Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1197 Puppet Nightmares

1197  Puppet Nightmares


This entire damn manor was full of mimic "puppets" although they were all very fleshy to me. I imagine this is because of the manor's name, {Abandoned Manor of the Puppet Master}. Does this mean the final boss or well the "Nightmare Lord" is actually the puppet master himself?

No wait, if its abandoned, then it must be someone else, the puppet master abandoned the place after all, so maybe a mega mimic thing.

Well, for now, slaughter it is.


My Undead rushed forward, grabbing the flying books and tearing them page after page. Some of them swung swords, axes, or spears made out of Blood Dragon Bones, easily tearing through the painting's giant claws, and then slashing them apart so they wouldn't fire beams.

The beast-like undead rushed forward with great speed, biting and jumping over the Mimic Chairs and Desks, while also tearing apart the ones hidden in the ground. However, the mimic chimney was pretty deadly, firing fire everywhere.


Its fire was tremendously potent, easily destroy a couple of my undead. This meant this thing was equivalent to the level of an S Rank Monster?

We've been slaying everything easily so far so I thought this world was low-level, but the trial description did say it would adjust the difficulty according to our levels and ranks, right?

So although people here don't realize, the Nightmares here are probably at minimum A Rank, medium ones are S Rank, strong ones might be SS Rank, powerful ones at SSS Rank, and the peak ones at L Rank.

"Well, that's a bit complicated, this fire's strong," I said. "Hm, Alma can you put it down before it burns the entire area?"

I noticed as the fire spread everywhere, that I could easily put it down by swallowing it with my shadows or something, or even ask little Medusa to do it for me.

However, that would be a bit too easy, right? And it would be better if everyone does a little work when we fight here, so they can be recognized.

"I think I can…!" nodded Alma, slightly shyly. "Um, my offensive magic is not the best, but I'll do my best!"

She swung her huge staff into the flames as a huge wave of water was summoned, splashing everywhere, rain fell, quickly turning off the deadly flames.


"Cough… COUGH!"

The Mimic Chimney started coughing, suddenly beginning to move using giant spider-like legs, that thing definitely didn't want to give up yet.

"Jonathan, Partner, that thing's probably S Rank or even SS Rank, we should finish it off quickly while it's wet!" I said.

"Okay!" nodded Partner. "Leave it to me! {Dual Spears of Blood and Darkness}!"

Emily, Alma, and Sofia gasped as they saw Partner enter into action, summoning her Dream Heart Weapon her two spears which had such a name in this world.

Partner, like a blur of red and black color, rushed through the small battlefield, quickly destroying the Mimics coming at her with her spear, making them explode upon piercing their bodies.


Then, she aimed at the chimney mimic, which quickly readied another fire breath, unleashing a hellish beam of flames against her.

"[Divine Golden Sword of Light]!"

However, Jonathan rushed forward, summoning his Dream Heart Weapon, the sword was swung down, as a huge slashing wave of light was unleashed, cutting through the flames and letting Partner through them.

"Thank you dude!"

She stepped over his head, making Sofia scream in anger as her spears pierced the chimney mimic, its stone body was immediately destroyed with a barrage of rapid, piercing blows that unleashed explosions of blood and darkness energies.



The creature quickly crumbled down into pieces, dying on the spot, and disappearing into black soot, leaving behind a huge black colored jewel.

"T-That was amazing, Partner's strong…" Alma said. "I wish I was so strong…"

"Everyone has their own strengths," said Partner gallantly. "You've got yours, Alma. Don't worry, you're plenty useful."

"O-Oh, thanks?" Alma was a bit confused.

"Hahaha! That was cool!" Emily laughed. "Though, did you had to step over Jonathan's head like that?" Emily couldn't stop laughing at that. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"It's fine, I don't really mind," Jonathan shrugged.

"But Jonathan! You have to make yourself respected!"

Sofia sighed, storing the black stone in her inventory ring, she was the only one with one due to how expensive they were in this world. I could just store them in my inventory, but its better to let her do it anyways.

"Respected?" Jonathan wondered. "It was just a necessity to defeat a foe, I don't mind it, Sofia."

"Yeah, he doesn't mind it, calm down Sofia," I said, patting her shoulders. "Anyways, shall we advance? And how many rooms are in this thing?"

"Hmph…" Sofia moved her shoulder, without wanting me to touch her. "It's a Building-type Nightmare Realm, they can be either super huge or small. This is a low grade one so it shouldn't be larger than an actual manor. I think we might find a couple more rooms before the last one. As we advance upstairs… Probably two more floors, I would say."

"Look, there are the stairs!" said Emily, pointing at the distance. "Let's go then! No time to waste team!"

The tomboy ran into the stairs recklessly again…


The result was obvious.


The stairs shook, and so did all the decorations around them, more books appeared, now large furniture generated giant claws and spider legs, and there were also two chimney mimics, coupled with what seemed like a dozen more chair mimics. And about five… floor mimics.

"Dammit this place is so annoying!"

Emily started banging and smashing everything with her thunderous, armored fists, but the Staircase Mimic was enormous, its countless tentacles were destroyed by her, but they regenerated quickly, trying to catch her.

Sofia facepalmed.

"I told her to not run directly into unknown territory… this is like the rule number one of exploring Nightmare Realms!" she sighed. "Well, let's go help that muscle brained girl! Everyone, charge!"



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