Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 497: Descent of the White Dragon (5)

[Nice to meet you, human. I believe this is our first time talking like this.]


[Why are you so surprised? Is this your first time experiencing telepathy? Hmm… I believe you have this skill too?]

“I-I do… but that’s not…”

Mavros had to wait until he had his second awakening before he could transmit his thoughts directly to Han-Yeol. On the other hand, White Dragon was able to communicate her thoughts telepathically to Han-Yeol on what was suspected to be her first awakening.

[That cute little child, Mavros, is just a mini-dragon. However, I am a proud member of the dragon race, so it is unwise for you to compare us.]

‘Ugh, was I being too obvious again?’ Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

He practiced the art of hiding his thoughts from others after learning Telepathy. Despite his best efforts to hide his thoughts, White Dragon could easily read his mind, leading him to believe that he had made the mistake of letting his expression show what he was thinking, which was something he often did.

[No, I read your mind, human. It is quite difficult to understand the expression of you humans. How can you tell when it all looks the same? I find that very fascinating.]

‘Huh?’ Han-Yeol was flustered after learning that the dragon managed to read his mind.

[Why are you so surprised, human? Ah, it must be because other humans can’t read your mind yet I read it, right? Come on, I’m a dragon. A dragon’s eyes can see right through the mind of any other creature even if that creature possesses the blood of fairies.]

“Wow, that’s quite amazing,” Han-Yeol replied with a hint of awe in his voice while scratching the back of his head. He knew there was no reason to complain if his mind was read by a dragon’s innate ability.

[Anyway, you humans are quite interesting. How did you hatch a superior race like me with your own strength? Well, it might be possible to hatch a dragon egg, but you successfully raised a dragon hatchling? Getting raised by a lesser creature is a shame to our superior race.]

“Hahaha…” Han-Yeol could only awkwardly laugh in response.

[Hmm… I can smell numerous scents coming from you, human.]


[Yes, scents. You have the scent of a human mixed with a tinge of a demon’s. But what’s surprising is you also have the scent of a spirit and an angel too. Hmm… It’s very subtle but I smell the scent of a god from you too.]

“Huh?! Angel and god?!” Han-Yeol exclaimed out of shock. He was not surprised by the scent of demons and fairies, as he was contracted to them, but he did not expect the others.

How did he have the scent of angels when he only met an angel once? And how did he have the scent of a god when he never met one before?

[Well, it’s very subtle so I can’t really tell for certain.]

“I mean, I did meet with an angel, so maybe that’s why?” Han-Yeol replied.

However, he did not say the remaining words in his mind: ‘But I have no idea where a god came from.’

[Hohoho! You humans are indeed fascinating. You’re the only insignificant creatures brave enough to challenge us dragons, and countless of your kind have either made friends or enemies with us.]

“I see…”

[But you’re the most fascinating one among them all.]


[Yes, you. A dragon is born with their memories intact. It’s not someone else’s memories or anything of that sort. It’s more like… we are born with a set of memories ingrained in us? It is something you lesser creatures would find it hard to understand.]

“Wow, that’s quite amazing. And it sounds convenient.”

[That’s why we dragons consider ourselves–no, we are without a doubt a superior race.]

White Dragon might have sounded arrogant, but she looked very nonchalant as if it was only normal.

[Anyway, I can’t find any instances in my memories where a human has tamed a dragon. Wait, let me rephrase that. A human has never successfully hatched a dragon egg before. They might have done that with mini-dragons, but never a fully-fledged dragon.]

“Hahaha… Does that mean I can be proud of myself?” Han-Yeol replied awkwardly. Then, he grumbled inwardly, ‘I’m not obsessed with being first, so I don’t really care…’

He was more fascinated by the fact that the small dragon suddenly became an adult dragon.

[You are truly hard to understand, and yet I like you.]

“Gee… Thanks for saying that, I guess?”

[Hahaha! Hmm, I could go on a transdimensional journey in search of a place that would serve as my lair but…]

‘What the hell is she talking about?’

[I can do that any time I want, so I’ll just stay with you for now.]



The powerful gusts of wind blew again as soon as White Dragon finished speaking, causing the mana pressure within the room to build up.

A blinding light filled the room once again and a voice that sounded like an echo rang in his head.



The light waned, but the large White Dragon was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a beautiful woman around one hundred seventy centimeters tall with flowing white hair down to her waist, standing where the dragon was just now.

“A-Are you… White Dragon?”

The woman laughed and asked in response, “Hoho! What do you think of this form of mine?”

She was most likely the dragon judging by how she did not deny it.

“Y-You look good?” Han-Yeol replied. Then, he thought, ‘Actually, you look amazing.’


He ended up swallowing a hard lump stuck in his throat after getting mesmerized by White Dragon’s beauty.

Her beauty alone was enough to make Han-Yeol feel nervous. She was so beautiful that she might be the first contender to measure up to Tayarana in terms of beauty.

“Hmm… I can’t use my Dragon Eyes while in human form, but can you stop looking at me like that? You’re making it too obvious you’re thinking of something strange, human.”

“A-Ah, my bad.”

Han-Yeol belatedly realized he was staring a bit too intently only after she mentioned it. He once again ended up awkwardly scratching the back of his head out of embarrassment.


The Descent of the White Dragon came as a huge shock. White Dragon in her true form was at least sixty meters long, which was roughly twenty stories high.

Such a massive creature appearing in the sky right beside the most luxurious hotel was bound to attract people’s attention. The state news channel and local media outlets rushed over to cover the story, and even the foreign media outlets that set up in the country to cover the ongoing war came as well after hearing news of the dragon’s appearance.

