The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 129: Ceasefire Order

Chapter 129: Ceasefire Order

The day after Alois arrived.

I, Leo, and Eric were called by Father. It was just about when I was thinking of going out so I walked down the corridor with a sigh.

At that time, someone called out to me.

Your Highness Arnold.

What is it? Prime Minister?

It was Franz who called out to me.

The fact that we were called means that Franz was probably called as well. Our destination is probably the same so I started walking together with Franz.

Was Your Highness also summoned by His Majesty?

Yeah, and I was thinking about heading out to play too.

That must be hard on you but please do keep entertaining yourself in moderation. Playing pranks on an elderly is especially not commendable.

Saying so, he gives me a slightly reproving look.

As expected of the Prime Minister. He sure is sharp.

I wonder what you are talking about? Even like this, I do properly respect the elderly you know?

There is no need to pretend here Your Highness. For His Highness Eric, it was too lukewarm and for His Highness Leonard, that act was simply too villainous. You wanted to establish a connection between Earl Simmel and me, yes?

He has served as Fathers chief of staff since he was a prince. So after he assessed the current situation he immediately noticed that it was likely to be me who is behind it huh.

Franz is the Prime Minister. Normally, he would be someone that people are afraid to touch. Only the candidates for the throne are likely to lay a hand on someone like Franz. And as he said, it was only me who would do such a half-baked thing in the entire imperial capital.

So? What if I did something?

This is just a precaution but please refrain from doing such a thing [at the moment].

At the moment?

Yes. it is Your Highness we are talking about after all. You probably wanted Earl Simmel to get in contact with me to secure an ally. Moreover, with the assumption that I would place my expectations on him, you aimed to use the Earl as the point of contact and gather more nobles to your side-still, you are aware that I would notice and inform His Majesty about your action so he would lower his evaluation of your, correct? You have started to stand out ever since His Majesty dubbed you the black twin princes after all.


Some say that the Emperors greatest achievement was to make Franz his Prime Minister. And that would not be wrong.

As Fathers right-hand man, he is the most important piece that supports the foundation of the Empire. As I thought, he could easily read the thought of a greenhorn like me huh.

I give up. So? What do you mean that I shouldnt do such a thing for now?

I raise both hands to signify my surrender.

Franz is not surprised to see that. He wasnt goading me into confessing. He simply gives me advice because he already knows everything.

His Majesty will explain that later.

Saying so, Franz bowed and started walking ahead but as though he remembered something, he stopped and turned back to face me.

Speaking of which..immediately after entering the capital, it seems that Earl Simmel got in contact with a person wearing a gray hood. That was probably Grau, the wandering strategist who cooperated with the Earl in the defense of his city. Immediately after they parted ways, my carriage ran wild..was that a coincidence?

This is the first time I heard of it.

I acted surprised. It must have been a performance with nothing natural about it.

Seeing that, Franz shows a small smile.

I see. I must have been overthinking. Earl Simmel repelled 10,000 strong imperial troops so he is getting a lot of attention but it seems that it was Grau who read all the plans of the imperial army. I thought that he might be an insider who is familiar with the tactic of our imperial army.

I am completely clueless in that area you know.

Is that right. Certainly, Your Highness really hates studying. I must be overthinking it. Excuse my rudeness.

Saying so, Franz walks away.

With only a few clues, he managed to arrive at the truth. What a scary person. With this person as his chief of staff, no wonder Father won the succession war.

As I thought, standing out really is troublesome.

If I stand out, there will be more eyes watching me. It is hard to work in the shadow when there is so much surveillance around.

I want my evaluation to drop and make people underestimate me again but,

I just got warned to drop the idea.

Things are going troublesome again huh?

While having a bad feeling about this, I continued heading toward Fathers place.

How do you do? Your Majesty, I am Alois von Simmel.

Said Alois as he kneels in front of Father. Receiving his greeting, Father greets him back in return.

Welcome, Earl Simmel. I take it that you came here to explain yourself, correct?

Yes, the earldom of Simmel was hostile against the imperial army because of the hostages. We do not have any intention to rebel against Your Majesty in any way. I beg for your forgiveness.

He probably knows about it without Alois telling him but there is a meaning for the person himself to personally come and explain the situation to the Emperor. Most importantly, it is faster to hear about the details from his mouth.

I shall believe in your words. However, I heard that it was the earldom of Simmel that murdered one of the imperial army generals and started the conflict, yes? How do you justify that action?

I have no explanation butit was my uncle who ordered it. If what my uncle said is to be believed, it seems that he has hired a sniper at the request from the imperial army, Your Majesty.

Fathers eyebrows slightly move. He probably received the report about it. Before he arrived, Alois had sent a written report here in advance.

