Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 192: Sword that cuts the Future Part 2

Chapter 192: Sword that cuts the Future Part 2

"A will domination, one sword dominates through ruthlessness. Only when the sword has the capability to dominate other swords, he can determine the life and death of others."

At this moment, various words rang on her brain. The blue aura and red aura rushed out of her body, clashing against each other. But suddenly, she stopped. Her reaction caused Yin Hao'er to frown. But Rose directly asked, "When are you going to teach me about the sword that cuts the future?"

"It seems your heart is not settled yet. Well, I can understand." Yin Hao'er finally understood why she stopped. Although the time inside the Primal Chaos Bead was very fast compared to outside, if her mood is not right, she can't understand no matter how much she tries.

"Alright, let's talk about Sword that can cut future. Currently, if you take a hard path, you can't make that sword. But if you take some shortcuts, you would be able to condense the sword that can cut future."

"Let me give you a concept for this sword. When this sword is launched, you make the attack now but it will hit in the future. Normally, it doesn't have much effect because you are not strong enough. But if you merge this with another concept, you can make the deadliest sword."

"You make a sword now, and with your current condition, you can only attack someone three minutes in the future. Currently, in your universe the strongest person has the lifespan of a million years, so you need to take more than a hundred thousand years of their lifespan in each minute."

"After all, most of those people have already exhausted their lifespan. Normally, when you do this, you are also consuming your lifespan but this won't be a problem for you. But three minutes are very short, people can see your attack through Dao of Time if they have cultivated it."

"Once a person can dodge your attack in the future, he can dodge your attack is present. The main concept is to connect your future with your present, so if you miss it, this can also backfire on you. If it was a normal person, that person must be above Escaping Fate Realm to use this kind of attack."

"But you are different, not only you have his inner circle but also that sword. One can help you attack in the future while the other can help you resist the force that decreases your lifespan. Remember this circle that you have is the strongest circle that he has condensed."

"Once you reach above Escaping Fate Realm, there are no realms, not exact realms. So people need to condense their own realm. Supreme is just a name. Condensing realm means condensing circle. You see, the moral realm is one circle, the saint is another circle, and so on."

"There could be infinite numbers of circles, it depends how many circles you create and break, create and break, again, and again until you reach the final circle. This circle holds the power of nine strongest daos, among them includes time and space."

"When you make that sword, time and space will try devouring you first. So you need certain strength to resist the power of time-space. But with your current strength, it would be impossible. So, you need to rely on that circle to condense Supreme Time and Space around you which can resist the time-space of this universe."

"You see, for people under Escaping Fate Realm, heaven makes a lot of challenges. Devouring your lifespan is also one of its challenges, only when you escape fate, you can escape from the clutches of heaven, even destroy it."

But while explaining to her, she saw something that she was hoping to see. Making a sad expression, she said "It seems I really can't explain this better."

At this moment, Rose stood there silently. She knew her to understand had made her embarrassed. After all, she couldn't understand anything clearly.

"It seems you have practiced these two sword techniques." The point at Past, Present, and Future Sword Technique, and Yin-Yang Harmony Sword Technique, she spoke.

Hearing her words, Rose hesitated and asked "Isn't it bad to swallow so many things at the same time?"

"Nope, not for you. You see, he has mastered everything that a person could understand but he hasn't perfected even one. Still, though, he has something that makes him one of the strongest under Eternal Realm."

"With that circle, you can comprehend everything. And you need it, don't you? If you fail to protect your life, he will die with you. So you got no choice but to practice them and increase your strength." At this moment, Yin Hao'er finally revealed her true plan.

She wanted her to practice all of them but Rose's choice disappointed her. Even so, she hoped A Domination Sword could help her. And learning other arts would be even greater for her. Being ruthless is one point, becoming someone like Fei was a completely different point.

If she were to take this path alone, she would completely fall under his path. So, Yin Hao'er wanted to mess this up. She wanted to make her cultivation chaotic so that she won't fall in Fei's path. Of course, she was selfish.

She asked or rather forced her to choose this make because she didn't care about Rose. She only cares about her brother. That's why she chose to make her path chaotic. Even though, she knew this would be detrimental to her.

Originally Rose was hesitating but when Yin Hao'er touched her soft spots, she didn't hesitate to agree. She was going to kill emperors and she needs greater strength. If she can't even protect herself, how could think of resurrecting Johnny?

When the knowledge of those two techniques entered her mind, she fell unconscious directly. That much of knowledge was too hard to bear. Seeing this, Yin Hao'er pupil shrunk.

After that, she made some arrangements for her. She sealed knowledge about the higher level of these arts. It took her three hours to regain her consciousness. After she opened her eyes, she sat crossed leg and closed her eyes again.

Entering her mind, she tried to check the information that she received. But later found most of the information was hidden.

"Past, Present and Future Sword Technique"

"First Layer- Aging Sword"

'When a sword is unsheathed, it fights against the space-time. When the sword is touched, millions of years pass.'

Although there were few words about the first layer, there was something more than that. It was detailed information about time and space.

'Time and Space are different in different places. And it depends upon the density of time and space, the higher the density, the slower the time, and vice versa. If a person can change the density, that person can bend time and space to his Will.'

'But Time and Space are divided into two types; Normal and Special. Normal Time and Space doesn't change while Special Time and Space changes with density. Two types can coexist but can't control each other.'

'Only the understanding of Dao of Time and Dao of Space can control them. If the cultivation realm can control the density, then understanding of dao can control Normal and Special Space-Time. Aging Sword, focuses on the flow of time, creating special Space-Time to overlap normally around the opponent and emptying their lifespan.'

'Aging Sword' is divided into three types- Present Aging Sword, Future Aging Sword, and Past Aging Sword. Present Aging Sword consumes the lifespan of a person in the present, while other two works on future and past.'

'Present Aging Sword is the easiest as long as one can withstand the passage of space-time, while other two swords need higher concentration over Dao of Time.'

'Passage of Space-Time- When a person tries to make any change in time, that person would have to pay the price which would be same as the victim.'

Only then Rose understood it clearly. Normally, a person with cultivation like her can't use such a technique. Because when a person uses this technique, that person will create a special domain of Space-Time where time follows hundred, thousand, and even million times faster.

But heaven is fair, especially when it comes to bending the rules of the universe. So to punish the user, the same phenomenon will occur to her which is known as Passage of Space-Time. This will deplete her lifespan.

But if she has something that can resist the Passage of Space-Time for her, she can easily execute such a technique without caring about its drawback. But there was a problem with this. She can't use the Present Aging Sword against the high-level cultivator because it needs time to draw their lifespan.

And, she needs better comprehension over Dao of Time to use Future Aging Sword and draw their lifespan from the future while killing them in present. It would be kind of a sneaky attack. Only then she began to understand everything that Yin Hao'er told her.

If her sword can kill someone for half an hour in the future then it depends on how much lifespan she can draw from her opponent's future. And unless the opponent in present learns about it, there was no way to counter this attack.

But only if she comprehends the Dao of Time. So, can she comprehend Dao of Time before leaving the earth?

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