The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 122: Now he will bite~2

Chapter 122: Now he will bite~2

Chapter 122: Now he will bite~2

Bai Lung’s overwhelming aura crashed down upon the gathered group, causing even the hardened warriors to tremble in fear on their knees.

Some even fell on their face causing them to eat dirt, with an ugly expression.

All while,

Ling Fei fought to maintain his composure and balance, clutching the precious artifact as a bead of sweat trickled down his brow like a stream.

The glow on the pearl glowed even bigger after the blood leaked out, which made Ling Fei’s eyes turn red and his body covered in red aura.

” Heh, you really are the cocky person I have met thus far, I hope you will entertain me, ”

Bai Lung sneered with his cold voice dripping with hate. ” I had hoped you would simply hand over what is mine without all this needless resistance. But if you insist on challenging me, then so be it,”

[ Ding! The Trial card is activated… Time remaining: 9 minutes 50 seconds ]

[ Ding! You have obtained peak cultivation base of the Soul wandering realm ]

[ Fuck him host, the system is rooting for you ]

‘ Hehe! Of course, I will… It’s time for some fun, ‘ Bai Lung let out in his heart, while he felt strange power flowing across his body.

Just like the description said, it was addictive, truly magnificent… He could feel his mind getting corrupt into madness, he wanted to destroy everything and fuck all the women.


With a casual wave of his hand, Bai Lung summoned a swirling vortex of purple energy, the sheer power of it was distorting the very space around them.

” Th-This power… It is definitely golden core, it not… Above that, ”

” esssh! The aura alone is crushing my bones and suppressing my consciousness… I can’t even open my eyes, ”

” Damn it, that Ling Fei wants all of us dead, how dare he constantly anger the senior… He is a bad product of our sect, this brat is foolish, ”

” Tsk! Indeed… I can’t believe it… My discipline would be this… Sigh!, ”

Ling Fei’s eyes widened as he realized the true extent of his opponent’s strength… this was no mere mortal he was facing, the power was too much for him to handle.

It seems he was at this man’s mercy, an ant constantly provoking a tall mountain.

However, he has pushed his luck too far, and there is no going back now… Everything is on this green pearl now.

Whether he lives or dies is all in the hands of his fate.

Gritting his teeth, Ling Fei braced himself, pouring every ounce of his focus into maintaining his defensive barrier further supported by a yellow aura released by the artifact.

Swooosh~ Fwooosh~

Boom! Bang! Baam!


The clashing of two powerful energies shook the very foundations of the mountains with dust, and sand flying in the air creating a dusty mist.

Dhup! Dup!

Mu Hee looked on in a mix of fear and awe, her heart was literally pounding wildly in her chest.

She couldn’t believe the power of this mysterious man, her beastly instinct was telling her that this power could completely crush her, the power wasn’t something that could be fathomed by her mere mind.

The aura, the pressure, the density… Everything was at its peak, it seemed this man was born to dominate the world.

Her hair flutters backward in the strong wind pressure of their collision while her eyes glowed golden with her Beastly Qi, glancing the the little thief who has angered this senior.

” I can’t give up…I have to protect everyone, my mother, my will, my loved ones, I can’t lose… I refuse to lose, this isn’t me, this isn’t supposed to be me, am I going to die just like this… Is this what I lived for? Haha! Don’t make me laugh, I was born for better, ”

Ling Fei thought desperately finding the meaning of his life and existence just like any other protagonist, as the barrier took the attack head on, he recalled his family, his past, his childhood days, his friends who had become total strangers, his selfish lover who left him,

The sect that he cherished so much now hates him, the master that once showed him the meaning of his life, the beautiful master that once was light in his dark life is looking at him with eyes filled with hate.

Was this it? Was it all over? Is this the end? Was he wrong? Was he really destined to live a shitty life? was he destined to be alone and miserable? was everything going to be taken from him?

He refused to believe it, this wasn’t the life he wanted, if fate wanted him to die, he would enslave fate itself, fighting against everything, he would rise to the top.

With his arms trembling uncontrollably under strong pressure, an idea sparked in his mind.

With a quick mental calculation, he redirected a portion of his Qi, subtly shifting the barrier’s frequency…

“Argh! Today either you will live to tell the tale or I will live to rise above everyone else,” Ling Fei roared, with his blood boiling hotter than the sun.

Ling Fei’s subtle shift in the barrier’s frequency caused a ripple of confusion through Bai Lung’s purple vortex, which was a pretty good outcome he had hoped for.

Taking advantage of the momentary disruption, Ling Fei poured more of his Qi into reinforcing the barrier, slowly pushing back against the oppressive energy with his pure Golden energy.

” I, Ling Fei… Huff! Huff!… Will never bow, will never break, will never fall, ”

“Impossible!” Bai Lung growled, his eyes narrowed as he sensed the change.

Redoubling his efforts, he sent more of purple energy lashing out, probing for weaknesses in Ling Fei’s defense.

The barrier was too strong and too durable like a turtle. Such treasures really shouldn’t exist in the hands of the protagonist.

To think there are three of them, is really troublesome, if this earth is this strong then how strong are the Universe and heaven pearl?

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