Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 500: Clash (1)

Han-Yeol went back to his busy schedule of relaxing for the entire day. He continued to laze around–no, relax as he always did when a piece of news reached him.

“Hmm, they’re going to have a special meeting…”

The coalition forces announced they would be convening to discuss how to end the war as soon as possible.

[Both China and the HUN should be taking care of the casualties by now, so they are just putting on a show for the people.]

“Wow~ That’s a very scathing opinion.”

[Humans love to waste their time with pointless meetings.]

Haha! I agree with you on that one.”

The meetings conducted in Asia were mostly copies of what the West did. Asian societies relied heavily on social hierarchy, so there was no point in having these meetings, as all opinions would be ignored and the highest-ranking person’s decision would be final.

What if it was not that kind of a meeting and the highest-ranking person respected everyone’s opinion? Then that meeting was just going to consist of bouncing opinions around without reaching any concrete decision.

“Do you know what’s funny? The hyena sorcerers are attending this meeting too as advisors.”

[That means?]

Haha! Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to attend too.”

[But you are not invited?]

“What are they going to do about it? I’m going to go if I want to.”

[But still… That is a bit…]

Karvis had spent a long time with Han-Yeol, but she could not help but be taken aback whenever he did things like this.

“Shall we go and have a look?”

[A-As you wish…]

The next morning, Han-Yeol headed straight to the meeting room.

[P-Please, sir!]

[Sir Han-Yeol!]

The security guards tried to stop him, but there was no way a bunch of normal Hunters could stop the most powerful Hunter in the world.

“Get lost, you pieces of trash.”




The security guards were flung far back even before they could get anywhere near Han-Yeol. He did not even have to lift a finger, as Stewart used magic to send them flying.

The demon knew they were not enemies, so he held back and made sure none of them died. However, they would not be so fortunate if they showed even a bit of hostility, as the demon would not have hesitated to kill them on the spot.


Han-Yeol kicked the meeting door and entered.

Someone welcomed him with a shout as soon as he stepped in.

[Lee Han-Yeol!]


Han-Yeol dug his ear with his pinky and ignored everyone. He waltzed over to an empty seat and sat on it as if it was reserved for him.

[W-What is this?!]

[Conduct yourself properly! What is this insolence?!]

“Hey, I don’t understand what you’re yapping, so can you just shut up? You’re too noisy,” Han-Yeol said nonchalantly.

He was not dumb to not understand roughly what they were trying to say, as he expected them to react this way if he entered the way he did. Still, he feigned ignorance on purpose and continued to act rudely.

[Kekeke! Look at him act just as you would expect from these insignificant humans! He doesn’t even have basic manners! How shameful!]

One of the hyena sorcerers spoke in the Bastro language and tried picking a fight with Han-Yeol, but there was something this sorcerer was unaware of.

[Manners? Haha! This is hilarious! You stray dogs don’t even have the courage to fight head-on and sneak around destroying unprotected villages. But what? Manners? That’s funny! I didn’t expect to hear that from you smelly stray dogs!]

[What did you say?!]

The hyena sorcerer was the one who got worked up despite picking a fight. Han-Yeol was the master of sneering at others, so there was no way a mere hyena could get under his skin.



[I said, enough.]


The hyena sorcerer was reprimanded by a fellow hyena sorcerer of equal rank, and yet he obediently sat in his seat.

[See? You guys are all bark no bite~ You don’t have the guts to do anything, do you? Sigh… I’m starting to think those Light Faction guys are utterly incompetent for losing to you guys.]

It had been a long time since Han-Yeol was able to ridicule someone to his heart’s content.


[W-What did you say?]


Three intermediate-ranking hyena sorcerers were participating in the meeting. All three of them knew they were not supposed to cause a scene, so all they could do was glare at Han-Yeol in response.

“Oh~ I’m shaking in my shoes~ Hey, lower your gazes, you dog heads. And isn’t it funny? The whole fiasco with the demon army is all your doing and yet here you are attending as advisors to a meeting convened to solve the very problem you created.”

[...I have no idea what you’re talking about.]

“Why don’t you tell me a more believable lie? Did you really think I wouldn’t be aware of what you dog heads were up to? Well, don’t worry. I don’t have plans to tell those stupid humans.”

[Oh? I’m now curious what goes on in that little head of yours.]

Han-Yeol gave a thumbs-up in response. On Earth, giving a thumbs-up was seen as a positive thing, but that was not the case in the Bastro Dimension. A thumbs-up was used to sign for someone to be beheaded, and showing the thumb was the same as giving the middle finger for them.

“I’m not gonna tell you, dog heads. Eat this.”

[T-This insignificant creature dares to—!]


The hyena sorcerers growled in anger yet they had to exert supernatural self-restraint, as they were given orders not to cause a scene during the meeting. However, that did not mean they were able to stop glaring at Han-Yeol with eyes full of bloodlust.

