Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 496: Descent of the White Dragon (4)

Where do you think you’re going?’

Han-Yeol barely managed to catch it, so he had no plans on letting it go.

Come here!’


He channeled all of his mana to catch the holy mana while being as careful as possible to not hurt White Dragon.

Almost there!’



The slippery holy mana escaped at every chance it got, but it was easily subdued the moment Han-Yeol finally caught it.

Huff… Huff… Darn, why am I so tired when I didn’t even do much?” Han-Yeol grumbled, trying to catch his breath.


Fortunately, White Dragon was breathing much better now after having the biggest lump of holy mana extracted from her body.

Han-Yeol patted her head and said, “Great job hanging in there. Now try to get some rest.”


Restore stopped rampaging after the clump of holy mana was extracted, allowing Stewart, Tia, and Mavros to come back.

Mavros reverted to his miniature form and approached White Dragon.

Kyu! Kyuuu!”

“Mavros is asking how she’s doing,” Tia translated.

“She’s fine now. Hold on, what about me? Isn’t he worried about me?” Han-Yeol grimaced and asked.

“Nope~ Not at all~”


A cross-shaped vein bulged on Han-Yeol’s forehead.

Han-Yeol stomped his feet angrily and threw a tantrum. “This damned lizard! I almost died saving her. But you won’t even ask how I am? Ha! So you’re more concerned about your girlfriend, is that it? Fine! I’m not going to care about you from now on!”

“Oh dear~ Are you sulking because your pet ignored you, master?” Tia sneered.

“I’m not!” Han-Yeol retorted.

Hohoho!” Tia laughed with a satisfied smile after seeing him get all worked up.

Han-Yeol was drenched in sweat after trying to save White Dragon. Her condition seemed to have stabilized now, so he took this chance to go take a quick shower to freshen up.

He was under the shower when he noticed he had changed a lot compared to before. ‘I used to feel uncomfortable having the maids wash me… but it feels weird now that they’re not here.’

Humans tended to adapt to their surroundings. He found it quite amusing how he got so used to having other people wash him that it felt uncomfortable for him to wash his own body.

It felt as if he had discovered another side of him. Maybe that was a stretch, but it was indeed interesting to see how he had this side to him.

However, he did not have the luxury of taking his sweet time thinking about things in the shower. White Dragon had yet to fully recover, so he had to hurry back and tend to her.

Splash! Splash!

He walked out of the shower, splashing water all over the floor. Then, a thought suddenly crossed his mind after seeing the water splash. ‘Hmm… I suddenly want the water attribute too. It would definitely be convenient to have in emergency cases or when I’m stuck in a dungeon. I mean, just being able to wash myself when I don’t have access to water is a huge plus.’

He already possessed numerous attributes, and yet he still wanted more. The scary thing about him was his greed for skills, but the even scarier thing was that he was capable of obtaining the skills he wanted.


He channeled his mana, causing his body to heat up. It instantly dried him in the process. Then, he got dressed and returned to the room the others were in.

White Dragon started crying the moment Han-Yeol walked into the room.


“Oh? How do you feel?”

Kyuing! Kyuing!”

“What’s wrong?”

He initially thought she had recovered enough and was just being energetic, but he noticed there was something off about her.

“Are you alright?”

Kyuing! Kyuing!”

“I think there is something wrong with her, master,” Tia said.

Tia was capable of speaking to monsters, so she attempted to talk to White Dragon. The fact that the dragon suddenly became sick was odd, so Tia thought it would be best to ask her directly, as she would know why she had fallen ill. After all, White Dragon was not a normal creature.

Unfortunately, the dragon simply continued to cry out no matter how much Tia tried talking to her.

“And that’s what happened while you were away for a bit, master,” Tia explained.


Han-Yeol rubbed his chin. Then, he walked toward the dragon and gazed directly into her eyes before asking, “What’s wrong with you, White Dragon?”

Kyu! Kyu!”

“She’s asking for more… of something?” Tia translated.

“She wants more?” Han-Yeol looked back and asked.

“Yes,” Tia grimaced and replied. She was slowly starting to get annoyed by the dragon’s antics.

Han-Yeol might be the caring type, but Tia was the complete opposite of him. If there was one thing she hated more than anything in this world, then it was children. She hated having to look after smaller creatures, and this was the reason Han-Yeol did his best to make sure there were no children around Tia.

‘Is that what she wants?’ Han-Yeol thought of something.

He raised his hand toward the dragon and used the skill he used a while ago.



The same warm white mana flowed out from his hand and filled the room with a holy aura.

Kyuing! Kyuing!”

“Hmm? She’s happy now?” Tia was slightly taken aback after seeing the dragon finally react.

Kyu! Kyu! Kyu!” White Dragon jumped for joy and rubbed her face against Han-Yeol’s hand.

