's heart was completely broken. What kind of explanation could he give to Mia?

"Um that" Andy was completely speechless.

Mia looked at him coldly and said, "It's none of your business whom I'm close to. Don't ever talk to me again!"

After saying that, Mia was lazy to see Andy's face and left him. Andy's heart was completely broken while Ryan just shook his head and walked away.

Andy could only fall on his knees and cry with his hands still handcuffed behind his back.

It didn't take long for the police to secure and order the location. The criminals had been successfully secured and were on their way to the police station.

Ryan walked leisurely to his car. He felt that today was a bright day and the "exercise" had really gotten his body excited.

Even though Irina looked confused, she didn't ask Ryan anything when the man got back into the car. 

Not long after that, their car arrived at the Avalerion company. The two of them immediately entered and went to their respective rooms. Today, Ryan would review the perfume made by Richard and his team.

When Ryan just entered Richard's room, a hysterical scream could be heard from the middle of the room. 

"How cute is this doll!"

"Hahaha since when did technology become this sophisticated?"

When Ryan tried to see what was going on, he was shocked when he saw that the source of the commotion was the ginseng doll he was looking for! He really didn't expect that the doll would be here dancing in his room!

Yeah, he didn't see it wrong, this doll was really shaking its ass!

One of his underlings played a song and the ginseng doll shook its ass on the table. The perfumers danced with him. They followed the rhythm of a song titled Despacito.

"Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito, Deja que te diga cosas al odo, Para que te acuerdes si no ests conmigo..."

They really lived up to this song.

The whole room was really festive. The perfumers enjoyed this free time by dancing hard alongside the ginseng doll.

The ginseng doll was even crazier, she went off for a breakdance and showed a great freestyle while keeping everybody dancing on the floor.

The atmosphere was getting crazier when the song reached Chorus. The doll rocked its ass wildly and even did a headspin.

Ryan had doubts about the doll. Could he really not call it human?

The ginseng doll looked like a drunk person. She kept on laughing and dancing. After that headspin, she seemed to run around the table and while asking for high five. Everyone immediately stretched out their hands and high five with the doll they thought was cute.

When Richard saw Ryan, he immediately walked over to him, laughing. "Partying occasionally isn't a bad thing right? Thanks to the doll, the atmosphere in the room became this lively. People love it."

At this time, the ginseng doll turned to Ryan and pointed its butt at him. She then shook it while patting her ass. What a provocation! It certainly sparked anger inside Ryan.

When Nergal was being belittled like that, his blood was boiling hard. Today he would definitely boil that thing alive!

Ryan walked slowly to the ginseng doll. The perfume experts fell silent when they saw him.

The ginseng doll also stopped and looked at Ryan. Her eyes laughed and she stretched out her little hand, as if she wanted to shake hands with Ryan.

Did this doll just offer him a peace treaty?

Ryan tried to grab the ginseng doll's hand. However, because Ryan's killing aura could not be endured, the ginseng doll jumped. She jumped to the floor and ran away. 

Ryan immediately lunged and the ginseng doll was jumping on his head. When Ryan tried to catch it, the doll had already slid off his back and disappeared.

Seeing the ginseng doll disappear, Ryan got furious. Why was this ginseng doll so lively?

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and work!" He shouted after being stared at by so many people.

A few hours later, Ryan's mind was still full of the ginseng doll.

In the midst of his anger, Kane suddenly called him.

When he met Kane last time, Ryan gave him a cellphone so that his younger sibling could contact him more easily.

"Senior brother." Kane's voice sounded excited.

"Why?" After dealing with the ginseng doll earlier, Ryan's mood still hadn't gotten better. This was the first time he couldn't reach what was right in front of his eyes. He had never experienced this kind of feeling before.

"Bro, guess what I just found?" Kane said.

"If you want to tell a story, hurry up. I got a lot of business today." Given Kane's childlike nature, the man probably just found a dog or a cat.

"Hahaha, don't be so sad, Brother. I found a super cute baby. After all, she looks like a turnip!" Kane said.

Radish? That damn ginseng doll!

Ryan jolted in surprise, the doll came to Kane?

Thinking about it carefully, the doll got its consciousness from the essence of earth and sky, so maybe she was attracted by the great power within Kane's body?

"Kane, does that turnip look like a doll?" Ryan asked in a hurry.

"Hmm...Wow that's right! Brother is great!" Kane smiled. "Hurry over here bro, she's very cute."

"Okay, please make sure you don't lose the doll. I'll be right there."

"Don't worry bro, me and this doll are not going anywhere. We are very close."

After hanging up the phone, Ryan rushed to Kane's place. Lately, his mind had been filled with the ginseng doll. As per the third grandfather's words, he had to get the doll to heal his body.

Not long after, Ryan arrived at Kane's house. When he entered the house, the doll's laughter immediately echoed in Ryan's ears. 

Ryan would never forget that annoying laugh. He then entered Kane's bedroom and saw the doll sitting with Kane, smiling at each other.

"Bro, come and take a look at her!" Kane was excited at Ryan's arrival.

The ginseng doll looked at Ryan wide and mimicked the sound of a baby while grabbing her thumb. She then climbed onto Kane's shoulder and pinched his cheek.

"Hahaha she's cute, isn't she?" Kane really loved the doll. The ginseng doll climbed onto Kane's head and used it as a mattress.

Knowing the doll was in his head, Kane kept his head steady. "Bro, do you think I can have it?"

Seeing that the ginseng doll seemed to be asleep, Ryan began to move. He swiftly caught it with his right hand but the doll easily dodged it. When Ryan reached out his hand, the doll had already jumped onto the bed.

"Brother! What are you doing?" Kane suddenly became worried.

"Shh, shut up, let me concentrate." Ryan was getting serious, if he couldn't catch her today, he would go nuts!

Seeing Ryan, the ginseng doll hid behind Kane and mimicked a voice asking for help. Kane looked at her and saw that the doll was covering her eyes with both hands, showing that she looked scared.

"Brother, you scared her!" shouted Kane.

The doll even used such a cunning tactic. What an amazing thing!

"That doll is a ginseng doll. The third teacher said that the doll can cure my illness." Ryan said to Kane in a soothing tone.

"What do you mean? Do you want to eat it?" Kane's eyes widened.

"Of course not." Ryan's expression really looked serious. "I only need to give it to the third teacher."

"What will the third teacher do with her?" Kane hugged the ginseng doll. The doll seemed to be enjoying Kane's warm embrace.

Seeing that scene, Ryan became speechless. How come the doll was so familiar with Kane? She should've been very wary of humans.

"I don't know about that. I'm sure the third teacher will handle it well." Ryan said.

"Bro. You lied to me. The third teacher is clearly going to make it into medicine." Kane said in a serious tone.

Bastard, since when did Kane use his brain to think? He got smart at the wrong time.

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