Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 495: Descent of the White Dragon (3)


Han-Yeol sensed an unexpected presence coming toward them at an incredible speed.

“This is…?” Tia muttered.

“Did you sense that too, Tia?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Yeah, I did.”

The unexpected presence was approaching so fast that even Tia noticed it after a short while.

“Why is Mavros here?” Han-Yeol muttered, confused by the sudden appearance. Mavros should be back at the mansion, but he seemed to have flown all the way to China for some reason.

“Hmm, why would Mavros fly here all of a sudden?” Tia asked while tapping her chin with one finger.

Mavros’ sudden appearance came as a surprise to both of them.

“Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Han-Yeol said with a shrug.

Mavros was now strong enough to easily win against a Master-Rank Hunter, and his handling of magic improved greatly too. Han-Yeol did not think there was anything serious and Mavros was probably just visiting him out of boredom.

“He’s capable of dealing with problems better than me, so I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Hoho~ You’re right. Mavros is better than you, master.”

Ugh…” Han-Yeol groaned in response. He could not really say anything to retort, as what she said was technically true. Mavros might be cute and all, but he was an extremely intelligent creature. After all, there were numerous times that even Han-Yeol would be in awe of Mavros’ intelligence.



Mavros flew at a speed that transcended the speed of sound to reach the hotel’s helipad merely seconds after Han-Yeol spotted him from a great distance.

“Kieeeek!” he cried out before landing on the helipad.


Mavros landed in such a hurry that he did not even bother slowing down, completely wrecking the helipad.

The owner of the hotel, Wang Jin, was making his rounds checking on his beloved hotel when the sudden news of the helipad getting wrecked reached him.



His blood pressure shot up after he saw how badly damaged his beloved hotel was, and he ended up collapsing because of that.


Wang Jin’s secretary hurriedly called for an ambulance, fearing his boss’ life might be in danger.

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol’s sensitive senses picked up the commotion happening in the lobby, but he paid them no heed, as that was not the important thing right now.


Woooong! Boom!

Mavros did not even greet Han-Yeol. Instead, he unleashed his mana all over the place as if trying to get his attention as quickly as possible.

D-Did something really happen?’ Han-Yeol was slightly nervous.

Kieee…” Mavros let out a faint cry and passed something to Han-Yeol.

Shockingly, what he passed over to Han-Yeol was none other than White Dragon.

“White Dragon?”


Han-Yeol could tell at a single glance that White Dragon was in bad shape.

He placed his hand on the dragon’s forehead.

She’s burning up!’

“Hey, Mavros. What happened to her?” he asked.

Kieeek…” Mavros shook his head in response. Then, he closed his eyes and replied with telepathy.

[I don’t know… She just suddenly…]

White Dragon would mostly just be down with a flu at worst, but this was the first time her condition had deteriorated to this extent.

Ugh…’ Han-Yeol grimaced and groaned.

Huff… Huff… Huff…!

White Dragon’s breathing was so labored that even Han-Yeol, who was not a doctor, could tell that she was not doing well. He needed to do something, and he needed to do it fast.

But I’m not a doctor, let alone a veterinarian…!’

Han-Yeol was starting to panic as White Dragon’s condition deteriorated. He knew he needed to get a grip and find a solution, so he decided to act first before thinking.


“Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“Go fix my bed so White Dragon can lie down, and tell them to prepare fresh towels and hot water.”

“As you command.”

Stewart understood the severity of the situation and immediately used magic to teleport the moment he received the command.

Han-Yeol carefully placed White Dragon in his arms and rushed down the stairs. The suite room door was already open for him, so he sprinted to the master bedroom and placed her gently on the bed.


He activated Demon Eyes and inspected her current state.

Argh… I knew it…’ Han-Yeol grimaced out of frustration. He used Demon Eyes hoping he could figure out what was wrong with her, but he failed to find anything that might serve as a clue.

I have no other choice now that things have come down to this…’

He was not going to sit around just because he did not know the cause. He had to do his best in order to save her.


His hand emitted gentle, warm mana as he used his skill that could purify any corruption and heal any ailment: Restore.


The mana enveloped White Dragon’s body.


[Class Change Mission ‘Heal White Dragon’ has begun!]

[You have successfully found traces of a hidden class!]

W-What? Hey! Since when did I have a class?’ Han-Yeol was stunned by the message that popped up in front of his eyes.

A class was often shown in the early parts of a game when the player’s level was still low, but this damned game system only decided to award him a class after he reached level 548.

His head already hurt from having to deal with whatever was wrong with White Dragon, but this sudden message from his game system ability made it hurt even more.

However, he composed himself and shook his head.

No, I can’t let this distract me! White Dragon’s life is on the line right now!’

