Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 101: Master of the eight hundred li

The white light dissipated, revealing a deep pit at least ten zhang in diameter.

From within the pit, a white lotus slowly stood up.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

She coughed and looked up at the sky. "If it weren't for this robe, I would have been done for."

The black robe she was wearing was obviously a rare treasure, protecting her from the previous attack. However, it was now tattered and occasionally revealed a snowy white color.

In her line of sight, a figure wearing the iconic red and black robe of the Judicial Department slowly descended from the night sky.

He had a clear and thin face, a three-inch long beard, and even his voice was thin. But as a whole, he gave off a substantial sense of power.

"To be able to react before my blazing light exploded, you are truly extraordinary. I'm curious... who was the one you sent away just now?"

He suddenly changed the subject and swiftly accelerated, rushing towards the direction Jiang Wang had left!

A white flame suddenly ignited, and Bai Lian shot up into the air, intercepting the expert from the Judicial Department with an unimaginable speed. Cold white flames bloomed like flowers, illuminating the night.


The expert from the Judicial Department flickered and had already passed through the flowers of white flames, appearing in front of Bai Lian.

The two of them were almost stuck together in mid-air, with half of their bodies overlapping.

He reached out and pressed a burst of blazing light onto Bai Lian's abdomen.

Sending her crashing to the ground!

He was prepared! Or rather, his sudden pursuit of Jiang Wang was part of his tactics.


The intense burst of light pressed down on Bai Lian's soft body, creating another large pit in the ground.

"Cough, cough!"

As the smoke cleared, Bai Lian stood up from the pit once again.

Fresh blood coughed up from her mouth, staining her black veil.

"Ji Xuan, you son of a bitch, always resorting to tricks. You deserve to be a dog for your whole life!"

There was an obvious wound on her abdomen, slowly healing amidst the burning white flames.

The person who appeared in the sky was none other than Ji Xuan, the third-ranked expert of the Judicial Department, and the peak expert of the Inner Palace Realm in Qinghe County!

Despite being scolded, Ji Xuan was not angry. "Even though you know it's me, you still dare to resist?"

Bai Lian suddenly laughed, "Ji Xuan, although you are powerful, you don't understand a woman's heart. You tore off her clothes as soon as you came up, which girl wouldn't resist?"

Her voice was dreamlike, as if weaving a beautiful dream in a whisper, quietly enveloping Ji Xuan.

Almost at the same time, centered around Bai Lian, fierce white light intertwined and covered everything within a radius of three zhang!

The illusionary sound entered the dream, and the intense light suppressed.

Bai Lian used the conversation as a prelude, while Ji Xuan used the conversation as preparation. The two top-grade Dao arts almost erupted simultaneously.

Although Bai Lian had rushed out of the range of the intense light suppression in the first moment, the white flames on her body had obviously become thinner and could no longer cover her whole body.

The difference in strength was obvious, not to mention that Bai Lian was already injured.

But the direction she rushed towards... was Ji Xuan!

Of course, the illusionary sound entering the dream couldn't erase the spirit of a strong expert like Ji Xuan, but she only needed an opportunity. As long as she could trap Ji Xuan for three breaths, she would have a chance to reverse the situation tonight!

A white flame flower bloomed in her jade-like palm, pressing towards Ji Xuan's abdomen.

She was a woman who held grudges.


Bai Lian suddenly collided with something, causing chaos. Only then did she see that strands of white light intertwined to form a square cage in front of Ji Xuan, trapping Bai Lian inside!

The white light was like a wall, like a cage.

It was obvious that Ji Xuan had long been prepared for Bai Lian's illusionary sound entering the dream. He may have only been dizzy for less than a breath, but he waited until Bai Lian approached before suddenly erupting.


Complete and utter crushing.

From beginning to end, Ji Xuan controlled the entire situation.

He had no intention of killing Bai Lian in the first place; his goal was to capture her alive.

Inside the cage of light, Bai Lian once again condensed a white flame flower, but she did not attempt to break through the barrier of white light. Instead, without hesitation, she pressed it against her own spiritual core.

In the first moment she was trapped in the cage of light, she had already realized Ji Xuan's intentions.

So, in the first moment, she gave her answer!

This move undoubtedly caught Ji Xuan off guard. He was very interested in Bai Lian and the entire organization behind her. Otherwise, as the head of the Judicial Department in Qinghe County, he would not have personally taken action tonight.

For Ji Xuan, Bai Lian's death meant nothing to him. But it also meant that he would lose all the gains that would come after.

Decisive as Ji Xuan was, he immediately dispersed the cage of light. He approached Bai Lian closely, his hand wrapped in white light, reaching out to grab the white flame flower.

The white flame flower turned around and blasted towards Ji Xuan's head.

Bai Lian's attack on her own spiritual core was a genuine and decisive action; otherwise, she would not have been able to deceive Ji Xuan. But when Ji Xuan tried to stop her from committing suicide, she immediately turned her attack against him.

She was not afraid of death, but she didn't want to die.

Ji Xuan's hand, wrapped in white light, was placed in front of his forehead, precisely blocking the white flame flower. His other hand clenched into a fist and fiercely struck Bai Lian's abdomen!

Someone like Ji Xuan, even if he wanted to capture his opponent alive, would never give his opponent an opportunity. Capturing was the goal, but it was only one of the goals. He would try his best to achieve it, but it was not a must.

He was already angry, and this punch was merciless.

Bai Lian curled up in the air, her whole body sent flying! The white flames on her body extinguished, just like her life's flame, teetering on the edge.

Ji Xuan was about to chase after her.

Suddenly, boom!

Boom boom boom!

A huge wave surged, like the beating of a war drum.

The entire Xiongkuo River seemed to surge.

Qingjiang trembled!

A towering wave surged into the sky, and on top of the wave stood an old man wearing a magnificent crown and robe.

"The head of the Judicial Department responsible for all transcendent cases in Qinghe County, why do you have the time to wander around Qingjiang?"

He spoke with almost no breath left, but his voice overshadowed the surging wave and the roaring tide, clearly reaching Ji Xuan's ears.

The old man standing on top of the wave was already hunched over.

Wrinkles covered his face, and age spots couldn't hide his appearance.

He looked very old.

But who would dare to ignore him?

Who could ignore the master of the eight hundred li Qingjiang, Song Hengjiang!


Ji Xuan almost immediately restrained his aura and stopped in mid-air, lowering his gaze slightly. "Lord Prefect, Ji Xuan was patrolling Qinghe County at night and unintentionally discovered a demon who had fled here. As the head of the Judicial Department, appointed by the monarch and entrusted with the lives of the people, I dare not take it lightly!

In order to prevent this demon from harming the people under your rule, I had to take action urgently. Due to the urgency of the situation, I was unable to obtain your consent in advance. Please forgive me."

His words were smooth and unimpeded.

He expressed humility, pointed out his reliance, and gave Song Hengjiang a way out.

As a high-ranking figure in the Judicial Department, commanding the entire Qinghe County Judicial Department, his status was not lower than that of the Qinghe County Prefect.

But at this moment, he had to lower his head.

He understood. Since Song Hengjiang had personally appeared tonight, there must be an explanation.

He also felt that, with his current status and the current situation of the human and aquatic races, this step he offered was already enough.

But Song Hengjiang only gave him a faint glance with his cloudy eyes.

Then, the corners of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile.

Just this one smile.

The gloom dissipated, replaced by arrogance!

"The descendant of Zhuang Chengqian is becoming more and more unreasonable. You dare to fight and kill right under my nose!"

He stood with his hands behind his back. "In consideration of Zhuang Chengqian, slap yourself ten times and you can leave."

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