The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 132: Lynfia’s worry: Second Part

Chapter 132: Lynfia’s worry: Second Part

A job is it?

Yeah, I can only ask you for this. Can you go out with me today?

If Your Highness says so then there I will comply. However, I have to notify His Highness Leonard first.

I already told him. I am only waiting for your answer. It is a little troublesome job so I will give you a special reward, how about it?

If that is the case then I accepted. Allow me to accompany you.

Lynfia replied stiffly as usual without changing her expression.

The first obstacle is now cleared.

Alright, lets go then.

Where to? What are you planning to do today, Your Highness?

To the adventurer guild. I am thinking about doing some adventurer work.

Your Highness doing an adventurers work? Why so?

Father told me to keep up appearances you see. I plan to do something a      little bit different to raise my reputation. The adventurer guild provides other works besides hunting monsters too right? I am thinking about doing those jobs.

I think that is splendid butI dont think that such a work would be suitable for you, Your Highness.

Lynfia straightforwardly said.

While making a bitter smile, I told her that I knew and left the room.

We have been waiting for you, Your Highness Arnold. I heard that Your Highness would like to experience some adventurers work today, correct?

The familiar receptionist welcomed me.

The castle probably contacted them in advance. Hers was quite a polite response but the adventurers around me are acting slightly surprised.

Oi, thats the Dull Prince right?

Experience some adventurers work? What wind is blowing today?

They are in the right to question my action but I have no obligation to answer them.

Ignoring them, I give a small nod to the receptionist. Seeing that, she takes me to the bulletin board where the requests were pinned at.

The normal procedure is to choose the request you would like to take from this board here and solve it, Your Highness.

Anything is fine?

Yes, there are proper ranks associated with them and the guild will stop anyone who tries to take the job that is outside their capability.

I see. What would be the easiest quest here?

There is a category called the simple quest but.they are basically quests that do not involve monster subjugation.

The receptionist picked up some of them and showed them to me.

Searching for lost pets, solving conflict. Such citizens worries were lined up.

Since they are all simple problems, the reward for them is not that great.

Most of these requests should be under the guard or the capital garrisons jurisdiction but it seems that they cant wait for their response and want to hire help from the guild instead.

Then I will take this one and this one. Also, this one as well.

Three quests is it. Understood. May I set the deadlines for all three quests to today?

Yeah, I will get them done today.

Then we will process the quests as such. Also, please report to the guild later whether you have completed the request or not.

Its alright. I do have an A-rank adventurer following me around after all.

Saying so, I look at Lynfia. However, Lynifas expression is a little unsettled. It seems she doesnt think that this is a good idea huh.

Well, of course. If we talk about the quest significance here, these quests are so plain that no normal adventurer would choose to do them. My reputation wont rise even if I complete these quests.

But thats fine.

You look dissatisfied huh?

Your Highness, It is still not too late. Shouldnt Your Highness take other quests instead?

Its fine. Even like this, I will still gain some experience as an adventurer. Father cant complain with this. The quests content doesnt matter after all.

Your Highness. The quests you took are not as easy as you think. The reward may be low but the quests themselves are also troublesome that is why no one wants to take them.

Probably. But that is exactly why I want you here with me. I will be counting on you okay.

I carefreely said that to Lynfia.

On the other hand, Lynfia let out a small sigh. She probably gave up huh. Well, thats fine.

It is more convenient this way.

Your Highness. The process is completed. Your first job is to clean the house of a certain earl.

Got it.

Replying so, I left the guild in high spirit.


It seems the first one will be an easy victory huh.

I dont think a job from a noble would be so easy though.

No, it will be. You will know once we arrive.

Saying so, we head to a certain Earls mansion.

It was a mansion that I had visited before.

If I remember correctly, this place is

The mansion of the current Minister of industry, Earl Baelz.

Saying so, I entered the mansion without even waiting for permission.

Then, the butler who saw me entered panicked and called his master.

Y, Your Highness!? How can I help you today!?

Oh, its been a long time, Earl Baelz. I am actually trying to experience some adventurers work today so I took up your request.

T, Taking my request!? Its, its alright Your Highness! Please accept my apologies! I will withdraw the quest immediately!

The job is to clean up your ex-wifes room anyway right? Its okay. Show me the way.

Th, that is correct it really okay?

I just told you that it is. Now, show me the way.

Yes..this way please.

Earl Baelz guides me to the room of his ex-wife looking a little sorry.