The human officials in the meeting spoke in English in an attempt to mediate between the two parties.

[Stop that at once!]

[Lee Han-Yeol!]

Thud! Thud!

Han-Yeol leaned back, placed both feet on the table, and locked his fingers behind his head in response.

“Hum~ Hum~ hum~”


Then, he started to hum and whistle a tune.

[W-What is this rudeness?!]

[Damn it…]

Needless to say, Han-Yeol’s actions completely ruined the atmosphere in the meeting room. This meeting was of great importance where they were supposed to discuss numerous classified matters, but it seemed difficult to proceed with their agenda thanks to the ruined atmosphere.

In the end, they brought up a few unimportant matters and hurriedly adjourned the meeting, hoping they could convene at another time without Han-Yeol.

[Then, I will now adjourn this meeting.]

The meeting was conducted in English and those who did not understand English had translators with them. Therefore, Han-Yeol understood everything brought up in the meeting due to this.

Han-Yeol scowled. “What? I thought this was supposed to be some important strategic meeting. Is that all on the agenda?”

Ahem… Ahem…

The human officials cleared their throats. They were nervous that Han-Yeol would catch their intention to convene at another time.

[Y-Yes, that will be all. Is there a problem, Lee Han-Yeol?]

“What the? Tsk… You guys are so boring,” Han-Yeol clicked his tongue and said.


Contrary to their concern, Han-Yeol moved his feet off the table and got up. Then, he did not say anything and simply left the meeting room.

The human officials held their breaths and waited for Han-Yeol to leave.


They finally breathed out after confirming that he had left without causing any more trouble.


[Why do we have to walk on eggshells over one Hunter?!]

[Just be patient. Lee Han-Yeol will be nothing but an insect once the experiment those hyenas are conducting becomes successful.]


The hyena sorcerers were not the only ones who swore retaliation against Han-Yeol, as even the HUN officials harbored a grudge against him.

[Hahaha! Don’t you think these humans are very interesting, elder brother? I wonder where these weaklings get their confidence from. We have a way to kill that pesky human since we’re superior creatures compared to him, but what about these fools?]

[This isn’t the first time these humans have acted foolishly. Don’t get distracted and forget our mission. We are to kill Lee Han-Yeol and find out where he gets that repulsive power of his from.]

[Yes, elder brother!]

[And we will subject him to eternal suffering and damnation.]


The hyena sorcerers might be of the same rank, but a clear hierarchy existed between them. The hyenas rarely had a hierarchy among those of the same rank, but the hierarchy present between these three hyena sorcerers was due to the fact that they were blood-related.

The younger ones acknowledged their eldest brother as their leader. In return, the eldest brother made sure to lead his brothers properly, which was evident from how he stayed level-headed throughout the meeting.

Two of the three hyena sorcerers who attended the meeting were the eldest brother and the second brother among the hyena brothers.

[Let’s go.]



Unfortunately, the other hyena sorcerer with them did not get the same respect despite being stronger, as he was not one of their brothers.

Indeed, the hierarchy of the hyenas was quite a simple yet complex thing.

The three hyena sorcerers left the meeting room without stirring up any trouble, but they could not hide their anger and bloodlust oozing out from their bodies.

Their emotions carried their contaminated mana, causing every single plant in the entire complex to wither. This, in turn, caused the government to fire the gardeners even though it was not their fault.


That evening, Han-Yeol suddenly left the hotel and went to a secluded area located far away from Beijing.

Hum~ Hum~ Hum~ I wonder when they will come.”

“Hmm… This is boring.”

He was with White Dragon, who was trying not to show that she was dying from boredom. She was the only one who accompanied him this time. The others tried to tag along, but he firmly told them to stay in the hotel.

“Kyu!” Mavros protested and made his presence known.

“Okay okay, you’re here too. Happy?”

Kyu!” Mavros cried out happily after his presence was acknowledged too.[1]

“I thought you grew up, but why are you acting like a baby again?”

Mavros looked very dependable when he brought White Dragon to him, but he reverted back to being the cute playful baby dragon shortly after.

Han-Yeol was not really complaining, as he liked Mavros for his cuteness rather than his fierceness or maturity anyway.

“Damn it! Where the hell are they?!” Han-Yeol exclaimed angrily.



“Did you perhaps forget to set a meeting?”

“I did!” Han-Yeol replied confidently with both thumbs up.


A cross-shaped vein bulged on White Dragon’s forehead.

“Are you joking with me?!” she roared.



The ground and the heavens shook at the dragon’s roar, and it felt as if the end of the world was upon them. This was the power of the dragons, who were regarded as the greatest race to ever live.

It went without saying that Han-Yeol almost pissed himself after having a taste of the dragon’s roar.

1. The author was making a joke with narration, in case any of you got confused. ☜

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