He might not be a doctor or a veterinarian, but he could read the flow of mana better than anyone else. Thus, he was confident he could figure out what was wrong with her if he focused more on her mana flow.

I’m certain the problem is with her mana. Even the best doctor in the world won’t be able to help her… I need a Hunter specializing in healing…’

Han-Yeol could have requested a Healer from the Chinese government, but he did not do so. Others might think he was putting his pride before the life of his pet, but that was not the case at all.

All of the Healers are fighting on the battlefield, and the only remaining ones are for the exclusive use of the politicians or the elites.’

This was information he overheard by pure coincidence, and yet it came in handy. It prevented him from wasting time waiting for the government to send someone to help.

I have no idea what’s going on, but I have to place my bet on Restore!’

He knew even thinking was a luxury now, and what he needed to do was put all of his focus and mana into Restore.


Han-Yeol channeled his mana to his hand and cast Restore, but something completely unexpected happened.


Restore suddenly grew stronger and stronger until it seemed as if his hand was on fire. In other words, the skill started rampaging.


Han-Yeol felt like his head was going to split into two from the consecutive unexpected situations.


But he gritted his teeth and composed himself.

No! I need to get a grip! She’s going to die if I lose focus now!’

Han-Yeol was the type of person who would do everything he could for those he cared about. White Dragon might not have spent a long time with Han-Yeol or helped him a lot, but she sincerely loved Han-Yeol without asking for anything in return. This pure innocence of hers made him open up to her and accept her as his family.

I’m not going to stand and watch while I lose another family member!’

Han-Yeol had lost his mother and sister, and he almost lost his father too. The despair he felt at that time was not something he wanted to experience ever again.



Restore rampaged even more as it unleashed the mana all over the room.




Tia, Mavros, and Stewart were caught completely by surprise. Their affinity heavily leaned toward the dark side, so this pure mana being unleashed all over the place by Restore completely sucked the energy out of their bodies.


However, the trio weren’t the only ones having a tough time as even Han-Yeol was on the verge of collapsing.


He could feel his heart thumping wildly as his hand trembled while trying to keep Restore from completely rampaging.


He held on for dear life trying to prevent himself from passing out.


Alas, the system seemed to have acknowledged his efforts as the sound he desperately waited for rang in his ears.


[White Dragon’s body is recovering, but it is still not enough. She has too much holy mana compressed within her body, and this mana will eventually rampage if not released.]

[White Dragon will forever disappear should that happen, and your opportunity to gain a class will disappear along with her.]


Han-Yeol heard something snap inside his head after reading the long-awaited message that appeared mixed with utter nonsense.

Don’t joke around with me!’

He was not going to give up on either of them. Though, it was more like he had to give up the other by default if he gave up on one…

But why is this damn holy mana compressed inside her? And how am I supposed to help her release it?’ Han-Yeol wondered while keeping his hand on the dragon and using Restore.


He continued to ponder when his keen senses captured a faint movement.


It was very faint, but he definitely felt something inside of White Dragon move.

This is…?’

That ever so faint movement served as a vital clue that made him realize what he had to do.

So this is the holy mana or whatever it is inside of her. It’s similar to my light attribute, but it’s slightly different. It feels more refined than mine… Hmm? Why is it like this?’

However, he noticed that this holy mana, which was supposed to be pure, was clumped up all over White Dragon’s body.

Phew! At least I have an idea what’s going on here. I’m still not sure what’s going on, but what’s important is that I’m no longer clueless!’

Han-Yeol regained his confidence after finally making progress.

Let’s see… All I have to do is get rid of these things clumped all over her body, right?’

This was not the first time he was doing something like this. He had already experienced removing something similar from his father’s body back when he was bedridden.

‘These things look stronger than the one I dealt with, but the process should be the same.’

Han-Yeol gathered his focus once more and started the operation.

Surprisingly, the clumps of mana seemed to have realized Han-Yeol was coming after them, and they started moving around trying to avoid the mana emitted by Restore. The clumps would even do something strange and deflect Restore whenever they got cornered by it.

Oh? So this is how you wanna play, is it?’

Han-Yeol now had the luxury to take one hand off. He reached into his pocket with his free hand and took out a mana stone.

He placed the mana stone in his mouth and crushed it with his teeth.




Han-Yeol was past the stage where he made money from selling mana stones. The mana stones held no monetary value to him, and their sole purpose now now to serve as his catalyst to further amplify his mana.


As expected, Restore grew even more powerful after Han-Yeol crushed a top-grade mana stone and used its mana to enhance his, and the clumps of holy mana running away from him were left with nowhere to run.

Lo and behold, Han-Yeol successfully caught the clumps of holy mana.

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