The room we were guided to was large. Moreover, the decorations are uselessly extravagant as well.

Furthermore, there are artworks and ornaments scattered here and there. It seems like a beast just rampaged through here.

It is quite awful huh.

My ex-wife was enraged when she was told that she has to divorceshe even told me that she would curse anyone who touched the items in this room..that is why the people in my house are really hesitant to clean this up.

I see. So thats why you asked the adventurer guild huh. Alright, I will clean this up then.

Thank you very much. I am thinking about selling everything here as well.

Alright. I will put the valuables in a pile then.

Thank you very much.

Earl Baelz bows at me. As always, he is quite a timid person. He still hasnt changed even after becoming a minister.

While thinking so, I look at the room. Black mists are leaking from here and there.

These things are definitely cursed. That ex-wife of his really has a bad personality. She purposely left these behind so that it can curse anyone who touches them huh.

Even so, if I notice it myself it would be too unnatural. Thus, I carefreely reach my hand out toward an artwork. However, Lynfia immediately unsheathed her sword and blocked my way.

Whats wrong?

Please wait a minute.

Sayings so, she pokes at the artwork with her sword. Then, in response to the touch from Lynfias magic sword, the artwork shattered with a small spark.

Seeing that, Earl Baelz opened his eyes wide.

Th, this is!?

It is a magic that causes light electric shock to those who touch it. Basically said, this is a curse magic.

Th, that woman! Just how far!?

Th, that was dangerousthank you, Lynfia.

Its nothing..Your Highness. This is the reason why adventurers dont want to take this kind of quest. If the client doesnt realize the nature of the quest and only put in a small amount of reward, it is possible that they are actually a high-rank quest. Earl, please notify the guild about this, the guild should send over another adventurer with magical knowledge to you later.

Ah, yeah. Forgive me. I will do as you say. My sincerest apologies, Your Highness..

No, its not your fault, Earl. a womans grudge really is terrifying huh

I left the room while telling the Earl not to worry about me.

Lynfia will probably be able to handle dispelling the curse on those artworks but it would require a mage to dispel it without destroying them.

It would be better to review the details of the quest. It is a coincidence but Im glad that I came. The servants would get hurt if they touch them without knowing after all.

Your Highness, do you understand now? There is no such a thing as an easy quest for an adventurer.

Yeah, I was too naive. Still, since I already took it I can only complete them. Sorry, but can you accompany me a little longer?

I do not mind but please do not carelessly touch anything again. Do you understand?

I repeatedly nodded at Lynfias advice.

After that, we left Earl Baelzs mansion and headed to a store on the main street to mediate a fight between the owner and the merchants who set up next door.

The client is claiming that his sales dropped because the other side is robbing him of his customers. They were in a state where they wont listen to me at all but Lynfia immediately analyzed the characteristics of each of their stores and calmly explained to the shopkeepers that their customer demographic doesnt match at all. Hearing so, both shopkeepers who were flaring up like a monster were tamed like a pet.

In the end, it was concluded that it is because of the recent turmoil that caused their customers to decrease. Lynfia also further tells them that their customers should return soon since the 25th anniversary coronation day is near. Thus the shopkeepers are convinced and the conflict is resolved.

After we were done with that, it was time to take care of a dog in the nobles house. However, the dog itself was very willful to the point that it doesnt listen to us at all.

However, when Lynfia pulled out her magic sword with a cold look and changed it into the spear form, the dog was soon put to sleep by its power.

In the end, the dog slept until the owner returned.

We are finally done.Im so tired.

We completed three requests but the reward is so insignificant. This is why most adventurers prioritize taking monster subjugation quests. No one would want to take on a job that isnt worth the effort after all.

I understand now. This is mentally tiring. Without increasing the reward, no one would take on these jobs.

While saying so, I and Lynfia returned to the adventurer guild and reported todays event.

These requests were probably put up for a while now. Two of three have been resolved and the other one has to be revised into a high-rank quest.

The receptionist was in a good mood from beginning to end. She successfully made use of us after all. If it was only me then I would never be able to complete them but as long as I have an A-rank adventurer like Lynfia with me, the quests can be solved cheaply without hiring the actual A-rank.

Well, you cant become a guilds receptionist without being able to do that much.

This marks the end of the quests. Here is the reward.

The receptionist handed me a small amount of reward. It took me a day to complete them all and this is all I get, this is quite harsh huh.

