Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 178: The Dilemna of the Emperor.

Chapter 178: The Dilemna of the Emperor.

Lelouch was immediately silenced by the words. He already monitored those two enough to know this wasn't the case.

'Maybe Mirabut for Erza'

He already had knowledge about the future of that world, so he was privy to some 'sensitive' information.

The Emperor then remembered, a scene that just happened before his eyes. A scene that he may not be able to forget, for the rest of his life.

Linaella's tears dropping out, her standing up, her beautiful yellow eyes looking at him, with deep fright in them.

Her voice, still choked up, her eyes and expression, were terrified as if she didn't acknowledge him as a person anymore.

Only one sentence ringed in his head:

'You are a monster'

Marek had a calm gaze:

"Even more than Jellal"

"For the Members of that guild."

He repeated the sentence that echoed in his mind. His eyes and voice were clear, without a ripple in them:

"I am nothing short of a monster."

Lelouch knew exactly what the Emperor was thinking. This is was the advantage of being surrounded by capable subjects.

"Your MajestyYou can't let her words-!"

He stopped his Vizirs mid-sentence. He had a brilliant smile as he acknowledged the worry of his friend:

"But her words are true, Lelouch."

He smiled, completely at peace with his decision:

"Do you think that Lina, didn't hold any affection for me, when we were younger?"

He took a deep breath. Memories of his little sister flooding his mind. His eyes had a hint of melancholic nostalgia:

"But people changeCircumstances, and values, become more important than love and bonds."

"Erza and Mira love Marek Vega"

He looked at his friend, who understood him the most:

"But could they bring themselves to love the Saiyan Emperor?"

He continued, his voice completely calm, as if he wasn't talking about himself:

"And even if they didWouldn't they be happier being Fairy Tail Mages than Empresses?"

This was the keyThis was the things he didn't consider when he was younger

When he didn't know what loving them, really meant.

Roygun, Shahrazad, Kosem, and Yoruichi all were born in noble houses with the burden of ruling already imbedded on them from birth.

They already saw the dark side of ruling, the inhumanity of war and the reality of the world.

For them becoming Empresses was merely a larger responsibilityThat is all

ButWas that the case for Erza and Mira?

"There are things I didn't and couldn't take into consideration, until I actually fell in love with them."

He looked at the Vizir, a dark power glowing around him as he continued:

"The Dark Kindness made me."

He looked at the tick mysterious power invading every pore of his body. Reinforcing him bit by bit. This power was way too complex too mysterious. Yet he never felt such a sense of closeness even when he was using, his own creation, Sage Ki.

He remembered the time, this power started to appear first. It was after he retrieved the memories of his childhood in Earthland.

After he became a full fledged person. After he became complete. Immediately, a tear dropped out.

Was it because of bliss?

Was it because of nostalgia?

Or was it because he already knew at that time

That he needed to make this kind of decision.

"It made me understandThat I was too selfish."

"This was a mistake, my first mistake, since I came to power"

Lelouch took a deep breath, a heavy heart on.

The Emperor continued speaking casually, without a trace of doubt in his heart.

As if he attained clarity:

"The Dark kindness is much more powerful than expected."

He played with this unfathomable power:

"Even Roygun is affected, but she doesn't realize it yet."

"Her personality is slowly changing to fit, that of a member of the Dynasty."

"This Power is much more mysterious than expected, even my Rinnegan can't see through it."

Lelouch was flabbergasted.

'Something that even his eyes can't see through!! Does it really exist in the world?!!'

"Erza and Mira would surely and slowly get affected as long as they join the Vega Dynasty."

"Would that be fair to any of them?"

"More importantly, would I do that to another woman I love?"

Lelouch stopped in his tracks.

"You meanif they were affected by the dark kindness, they may"

Marek sighed to the sky. He didn't speak but that sigh, held much more than a thousand words

The Grand Vizir understood his meaning

The Grand Vizir clenched his fist tightly, looking down, frustration written all over his face:



The Emperor's peaceful voice entered his ears

Yet His fists were trembling.

'How could such an obvious thing escape my sight?!!! Our sight?!!'

"Even if I have to never see them again."

The Vizir's eyes held endless regret, and deep endless shame:

'How shamefulTo think we stayed oblivious that long.'

"I would prefer to never have to live through that pain again."

'If someone with a deep sense of justice and a heroic spirit get affected by the Vega Dark Kindness.'

"When I look at my enemiesThe only thing I feel is thrill and longing."


"The thought of seeing Erza and Mira at the opposite side of mine."

'It might be the second coming'

'Of the Princess.'

"Is not something I am looking forward to."

He kept a long smile, as his eyes looked ahead:

"I will never change, actually, as I war, I will only become more and more of a monster."

He sighed to the sky:

"Maybe, Jellal is worthier of her after all."

Lelouch was immediately outraged:

"Your Majesty!!! How could you say that?!!"

He laughed lightly, completely calm, his head as clear as ever:

"At least, he is someone who she can change."

"And someone who will be willing to change for her."

"Even if they didn't meet, as Children, they will surely meet as adults."

He smiled lightly, surprisingly indifferent:

"And I am quite sure, something will happen between them."

He advanced looking at his rebuilt Empire. Endless love in his eyes:

"You are quite lucky, Lelouch."

Lelouch stared at the lonely back of the Emperor. Complex emotions in his heart.

"Kallen and Shirley are able to love you as Lelouch Lamperouge, Lelouch Vi Britania and Zero."

"All of you. Despite all that happened."

Lelouch was immediately stopped, as he realized the meaning of the Emperor's words.

"Cherish them dearly, and let me marry all of you!!"



AAAAGHH We were so close!!! to 400 only short of 6 Powerstones!!!

But since we were so close!! I will release a Bonus Chapter the next days!!


Let's got to the top!!


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

200 Powerstones EQUAL 1 Bonus Chapter!! CHECKK!!!

300 Powerstones EQUAL 2 Bonus Chaptere( with the first one included, ofc.) CHECK!!!

500 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time. /ThunderDawn

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

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I had this idea while writing my work!! I hope you will like it!!

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