Slumrat Rising

Scheduling Notice -no new Chapters the week of August 7-11

Scheduling Notice -no new Chapters the week of August 7-11

In the spirit of not springing any crap on people- I am taking a short break in two weeks. Both on Patreon and on Royal Road. How short? One week. I plan to use the time to rest, but more importantly, to do some reading and build up Stockpile Mountain for the big push into the back half of 2023.

For those of you who are new, the way I work is to build up a sizable stockpile beyond what's already available on Patreon. I do this because a) things happen, so you want to be prepared and b) because, typos not withstanding, chapters usually get several revisions before I think they are in good enough shape to go out. I will often go back and fix continuity problems, names, improve details, things that are easy to take care of before publication, but difficult to do after.

For a variety of reasons (more on this to come soon,) I expect to be writing flat out for the rest of the year. The better prepared I can be now, the better it will go later. So I'm taking a short break, ensuring all ducks are sufficiently real and linearly arranged, then launching with speed into the rest of the year! Thank you all for reading, and for all your support.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.