W-What’s wrong with her?’ Han-Yeol was baffled by her sudden reaction. Then, he suddenly remembered the status message that popped up a while ago, ‘Ah, it did say this would be a chance for me to obtain a class, but I didn’t see anything after that. There weren’t any messages about White Dragon fully recovering either.’

That could only mean one thing.

She might look alright on the outside, but she’s yet to recover, right?’

The system messed with Han-Yeol countless times, but it never lied to him–not once. It always told him the truth, no matter how hurtful it was, and it always rewarded him accordingly whenever he completed its request.

That meant that his job was not yet finished.

Damn it… I should’ve noticed this sooner,’ Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly before grabbing his right wrist with his left hand.


Then, he cranked up his mana and used Restore with all of his mana once again.

“M-Master?” Tia exclaimed.

“Sorry! It’s not yet over!” Han-Yeol replied.

“Let’s go, Tia,” Stewart said, grimacing in disgust at the mana.



Stewart and Tia teleported out of the room. The holy mana unleashed by Han-Yeol’s Restore was too much for an Arachnid to bear. In the first place, it was this holy attribute mana that made him untouchable even against a high-ranking demon like Lord Kasha.

Most high-ranking demons were capable of enduring great amounts of pain, but Kasha had no choice but to cough up the treasure after getting tortured by this holy attribute mana.


Hmm? This reaction is…?’


White Dragon gave a different reaction to Restore. She was like a patient being healed by Restore previously, but it seemed she was harmonizing with it now.

Almost there!’ Han-Yeol instinctively knew he was at the finish line.

In other words, she was becoming one with Restore.

Kyuuuuuuu!” White Dragon let out a roar. It was too cute to be called a roar, but she was still a dragon nevertheless.


[You have completed the hidden event – Descent of White Dragon!]

W-What? Did this guy lie to me?’ Han-Yeol felt betrayed by the system when the class change quest suddenly turned into something else.

Still, he believed that the system was not going to stiff him of his reward. ‘It’s still going to give me my reward, right?’


[You have successfully found the Hidden Class.]

[Hidden Class has been obtained – Dragon Warrior.]

[You have obtained three new skills.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

He gained ten levels in an instant, but that was not important to him right now.

D-Dragon Warrior?’

The new class completely caught him off guard. He knew his new class would grant him skills and levels, but he did not expect something like this. Who would have imagined he would become a Dragon Warrior of all things?

Ah, is it because I saved White Dragon?’

His current emotion was a mixture of feeling baffled, happy, and surprised.

Haa… Who cares? As long as White Dragon is safe then I’m happy.’

Gaining a Hidden Class, new skills, and ten levels were good and all, but the most important thing to him was White Dragon’s well-being.

“Right, White Dra–” he was about to ask when he noticed there was something wrong with her.

He took a closer look at her strange posture and called out, “White Dragon?”

She was hanging upside down and covering her entire body with her wings just like a bat.

“White Dragon?” Han-Yeol shouted after noticing she was neither responding or moving.


She finally opened her eyes after Han-Yeol raised his voice. A blinding light coupled with powerful mana was unleashed by her body the moment her eyes opened.



The mana destroyed everything around it, causing the hotel building to shake.

Ironically, it was fortunate that the hotel’s owner had been rushed to the hospital earlier. He loved this hotel more than anyone, and his heart would have stopped if he saw the hotel building shake.


That was not the end of it.

Powerful gusts of wind blew from all directions, trying to knock the building over.

This mana is…!’ Han-Yeol immediately recognized the ferocious mana. It was none other than the light attribute he used.

Whoosh! Krwaaaang!

The suite room was falling apart. A storm of dust was kicked up from the debris, making it difficult to see in front, but Han-Yeol could see that something was growing bigger from behind the cloud of dust.

N-No way! Don’t tell me…!’

He did not possess the ability to control wind, but he did possess physical capabilities far stronger than most awakened beings.


He swung his hand and created a powerful gust of his own that blew away the dust obscuring his vision.

And what he saw the moment the cloud of dust was blown away was—



—a majestic creature growling at him. The creature had a large body, silver scales, fierce eyes with a line down the middle for pupils, sharp fangs, and large front legs holding a mysterious orb.


This majestic creature was none other than the fabled White Dragon[1].

However, it looked nothing like Mavros even in his transformed form. If Mavros was the perfect size to mount, then White Dragon was the complete opposite.

White Dragon looked exactly like the majestic dragons depicted in western legends, but if there was one small difference, then it was the fact that it was larger than the ones knights would mount.

1. Author used Korean word for White Dragon 백룡 and English White Dragon 화이트 드래곤 (which is basically hwait duregon). No other way around it q.q ☜

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