The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 388: a done project and improvement

Chapter 388: a done project and improvement

Seeing the message that was on his special communication device, Clark was stunned for a moment before revealing a smile. After weeks since he made this commission, a positive response finally came.

This was the project that he had to take a loan from the Spartan army before he could complete. It was the project of a special training chamber made completely out of exotics metal where he could train freely with his mech.

Of all his possessions, this was undoubtedly his most expensive.

Seeing the smile on his masters face, a curious Albert came over and easily saw the message reflecting on the communication device.

Oh, its done already? That was fast.

Yeah, I thought it would take a few more weeks before itll be done too. This is good though; I love it more this way. Get prepared, well be leaving tomorrow to go check it out.

Ok. Albert replied simply before immediately going to his room.

Yes, the underground base had rooms, precisely 3 rooms in total. 1 for Clark, another for Albert, and the last for any guest ally that may visit them.

As it was already evening, Clark didnt bug his student further as he also went to his room to get that rest that he sorely needed.

After an extremely eventful day like this, getting a good night's rest was the best way for him to repay his body which did most of the work.

Before he entered his bed, Clark brought the special communication device and typed a reply message.


Then, he casually threw the device to the side before going closer to his bed.

As soon as he fell down inside his bed, he gave a mental order and all the lights in the underground base switched off.

The base went into hibernation mode.


Opening his eyes in the morning, Clark felt a feeling of refreshment flood his body and mind. He felt energetic in a way that hes not felt in a while, his blood flowed smoother, and his body weirdly felt easier for him to control.

Overall, his body felt more like it was his own. It was a weird but strangely satisfying feeling that left all his body feeling comfortable.

Clark widened his eyes as he experienced all these sensations. Though he found it hard to believe, this was a clear sign that he suddenly improved significantly on the scale of 3rd rank high-grade soldiers.

He was familiar with the feeling, though he didnt breakthrough, he knew that if he checked his attributes again in his implant, he probably improved by a lot.

He didnt know the exact reason for this, but he guessed that it was because of the assassination attempt. Not only that, all the series of actions that followed, including going to the sewers district.

He didnt have tangible evidence to support his speculation, but he somehow believed that he was right.

Suddenly feeling more cheerful because of this discovery, he stood up from his bed, took his wristwatch to check the time while going out of the room.

8:09 am; he quickly confirmed the time.

When he got to the large hall of the underground base, he didnt see his student but he rather smelled an aroma that attracted his attention. His nose instinctively sniffed at the air.

Immediately, he turned his head to the nearby kitchen.

Walking there, he opened the door and as he expected, Albert was inside in a white apron frying eggs while mix-matching seasoning ingredients into the delicacy.

Good morning, Master. Albert cheerfully greeted.

Clark directed a suspicious look at his student. Youre cooking?

Albert rolled his eyes. Yes.

When did you know how to cook?

Alberts chest subconsciously raised on hearing that question. I recently learned how to cook a lot of dishes, Pinky thought me most of them.

Now, Clark was speechless. Dont tell me that Albert already entered the row of people who already fell in love.

Ok. He answered in a depressed manner before going back.

Albert didnt notice his masters feelings because of how engrossed he was in his cooking, he kept on nodding to the sizzling of the hot oil in the pan like it was some kind of hip-hop music.

A few minutes later, the food was served.

Hum, this is really sweet. Clark praised sincerely.

Haha, Pinky is a good cook, and a good teacher too.

Throughout the remaining period of the food, they didnt talk as they suddenly seemed to have turned to the most faithful observers of the table manner etiquette.

After eating, both soldiers left and took their baths at various intervals. During this time, a few bots that Albert brought from his warehouse picked and washed the plates.

They only needed a few minutes before they were done and set to leave.

After entering the exotic car, Albert drove this time. After starting the ignition, he smoothly drove out of the underground base before quickly setting his sights in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea.

Yes, the training chamber was placed under the Mediterranean Sea.

As it was a portable training chamber, its location was not exactly a problem as Clark could just give an order and it would stand up after turning into a robot and navigate to wherever else it wants to stop.

Before getting to the Radan harbor, Albert made the exotic car activate its stealth function. This helped them easily bypass all the defense of the harbor before silently entering the sea.

He allowed the car to free fall taking advantage of its weight, this was to prevent the soldiers manning the Radan harbor to detect anything unusual.

After it was submerged up to a certain distance, he finally switched on the mechanism that changed its configuration to that of a mini-submarine.

Despite his many adventures and his billionaire dad, this was Alberts first time actually operating a submarine though it was a small one so he felt an above-normal level of excitement.

Quickly setting the parameters of the mini-sub as directed by his master, he finally tamed the beast and brought it under control.

After doing this, he activated the thrusters, making blue fire spew out of the mini-subs exhausts as it sped under the seawater at an extremely fast speed.

In just seconds, it was gone.

[Thanks for reading.]

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