[They say Lee Han-Yeol has obtained another dragon!]

[What?! Is that true?!]

[Yeah! I was watching the news and they said that a gigantic dragon appeared right beside the hotel he was staying in!]

[Hey, isn’t that just a monster then?]

Everybody knew that Han-Yeol possessed a dragon. However, it was hard to believe he would obtain another one, as a dragon was an extremely rare creature that did not exist in this world.

The Hunters all over the world refused to believe the news of the white dragon’s appearance. In the end, the only reason they were in denial was because they were jealous of Han-Yeol.

[Come on! The hotel and everything around it should’ve been destroyed if that was the case! Think about it. Do you think a fight between such a massive dragon and Lee Han-Yeol would not cause widespread destruction?]

[Oh… You’re right…]

[Forget about a fight! White Dragon unleashed some sort of mysterious mana and vanished!]

[Huh? Then doesn’t that mean the dragon disappeared? Why are you saying he obtained another dragon then?]

[You fool! How can you be so stupid when you studied Lee Han-Yeol together with me?!]

[What?! Say that again! I dare you!]

The recipient of those words got worked up after he was called stupid. After all, anyone would be bound to get worked up if they were called stupid.

However, his friend ignored him and continued, [Think about it. What happened to Lee Han-Yeol’s first dragon?]

[Y-You’re right!]

[Now you realize?]

[Y-Yeah, that’s amazing… Having one dragon is already unbelievable, but to think he would gain another one…]

News of Han-Yeol obtaining another dragon spread like wildfire all over the world, and his fame traversed continents that Hunters in the Netherlands were starting to talk about him too.

However, another party was far more passionate in their discussion of Han-Yeol, and they were not happy with the news at all.



[Damn it! Damn it!]

[How in the world did this happen? A White Dragon? A White Dragon possessing the light attribute of all things?!]

[Damn it…]


These were none other than the hyena sorcerers who crossed over to Earth.

They did not have to see the news to notice the white dragon’s presence in this dimension. The sheer amount of light attribute mana unleashed by the dragon was so immense that the dark attribute mana they possessed immediately reacted to it.

The appearance of a White Dragon was not something the hyenas could downplay even though they managed to conquer the Bastro Dimension. A dragon was a far superior race and just one of them had the power to completely change the dynamics of the war.

‘Our entire race worships the Dragon of Destruction, but why would a superior creature like a dragon side with a single human?!’

Just because they noticed the presence of the White Dragon did not mean they slacked off on gathering information. Unfortunately, the only thing they found were videos of the dragon appearing beside the hotel before disappearing shortly after.

Every single news outlet in the world desperately tried to score an interview with Han-Yeol, but he did not even bother rejecting them. Instead, he ignored all of them.

The hyenas placed numerous spies around Han-Yeol, so they had a rough idea of what he was doing. However, this was all a part of Han-Yeol’s plan, as he wanted to attract the attention of the hyenas and make them wary of him.

Safe to say, he had already achieved more than he intended with the appearance of the dragon.

[We need to report this to Char.]

[Even Char will be wary of this situation.]

[Char said he will be sending that over. We can use that to kill this pesky human, Lee Han-Yeol.]

[Oh! Is he really sending that to us?]

[Yes, he is.]



Kue kue kue!

The mood among the hyena sorcerers suddenly became lively and they started snickering like crazy.

But what were they so happy about?

[Good! Good! It will be a different story if that comes! That human might be the strongest one in this dimension, but this place is just a lowly dimension that just transitioned into a second dimension! There’s no way he can stand against us, the mighty hyenas!]

[But which sorcerer will handle that once it comes?]

Three of the hyena sorcerers pushed back their chairs and stood up.

[We brothers will be taking care of that.]

[It is our duty to plunge that human into eternal torment and suffering.]

[Anyone who dares to stand in our way will suffer the same fate!]

These three hyena sorcerers were infamous for being psychopaths, and they made it clear they would not be entertaining any opposition from the others.

[Well, it seems nobody is against it. You brothers handle that then.]

[Thank you.]

There used to be four of them previously, but their third brother was caught and killed by the Light Faction Bastrolings in the Bastro Dimension.

The remaining brothers briefly ran into Han-Yeol in China, and there they learned that the culprit behind their loss in the Bastro Dimension that resulted in their brother’s death was none other than Han-Yeol.

The three hyena brothers swore to seek vengeance for their fallen brother.

[Let’s go.]

[Yes, elder brother.]




The meeting had yet to conclude, but the hyena brothers left after getting what they wanted from it. There was no reason for them to stay any longer now that their chance to seek vengeance from the pesky human was in their hands.

[T-Those insolent—!]

[Let them be. Tsk… Tsk… They’re always too full of themselves.]

[Those brothers remind me of those foolish Light Faction Bastrolings. They only rely on their strength and never use their brains.]

[I agree with you.]

The hyenas were not as united as the Bastrolings believed them to be. Their society operated just like any other race’s, and they would form factions or gossip about their fellow hyenas too. And a good example was how these hyena brothers did not have the best reputation among the hyenas.

[Well, it doesn’t matter as long as that human gets killed.]

[I agree.]

[I guess I have no choice but to let them be.]

Their conversation might sound very casual, but there was a clear hierarchy between them. The one seated at the head of the table and leading the meeting was the most powerful sorcerer among those present, and the other sorcerers stopped grumbling the moment he made his decision.

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