Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist?

Chapter 102: The Heroes of the Light God Faith

Chapter 102: The Heroes of the Light God Faith

We’re making progress with our plan to raise our strength. We spent everyday busily, like with the manufacturing and development of magic devices, and production of various potions and development of advanced potions.

On one such day, when we turned up at the Adventurers Guild, Hans-san said that a notification arrived to all branches stating that the Divine Empire of Sydnia performed a hero summoning.

「Apparently there were 3 people, a pair of young boys and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.」

「Has the Light God Faith said anything?」

「Yep, they’ve been saying how they’re the mightiest of all the countries for having summoned heroes, and the Light God Churches in Lomaria Kingdom and Valkyra Kingdom seem to be making rounds.」

「A propaganda, isn’t it?」

「The Light God Faith wouldn’t miss this opportunity to increase their influence in Valkyra and Lomaria, now would they?」

「Wouldn’t that be impossible since they’re racist?」

「I think they’re that foolish to not understand that though.」

It appears the Light God Church plans to use the the heroes as publicity for a while. I imagine they’ve probably just been summoned and are currently in the middle of being brainwashed since they’re young and naive. They’ll probably start moving for real once the heroes have been fully trained as weapons of war. After all, the heroes were like nuclear bombs and Sydnia had the launch codes. I still didn’t know at this time that the heroes, who didn’t receive Goddess Norn’s divine protection, were frankly not all that.

But, I did gain something too. It was said that the 3 people summoned were two boys and a girl, but they didn’t seem to be the Japanese with black hair and eyes. Did Goddess Norn make a mistake when she told me they’d also be Japanese or did Sydnia lie?

「Takumi-kun has a connection to the zealots of the Light God Faith but I’m not that worried since you’ve caught them once.」

「They’ll come to the royal capital of Valkyra, right?」

「They probably will. Our country has few believers of the Light God Faith, after all.」

There will naturally be fewer believers of the Light God Faith in multiracial countries like Valkyra, Lomaria, and Samandour. The royal capital of each country has a church of the Light God Faith, but there weren’t that many other cities that had it. For feudal lords, they’d either similarly be human supremacists or they’re a greedy bunch that got money when a church of the Light God Faith was erected in their land.

「Moving along, there is a designated request from the Papeck Company for Takumi-kun’s party as they always do because the Papeck Company loves Takumi-kun so much. Escort a merchant unit until the capital, but this request can serve as Maria-kun and Laeva-kun’s rank up exam. Also, the Volton branch has recommended Takumi-kun and Sophia-kun to A rank, so if it is approved, you will publicly rank up to A rank at the the guild at the royal capital And so, it’s a nominated request, but what will you do?」

「…I’d really rather not go to the royal capital right now, but okay.」

Tch, can’t this carriage stop shaking? My butt hurts a lot.」

Akira Jinguji spouted abusive language.

「Still sore from yesterday? Lol」

A muscular young man with short black hair, Yamato Taiga, answered thus.


Akane Misato looked at them with cold eyes.

「(I’ve just about had it with these two monkeys.)」

The young people summoned to Mildgard through the hero summoning were given the task of going to each nation as an advert to acquire believers and make a glorified request for large sums of offerings because Sydnia has nothing better to do.

「We’re going to Valkyra Kingdom after this, so there will be beastkin and elves, right? I really want some new pets.」

「That’s what I hear. I’m definitely gonna get a bunnygirl.」

「We can do things like that right? We’re heroes lol.」

「That’s right, we’re even over level 30, so we’re already among the top class adventurers. A little bit more and no one can match us in this continent.」

Akane’s eyes grew even colder at the remarks of Akira and Yamato who unceasingly grew more arrogant, and her feelings of wanting to leave this place strengthened.

「Akane, you should get some boytoys too. Or me. I’ll satisfy you so much you’ll never wanna stop, iykwim」


Akane’s face showed such an enraged expression, her hands shook and she decided she no longer cared. She stood up in the carriage.

「What are you doーー」


She used Light magic to blind everyone in the carriage. While everyone was stunned, she took Akira’s sword and stabbed Yamato in the chest. Yamato was shocked beyond belief at the sensation of the sword piercing his chest that he couldn’t make anything more than a gurgled sound before he lay limp.

Akane quickly moved towards Akira with the sword still in her hand.


The hatred and disdain in her voice was so palpable, Akira stiffened. He never thought that this kind girl would ever be able to talk like this. Akane did not stop and she proceeded to stab his lower extremity.

「The fーーー」


Stab. Next were his arms that tried to stop her.

「GAAAAAH! Stop! You biー 」


Slash. And then his legs.


「ARRRGH! you c-crazy bitch. Just wait till I get heaー 」

Stab. She didn’t stop.


Slash. Stab. Slash.


After what felt like an eternity, silence descended. Bloodied bodies lay strewn in the carriage.

「I was going to escape but I realized leaving dogs like you to become stronger will be bad for everyone. 」

Akane looked at the bodies of her former classmates. She got along well with them when they were still on Earth, but this world had changed them, forming a crack in the bond they had, with the divide only growing larger as time passed. Sydnia had tainted them so much she could no longer see a hint of their former selves, and it made her heart ache.

「(The root of all this is Sydnia. The evil that they are must be stopped.)」


Witnessing the violent act done by her master Lulu, Akane’s exclusive maid, was speechless. She had witnessed Akane grow increasingly hateful of the two and the country during the months she had been in Sydnia. But she didn’t expect that their remarks would cause her master to snap, or that she would be capable of this. Lulu was overwhelmed with complicated thoughts and feelings. What should she do now?

「(I had a feeling something good will happen at Valkyra Kingdom. But maybe, this is better.) I need to leave now, will you come with me, Lulu?」

Following her rage instead of the Divine Oracle she received from Norn-sama whom the Genesis Faith worships, Akane destroyed the entire plot of the story.

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Sphy’s Note:

Thanks for reading and Happy April Fool’s Day! Granted, it’s still march for most of the world, but it’s april here now, so that’s all that matters! Perks of being in an earlier time zone is people aren’t prepared yet when you make a prank chapter xD In any case, despite it not being a custom where I’m from, I reaaally wanted to do an AFD chapter because my friend said she’s releasing one on her site and encouraged me to do the same. lol Sorry if you didn’t enjoy it or find it entertaining. The real chapter can be found by clicking “Next”.

P.S. This AFD chapter gave me the opportunity to stab the two fools. Oh the satisfaction.

P.S.S. Apparently many people don’t read my notes and didn’t realize this was a fake chapter. xD Please read my ramblings sometimes!

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