New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1832  Volcanis and His Team

Chapter 1832  Volcanis and His Team

[Time Halt]

Halo activated his first elemental ability and stopped the time. Of course, Halo cast that skill on for the Old Man to stop him from moving.

Since the old man was a very powerful cultivator with a Divine Rule that was already activated, Halo could not stop the Old Man for long.

"Everyone, listen carefully. I can only stop him for the utmost 10 seconds. So, go all out and use all your attacks."

Halo had already explained this thing to the remaining elemental spirits in the team even before he used his skill.

Hence, as soon as the other elemental spirits saw that the old man was frozen by the Time Elemental Spirit's skill, they didn't waste any time in using their most powerful skills.

[Fire Asteroids]

Ignis was the first one to use his most powerful attack as he summoned hundreds of asteroids that landed on the old man in less than two seconds and created a huge explosion.

[Blood Corrosion]

Since they didn't have much time, the Blood Elemental Spirit didn't waste any time as he used one of his powerful skills on the old man.

They already knew that the Fire Asteroids were not enough to injure the old man, not to mention killing him with that skill was completely out of their thoughts.

Hence, after the Blood Elemental Spirits, the other damage dealers in the team also used their powerful attacks to do as much damage as possible to the old man.

[Long Wind Blades]

The Wind Elemental Spirit, Tempos has used that skill as he summoned 10 huge and sharp blades and released them at the old man.

[Ice Statue]

[Metal Hammer]

[Water Blast]

Followed by Tempos, the Ice Elemental Neig, the Metal Elemental Spirit Septon along with the Water Elemental Spirit Claris used their own attacks to injure the old man.

Nevertheless, even with all these attacks, there were hardly any scratches on the Old Man's perfect body armour.

[King's FireStorm]

At the last moment just when the effect of the [Time Halt] would disappear, Volcanis took action as he used his most powerful attack because he was hoping to break the old man's defence this time at any cost.


In the next second, a huge firestorm appeared from Volcanis' feet and the target was the old man.

It only took a single second for the huge firestorm to reach the old man as it swallowed him.

"Damn you, b*stards. Do you think these kinds of attacks would work on me?"

Two seconds after the old man was swallowed by the huge firestorm, there was a loud voice from the firestorm.


In the next second, the huge firestorm was easily blasted by the old man as he angrily looked at the elemental spirits.

"I am going to kill you all and make your summoning master regret his decision to send you to destroy my territory."

The old man was fired up as he quickly moved to attack the elemental spirit that was close to him.

"Everyone, into the formation."

On the other hand, Volcanis shouted out loud and in the next second, all elemental spirits rushed together.


All the elemental spirits knew that the moment they received an attack from the old man, it would be the end of their lives.

Even though they were all connected to the [Tree of Blessing] and didn't die for real, why would they go through the process without even trying their best?

Not only would they lose their fun with the upcoming adventures that their summoning master has planned but they have to endure the bragging of the elemental spirits who participate in those adventures.

Hence, even before Volcanis could order them, some of the elemental spirits rushed towards the 'Supporters' of their team.

In their teams, there were four elemental spirits with supporting skills and their lifeline to survive against the old man.

With their lives on line, the elemental spirits were quick with their movements and packed together in no time before the old man could use his attacks.

"Huh? You are packing together? Great…it will only make things easier for me to kill everyone in a single attack."

On the other hand, the old man was not worried about the elemental spirits' actions; instead, he was excited about it.

All the elemental spirits in front of him were so weak that he could kill them in a single attack…at least that's what the old man believed and wanted to give it a try.

[Divine Metal Rule - Solid Metallic Punch]

Once the old man had that thought in his mind, he didn't waste any time as he directly launched his attack on them.

"Supporters, it is your time to shine."

Volcanis was calm as he looked at the incoming old man with his right punch aiming at them, he silently ordered the supporting elemental spirits to use their attacks.

[Emperor Earth Barrier]

It was Slait, who used his most powerful defensive skill as he cast the barrier around them.

According to the skill description, the barrier could last for an hour unless it gets destroyed before that.

[Light Screen]

Followed by the Earth Barrier, Lumin, the Light Elemental Spirit activated a skill that could not only increase the defensive abilities of the Earth Barrier but it also absorbs 50 percent of the attack from the opponents.

That's not the end of it as there were another two elemental spirits left in the supporting section of the team.


It was Halo again who used another one of his skills to decrease the speed at which the old man came at them.

By reducing the speed of the old man, the attack power of the metallic punch would be reduced by at least 20 percent.


As expected, the old man's speed decreased by 25 percent and using that as an opportunity the last member of the supporting section showed off her skill.

[Life Draining Vines]




Spirius went all out in using her skills because she was feeling quite useless in this current fight and she was frustrated at herself for not being useful.

Hence, she summoned nearly 100 dark green-coloured vines that were covered in sharp thorns and the moment they appeared they wrapped around the old man.

Thanks to Halo's skill, the old man's speed decreased by around 25 percent and now, with the appearance of nearly 100 vines, the old man's speed decreased further.

That's not it.

These vines were sucking the life essence from the old man even though he was completely covered in a metallic armour.

Nevertheless, for the old man, the amount of Life Essence that was being sucked by the Life Draining Vines was almost negligible so he didn't bother to cut them.

And, he was fully intent on breaking the [Earth Armour] and the [Light Screen] in front of him.


Soon, the old man reached the barrier and his [Solid Metallic Punch] landed perfectly on the Earth Barrier that was being backed by the [Light Screen].


What happened next was a huge explosion that blasted off the old man into the distance because of the effect of the [Light Screen]

In short, the old man received 50 percent of his own attack power which was quite powerful enough to blast him into the distance.


There was a crack on his metallic armour and other than that, the old man was completely alright as he stood up in the next moment.

'How is this possible? My attack…it didn't destroy their barrier?'

However, the old man had a shocked look as he looked at the bunch of elemental spirits that worked together to block his attack.

He was still unable to believe that he was unable to break their barrier and what's more, he was blasted off into the distance while attacking them.

'These… a bunch of elemental spirits must be trained very much and they work in a proper formation.'

Individually, these elemental spirits don't stand a chance against him; however, right now, he is unable to do anything to them as they are working together.

'Should I just escape from here?'

Since the elemental spirits were hiding in the shell and he was unable to injure or kill them, the old man thought of escaping from there.

He knew that his other brothers were already killed and if the summoning master of these elemental spirits came here, he would also join the same fate as his dead brothers.

Hence, he thought of escaping from here and letting the elemental spirits live as there was nothing he could do to them.


Just as the old man was thinking of escaping, he heard the cracking sound of the barrier that the elemental spirits were using to protect themselves from him.

'So, they are not as strong as I imagined. I can still destroy the barrier with one or two punches.'

In the next second, the old man removed the thoughts of escaping from there without killing the elemental spirits.

If he left without killing them, the old man would develop inner demons in the future because he always looked down on the elemental spirits and it was a fact that the elemental spirits were weak.

Thanks to his enhanced senses, the old man was able to hear and see the crack on the barrier and without wasting any time, he started working on his plan to destroy the barrier.

[Divine Metal Rule - Solid Metallic Kick]

[Divine Metal Rule - Solid Metallic Collision]

The old man used a kick for the second time and for the third time, he used a full-body collision into the barrier and successfully destroyed the barrier.

"Now, let's see how you are going to protect yourself now."

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