However, the difference between reading it and hearing it directly is clear.

In other are saying that there is a traitor in the army?

If my uncles words were to be believed, yeshowever, what he said was simply outrageous so there might be a possibility that it was one of Duke Krugers plans as well.

Alois dared not to name Gordon. If he gives up Gordons name here, it will only direct Gordons wrath toward him. It is for Aloiss own sake to push all the crime to the already caught Kruger.

Still, even without him saying it, Father can guess what happened.

Certainly, there is no doubt that Gordon wishes for war. It is apparent in his actions. Of course, there is a possibility that Kruger was lurking behind the scene so it doesnt mean that Gordon can be punished with this.

However, it still aroused suspicions. That is already enough. After all, Alois isnt hostile toward Gordon to the extent that he would attack him.

When it comes to responsibility, Alois could be taken responsible for not being able to stop his uncle. For everyones sake, it is better to keep things vague.

He took hostages and forces the nobles who wont obey him to fight. If its Kruger then he certainly might do that. I understand the story now. If we only look at the result, you stopped the advance of the imperial army by successfully defending against their surprise attack. In that sense, you have contributed to the Empire. You did well, Earl Simmel.

I humbly accept your praise.

You had no choice but to point your sword at the imperial army so I shall treat this matter as water under the bridge.

In this situation, he cant punish Alois. Father himself doesnt want to pursue it any further and he also doesnt want to charge Alois with a crime. Above all, if he punishes him, it would only invite more troubles. It is better to play it safe by blaming it all on Kruger who was already caught.

Stay in the castle for a while. This place is where the talents of the Empire gather. You will find many things to learn here.

Yes, as you wish.

Like that, Father dismisses Alois.

Now, only Father and Franz along with me, Leo, and Eric are in the room. This will surely be something about the succession war.

Do you know why you are the only people who remain here?

Is it about the succession war?

Exactly. The succession is there to decide the next person who will lead the Empire. If many talented candidates are born, there will be some damage coming out of it. However, this time it is intolerable. A civil war born of a sibling rivalry is simply ridiculous!

Saying so, Father sternly looks at us.

Well, its natural for him to get angry. The succession war must be contained to the extent that it wont damage the benefit of the Empire. However, with the previous case, it already far exceeds that scope.

It is fine to fight among yourselves but if you cant stop to think about the benefit of the Empire then just give up the throne. Engrave this into your head, the succession war is for the Empires sake. What comes first is always our country.

I understand.

I will bear that in mind.

Eric and Leo bowed.

Since I thought that I am not a candidate, I was taking some carefree attitude but Father turned his gaze toward me. understand right?

I do. But I never wish for the throne in the first place and above all, I am troubled to hear that since the radical party you spoke about arent even here.

Do you have any guarantee that you all wont turn radical yourselves?

None, I guess.

Thats right. If you understand that then give me your reply.

Yes, yes, I understand.

When I bowed my head, Father let out a sigh.

He then leaned back on the throne and said.

Cease fighting for the throne for a while. It is almost my birthday. In other words, the 25th year anniversary of my coronation is near. You all do understand the stupidity of fighting among each other at such a time right?

Of course.

Good. a festival will be held to celebrate my 25th coronation. I invited guests from other countries this time. You all will play the central part of it and show your hospitality to the dignitaries. Until that is over, forget about the succession war. I will not think about it as well. You all understand the consequence of insisting on fighting, right?

Eric and Leo silently bowed to Fathers words. However, only I do not. The reason for that is because I noticed Fathers intention.

So thats why he gave us the name black twin princes huh. By giving me status, he can use me to entertain the guests. After all, it would be rude to have the famous Dull Prince welcome a dignitary. However, it will be a different story when I am being called the black twin princes together with Leo.

While I was frowning at that, Father hit the final nail in the coffin.

You must behave for a while. You cant do something that will detract from your reputation, alright? I will regard that as neglecting the interests of the country.

This manhe really has a bad personality.

Father smiles as if he just pulled off a prank. So this is the reason for Franzs warning huh. Its all connected.

Damn it. So I have to protect the reputation of the black twin princes for a while huh.

Behave yourselves with dignity, you hear me? Arnold.

.Yes. I understand.

Seeing I squeezing out a reply, Father smiles happily.

Even if the succession war is on pause, another battle is waiting for me.

Staying idle and letting my reputation worsen. That was not really something I consciously did.

However, now it was prohibited. In other words, I am forbidden to behave the same as usual.

Damn it all. It is exactly because I hate doing this that I am trying to make Leo into an Emperor, why did this have to happen.

While feeling the fatigue from such an order, I experienced my greatest despair in a long while.

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