Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 183: Imperial Gate

Chapter 183: Imperial Gate

Primordial Realm.

10 Hermits Mountains. Imperial Gate Sect

The Place known as Imperial Gate Sect, the most powerful and most prestigious of the 10 Sects.

It regroups the most talented and most powerful disciples in the Astaroth Continent.

And is the only sect who is worthy of representing the Continent at the Intercontinental competition.

Never and ever did it lose it's first position in the ranking.

It had an extremely arduous entrance test that gauged the Human will and spirit to it's bitter end.

Their disciples roamed the continent unhindered, tales of their powerful and heroic deeds sung through the endless ages.

All the citizen and young boys looked up to it, as the apex of Martial Arts.

In their branches all over the continent, numerous star eyed youth would line up, endlessly. Ambition and fervent hearts burning in their chests.

Their Ancestor.

The Oldest Hermit of the 10 Hermit Mountain, was an extremely powerful monster.

He was a master from Ancient Times.

That means he had lived through the ages of the Vega Dynasty.

He had accumulated endless power and is even said that in a battle between him and the Continental Martial Saint, nobody could say who would win for sure.

He rarely even came from isolation.

Some disciples lived their whole life without even having the privilege of seeing him.

He was said to be a monster in human form.

His power unfathomable and endless.

But he garnered a lot of fanatics in the continent as well in the sect itself.

In every Martial Competition, they never even lost once.

And in the new one, held in the Lan Empire. People were looking forward to their show of might.

The disciples of this generation were particularly notorious.

Even more notorious than Kosem, the Sword Maiden.

So they garnered a lot of attention.

On the Highest Peak of the 10 Martial Mountains.

An extremely prestigious sect was erected, like a sword raging to threaten the Heavens!!

It looked powerful, domineering and fearless!!

On the Entrance one mantra was written with powerful words. A glorious Aura was oozing from it, that would make even looking at it difficult.


Every time the disciples would enter, they would feel the deep power in the words fill up their soul to the brim!!

They would feel like they could eat lions, and swallow dragons!!!

But today in front of the particular entrance. A Weird scene that would surprise everyone was taking place.

As the daylight rose, a gorgeous carriage arrived in front of the Imperial Gate.

The Carriage was rather small, not showyBut if one would look at the Material and the classy ornament.

A Well hidden sense of luxury that could perceived by people with the highest standing was definitely entrenched in there.

But more importantly and above allThere was a well-known crest

Inside it a Blond Haired woman was sitting in a large luxurious bedroom. Her legs showed her beautiful curves. She was reading some papers, her eyes shinning with an ominous light, her smile demoniac, and her lips turning form pink to red.

By her side what seemed like an old maid, was serving her tea, with a professional smile. The woman spoke deeply:

"So there was a massacre on the Sword Sect, huh"

She laughed chirpily:

"InterestingThat Sword Witch alienated her whole sect just for him."

"SoShe definitely didn't know anything about him."

She laughed lightly:

"Is Elga Von Valen still alive?"

The Maid responded:

"Sadly, she couldn't make it"

"The News of her death have been delivered to her Family."

Raquela's smile only got wider:

"OhI see"

'She doesn't changeKosem Vega'

'That smoke screen you threw may work on that an old martial nutBut it won't work on me'

She laughed lightly:

"Deliver my orders"

A little while later

All the disciples stood in rows, with solemnity and devotion in their eyes. Yet their gaze were stuck in the ground.

An announcer spoke:


All the disciples looked down ceremoniously.


With deep elegance, and unmatched grace, a young, delicious yet frail blonde woman descended from the carriage.

A slight flowery scent was coming from her body, that would drive all the men mad, and make all the women blush.

Rumors of the beauty of the First Princess were spread all over the continents.

She would rarely appear, to them, the plebians.

They didn't dare to look up.

But they knewThis was a beauty that could give Kosem and Aelis a run for their money!!

She made her way, without her eyes even losing focus. Resolute footsteps resounded, as she marched.

Suddenly, the sect Master, the man leading this generation of the sect stood in her way.

But before anyone could notice, without any issue whatsoever, he kneeled to the ground.

"Your Majesty."

Racela smiled gently:

"You can stand up, sect master."

"I am merely a princess. You don't need to kneel before me."

The Humble words, the gentle voice, it made the others disciples feel like a feathered angel downed on the world.

The Sect Master kept a composed face, as he stood up, but he still made a customary bow.

"The Tales of Your Majesty's great character are indeed true."

"This Martial Apprentice is in awe."

Raquela kept her bright smile as she responded:

"Let's not dwell on formalities, Sect Master."

"I have a tight schedule ahead of me."

"Where is he?"

The Sect Masters, had an intense light in his eyes as he responded with the same courtesy:

"He is staying in the most Luxurious and Grandest of Palaces."

"As Befitting of his Glorious status."

Raquela looked at the most imposing manor of all. The sigma of two golden eagles crossing each other, the sigma of the Saharan Dynasty, that only the Emperor could normally showcase.

'Does he really think he is already the Emperor? Sigh'

Raquela sighed knowing that the man didn't change one bit.

"His Majesty the Crown Prince have been expecting your arrival for a while."

Raquela a little interested by this information, asked:

"OhDid he?"

She looked at the Sigma:

"And what did he exactly say?"

The Sect Master coughed a little embarrassed but still pulled through:

"My lovely little sister wouldn't miss out on meeting the Future Legendary Emperor of the Dynasty."


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

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300 Powerstones EQUAL 2 Bonus Chaptere( with the first one included, ofc.)

400 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time. /ThunderDawn

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