Slice Of Life In Fantasy World

Chapter 137 137. Ice Cream

Chapter 137 137. Ice Cream

Liam walked out from the mansion with his sister.

They stroll on the street of Ancrid City. Liam looked at the big buildings.

Yes even though it is a fantasy world but the buildings are big and they are formed with concrete, cement. Even so they look like modern building in a fantasy style.

He looked at everything.

Because it was his first time going out from the mansion, so he was curious.

He was also curious what about the other world look like.

He saw that on the street there were not only humans but also other race.

But they were less as compared to humans.

Fox, elves, dwarfs buying items in the shop and vendors.

'I thought that there won't be much people's on the streets.' He thought. After all this is the capital city of the kingdom so the rules should be strict. But no, the scene that he is seeing is totally different from the one he thought.

"Wow brother look at that lady. Her ears are long. She must be elf right?" Leah had hugged her brother hand between her small breasts as she said.

Liam could feel the softness but he didn't do anything out of ordinary.

Neither when he come out from the mansion the guards looked at them strangely after all they are brother sister and the guards thought are not dirty enough to think that they sleep on the same bed naked everyday.

Liam smiled and said "Yes, she is a elf. They short person is dwarf. That lady who had tail is fox."

Liam introduces his sister about everything.

When they were walking he saw a ice cream vendor.

He raised his eyebrows and immediately thought 'It seems I am right! There are really other reincarnation peoples in this world. Well it seems so, after all I am not a special one.'

He said "Let's go and taste that."

Leah saw her brother pointing at a vendor who was selling ice cream?

"Ice cream? What is ice cream brother?" How come she hadn't eaten or even listen to it?

Liam chuckled and thought for a moment whether to explain her but thinking that why should he held back. He said "Well it should be ice and cream mixture with some sweetness. It should taste good."

He didn't told her directly but said in a round way.

"Okay brother then let's eat." Leah said and her intrest flashed in eating this.

Liam took her to the vendor and said "Two ice cream, please."

The shopkeeper looked at them and asked respectfully "Sir, what flavour would you like to have?"

He was respectful to them because he saw the family crest on his robe. Who doesn't know that having a crest on the robe is already a nobel person. It didn't matter what rank is that person.

Anyways they couldn't compare to even the lowest nobel. Their is a world difference between their and nobel's life.

"Hmm what flavour do you have?" Liam asked

"Here sir look at this." He had handed him a list.

Liam saw and asked Leah "Dear, what taste would you like to have?"

Leah looked at the list and couldn't decide what to have. In the end she said "You can buy whatever you flavour you want brother. I can eat anything as long as it's from you."

Liam looked at her speechlessly. He should say this line when his women is making dish for him.

He shook his head inwardly. He said "Then give us vanilla and chocolate flavour cup."

The shopkeeper nodded his head and after taking two big cup of vanilla and chocolate flavour he give to them.

Liam held the vanilla while give the chocolate flavour to her.

He asked "What is it's price?"

In fact this should be asked first but Liam has so much money to even care about this. In his previous life he was a cautious person. He would first ask the price then buy but now everything has changed.

He had both currency. Mana stones and precious metals too.

The shopkeeper shook his head and said "No sir, you don't need to pay anything. You come to buy this from this humble shop it's already my honour. You don't need to give me any money."

Liam shook his head inwardly and thought 'It seems what I thought before was too simple. It seems in commoner and nobel is world's difference. He didn't wanted to get his money just because I am nobel.'

He shook his head and said "No, just tell me the price."

The shop keeper hesitated but saw his firm expression.

He said "10 bronze coins."

Liam didn't even bat his eyes and give him the coins simply.

After paying he said "Let's go dear and eat anywhere else."

Leah nodding her head and said "Let's go brother."

When to they were about to go suddenly the shop keeper said "Sir, you forget the spoon."

Liam was surprised and thought 'Yes without spoon how can I eat the ice cream cup.'

"Thanks" He took the spoon from his hand and thanked him.

The shop keeper smiled and replied "It's my pleasure sir."

He thought that this nobel should be like other's who come to his shop.

Ice cream is pretty popular even in nobel's.

Most of the time he would give ice cream free to the nobel's.

But there is not any loss in this. Because if the other person is happy he could give him even a good coins.

So he didn't feel resentful when he would give ice cream free to nobel's.

But one thing is that their behaviour is very arrogant almost like they don't treat them as humans.

But this nobel behaviour was good.

He neither looked at himself haughtily neither arrogantly ordered himself.

So for Liam he still had a favorable impression.

When he saw that he was about to go he couldn't help but say "Your women is very beautiful."

Liam heard this and he furrowed his eyebrows.

He looked at him carefully and find out that he wasn't looked at him ridiculously.

Neither he was looking at his sister obscenely.

'It seems this is his sincere praising. But he is wrong. She is not my girlfriend but sister.' He would have directly killed him without caring about consequences if he would have looked at his sister obscenely.

He is too possessive.

He didn't know why some people's like to pretend then face slap them. Later more slap as the young killed and old come. Old killed them ancestor come like that whole family killed by the protagonist.

He didn't understand why don't they take action directly and eradicate the whole family directly so no old person would come after the younger is dead.

He shook his head inwardly and smiled. He said "Thank you."

Leah on the other hand was happy that the shop keeper called herself his women.

She was even in more good mood when her brother didn't denied him directly.

She smiled and hold his hand.

Then they both went in some distance where they found a bench to sit. They both sit on it and started tasting the ice cream.


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