The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 136: Bulwark

Chapter 136: Bulwark

A few days after I received the report from Sebas.

I got summoned by Father. This time, the only one who was called is only me, not together with Leo.

Arnold, do you know why I called you here today?

Well, I wonder why. I have been keeping my promise though?

I havent gone against his instruction to not lower my reputation so it shouldnt be about that.

This is probably related to the Seagull Covenant Sebas told me about. More specifically, it should be about Marquis Weitling.

I dont have any complaints about that. The reason I summoned you today is about Finne.

About Finne? Is there any problem?

Do you know the reason why the nobles in the capital dont apply for marriage with Finne?

Finne is Fathers favorite right. Wasnt it because they were being mindful about that?

That is one of the reasons but the main reason is that the nobles have agreed to a non-aggression pact. That being said, that pact already collapsed the other day.

We have already received more than 20 marriage applications for her, Your Highness.

I frown at Franzs report. It is because there are more than 20 fools who immediately applied for marriage with her.

Are the nobles in the capital all idiot?

Wouldnt the problem be solved if Father just says that you have no intention to let her marry yet?

Finne is certainly like a daughter to me but I cant tie her down to such extent.

Tie her down or not, if Finne doesnt want it, refusing them is all for her sake though.

Thats true but.

Father looks at Franz as if he has something hard to say.

Franz, who was asked for help, looked straight at me and lightly sighed.

As your Highness says, Ive already declined all the applications. But when they received that reply, how would they think? Lets say that they can take it as His Majesty is planning to have Finne-sama marry one of the princes, Your Highness.

Isnt it fine just leaving this to the person herself?

The Blau Mowe is one of the symbols of the Empire. Letting such a person marry some inept suitor might impair the image of the Empire.

Father showed a bitter look. There are many nobles involved so he probably cant silence them all.

The Emperor has an obligation to listen to their voices. Especially when the matter concerns the interest of the Empire.

Are you implying that it would be bad if there is a rumor about the Blau Mowe getting married to the Dull Prince?

In short, yes.

Haa..I and Finne are not in that kind of relationship.

But you are still the man that is closest to her. You should be closer to her even more than Leonard.

We just happen to be together a lot thats all.

The nobles that complain really dont like that.

Then what should I do?

Just because a noble complains doesnt mean that he can interfere with our actions.

I dont have any problem if the one who complains can do what Finne does but even if they all group up together, they still cant replace her.

I want you to refrain from staying with her for a while.

you are saying that the nobles would behave themselves if I do that? Do you really think so? Prime Minister?

They just want to get rid of all the guys near Finne. Once the nuisances disappear, they will surely make a move on her. If Finne is okay with it then I dont mind but personally, I think that is impossible.

Are you intending to act as a bulwark for her?

There is no doubt that I am a nuisance to them. If you really think about Finne then having me by her side is for the best you know.

When I advised Father, he frowned for a while.

Now that the 25th anniversary is near, I dont want to stir up the nobles. However, if I just dismiss them here, the situation will just worsen.

I cant imagine those who immediately applied for marriage with her being all gentlemanly and politely approach her at all. are fine with it?

What do you mean?

Literally what I said. If you stay near Finne, you will be the target of the nobles hatred. You will definitely be on their crossfire you know?

Thats just the same as usual right.

Being looked down on and being hostile against are two different things. A woman related problem is messy you know?

Is that your advice as a father?

Yeah, thats right. Finne is the target of the yearning of all the Empire. Until now no one complained that she has stayed by your side. They thought that you two wouldnt match after all. But I just improved your reputation, you are going to be the target of their malice from now on.

Thats true. It is almost all Fathers fault isnt it.

Thats why I am grateful for your offer right. If it continues on like this, you will end up turning all single nobles of the Empire into your enemy you know? There are many powerful nobles among them as well. Its not a good idea to just turn them to your enemy right.

Excuse my rudeness butit was Father who told me to keep up my reputation. Getting afraid of them and being pushed around by them would just making them make light of me. MoreoverI personally dont like their actions as well.


Father squints in surprise. He probably thinks that it is rare for me to take an initiative to do something troublesome. However, there is no other choice in this case.

If I just do what they want they will become arrogant. They can turn hostile all they want. If I leave her side, Finnes daily life will collapse. That is what I want to avoid.

After I saw Duke Reinfeld, I think that the actions of the nobles who are trying to court Finne are simply childish. I am sure that they will say that they love Finne but to me, that is not love. I think that it is an insult to Duke Reinfeld if they can justify their action like that.

If you compare them to that then it is certainly true I guess..

If they want her then they can not choose the method. Do you think that a person who cant even get rid of the Dull Prince is suitable for the Blau Mowe?

Finne is the Blau Mowe, one of the symbols of the Empire.

The other party must be suitable for her. In that sense, I might be a good opponent for them. If they cant even deal with me then they have no right to court her.

Wont that be a burden to Your Highness though?

Its better than limiting Finnes freedom. At least Finne can live in peace when the nobles try to get rid of me.

I dont know what they will do you know?

If they go too far then wouldnt it be convenient? That would give Father a reason to tell them to give up too.

..are you planning to taunt them?

They can just come up with a way to get rid of me without getting punished themselves right. If they cant do that much then there is no chance that they would be suitable for her anyway.

I wonder how many guys would be able to maintain such a balance.

Almost none I guess. The possibility that they will lose their calm when it comes to Finne is high after all.

That will jeopardize your safety, Your Highness.

I have Sebas with me so it will be alright.

Then how would you react if Sebas is in no condition to intervene, Your Highness?

If that time comes I will think about it. I will do what I can.

I can think of some situations that Sebas will not be able to intervene. If they are going to do that then I will take them on. are surprisingly motivated about this huh?

Is it strange for me to be motivated?

No, its not strange butarent you actually thinking about marrying Finne yourself?

I am not. I am not confident that I would be a good enough person to marry someone. Its just that..Finne has done so much for us. She didnt just help me and Leo but the Empire as well. Thinking about all the works she has done, I cant allow anyone who is even worse than me to stay by her side.

Even if you have to go against all single nobles in the Empire?

Thats how I want it. I will test them first and see if they are suitable enough to lay their hands on the symbol of the EmpireI will judge them all.

Saying so, I bowed and left the place.

Seeing me left, Franz muttered.

The nobles of the Seagull Covenant might be looking to prey on some weak bird but they might actually just picked a fight against an eagle huh.

His words make me smile.

Of course, being looked down on is way better. That way it would be easy for me to move.

However, if my secret sharer is at risk, I cant keep silent about it.

If they are going to attack me then they can come at me with everything they got. I will turn everything back to the sender.

With that determination, I head off toward the new battle.

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