In a sense, humans can grow stronger from hardship but it doesnt mean that you can get stronger as an adventurer with it. Well, no one would be willing to do a job like this.

After I was convinced of that when I received the reward, I left the guild with Lynfia.

Then, the two of us head back to the castle in a carriage.

Sorry for today. All I did was bothering you.

No, it is my job after all.

As usual, Lynfia gently muttered without changing her expression. While smiling at such Lynfia, I took out a bag that I prepared from my pocket and handed it to her.

This is?

Todays special reward. I somehow successfully get to experience the adventurers life today after all. With this, Father wont be able to complain. There is no problem as long as I show him that I am raising my reputation after all.

I do think that there are easier ways to do this though

Saying so, Lynfia paused and opened the bag because the bag she received was heavier than she expected.

Then, she opens her eyes wide at the amount of money inside.

So many gold coins!? I cant accept this!

It was Lynfia who solved the quests and you perfectly acted as my escort as well. Since I was troubling you today, I think that is the appropriate reward you know.

I cant receive it! I have already received plenty enough from you, Your Highness!

Thats why I told you it is a special reward. I was being unreasonable too so accept it.

Saying so, I pressed the bag on Lynfia.

Lynfia was panicked but after that, she hesitatingly opened her mouth.

Was iton purpose?

What was?

Did Your Highness deliberately went out of your way to experience the adventurers life because you wanted to give me a special reward?  You are aware of my worry after all.

You think too much. I wouldnt do that right.

It is surely possible for you, Your Highness.

She sure is sharp huh. Guess I cant easily fool her here.

While sighing at Lynfia who will use that as an excuse to not accept the reward, I mutter.

Christa lost her mother when she was very young. It was my mother who brought her up. I and Leo love her very much. However, as I thought, she probably wanted her to be together with her real sister, Lize-aneue. She probably feels lonely from time to time. On every of her birthday, Lize-aneue would send her a present. To be honest, they were all kind of lacking as a present but Christa was always happy to receive it. She was happy that her sister gave her a gift. She can feel the bond between herself and her sister. Thats why I want you to buy your sister a present with that money. This is my way of apologizing to you as well. It is because you have to work for us that you cant be with your sister after all.

An apology..Your Highness has already rescued my sister. You gave me your maximum support even though you have no obligation to. Even right now, you are trying to give me a reward that I am undeserved. I am here to repay that debt. There is no need for Your Highness to apologize to me.

The one who saved your sister was Leo and the other. I simply gave you the money. Honestly, I dont think I was useful at all. Still, that was the only thing I could do. Even now, I cant let you go to visit your sister at the border. No one can substitute you after all. Thats why at least allow me to do this much.


Then lets do it like this. Consider this an investment. I believe that you will be able to overcome my expectations at some point. Thats why I am investing in you. You will be able to repay me someday.

Hearing that, Lynfia pondered on it for a while and quietly bowed at me.

I understand. Your Highness Arnold, I shall receive your money as a deposit. I will definitely work hard to repay you.

Your current effort is plenty enough but I will be looking forward to it.

She looked very apologetic. It seems Lynfia doesnt have a high evaluation of herself. I do evaluate her highly though.

Well, thats a good thing about Lynfia. She doesnt get ahead of herself so she never lets her guard down.

Even an insignificant job like this one, she would do her best to accomplish it. This is why she is indispensable for our faction.

While I was thinking so, a small smile came to my face.

By the way, how long are you going to call me Your Highness?

What do you mean?

Didnt you say that you would change the way you address me when you get back?


That is quite unusual for Lynfia. She must have forgotten huh.

It wouldnt do to have such a distance between myself and a talented individual in my faction.

Isnt it time for you to stop calling me Your Highness? I dont need -sama too though.

I, I cant do that

I smiled at Lynfia being panicked.

It is certainly difficult for her to throw away the honorific considering her personality.

After thinking for a while, Lynfia mumbles.

Th, Then..Can I call you Arnold-sama from now on?

Not Al-sama huh?

I, I cant possibly refer to you that way.

Thats a shame. Well, I guess thats okay. You already stopped using Your Highness too. I dont really like it. I cant really handle being called Your Highness after all.

Saying so, I held out my right hand to Lynfia.


Continue taking care of me in the future as well, Lynfia.

yes, Arnold-sama.

Saying so, Lynfia softly smiled and firmly grip my right hand.

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