Minute Mage: A Time-Traveling LitRPG Progression Fantasy

Announcement (plus free Chapters) (but this, itself, isn't a Chapter)

Announcement (plus free Chapters) (but this, itself, isn't a Chapter)

Hello everyone!

So, to start off, I'm uploading an extra, free chapter for everybody tomorrow, at the normal time!

Why, you ask? Well, to celebrate the introduction of even more extra chapters! These chapters will be on Patreon, where I've decided to increase my upload schedule from 3 per week to 4 per week. The upload schedule on RoyalRoad will stay the same (other than the extra free chapter coming out tomorrow), but Patreon will start seeing an additional chapter on Saturdays at the normal time. This will go on for at least a few months since I've been able to write a lot more now that it's summer and I get a break from classes, but depending on the reception I get I may be able to keep it going for even longer!

Here's another link to the Patreon, please check it out and consider supporting my writing if you like getting those sweet, sweet extra chapters!

Thanks everyone for your support, you all make writing worth it! And I'll see you tomorrow with the extra chapter coming out for everyone :)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.