World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 431

Chapter 431 The King of the Crackers (1)

A war between angels and demons recorded in mythology.

Holy War.

This battle, which is said to have destroyed the entire continent of Arcadia, was a terrible and terrible tragedy that took place across the continent with nowhere to run or hide.

[The reason why the Great War is considered the most terrible event in Arcadia is that the war took place across the entire continent to the extent that the battlefield was indistinguishable. The descent of the demon king Satan and the archangel Michael. Not only did the divinity, the ruler of the two dimensions, directly appear, but all the gods of each system, including Deathbringer and Muspelheim, were used. In the end...]

A story that is just an imagination and set-up created by Jack.

However, the story of the Second Holy Demon War being created in Arcadia was not a single individual, but a real story written by countless adventurers.

“Live! Burn them all and turn them into ashes!”

“God, your servant earnestly requests.”

Numerous elemental spirits were embodying their powers and blocking the incoming demonic beasts.

Squeezing divine power, he healed the dying wounded in earnest prayer and pushed away the evil energy.

“Ooooh! Come on, you children! I'll show you what space defense is!”


The warriors with their shields let out a shout of determination and showed off their bravery.

The spirits of the trees standing next to it stood firm on the gigantic body without a word.

government ordinance. Priests. Warrior. Wizard. thief. Archers..... In addition to that, the last line of deterrence and defense created by the gathering of countless people who chose the camp of good.

Amil's Great Grove.

However, no matter how solid the fortress of the forest they created was, the opponent who attacked the wall was also a mighty and huge enemy that could never be ignored.

“Crrrrrr. don't back down! The great dark lord will not forgive a cowardly fugitive!”


“good! Dead people! Show them your grievance clearly!”

A variety of magical beasts. Demons with great power. And even an enormous number of death forces.

The forces of evil advancing mixed with the vast number of adventurers who chose the camp of evil were overwhelmingly superior in numbers and their power was also terrifying.


Kwaji Jiji.


A clash between good and evil that collides with each other without making any concessions.

And those who chose not to participate in this war were watching the current situation on TV and debating loudly which side would win.

- Just looking at this, it looks like evil will win.

-I know. No matter how you look at it, the difference is too great.

-What are you talking about? I can't even get into the forest entrance properly.

-I knew that the divine type specialized in defense, but the space defense dog is really good.

-Still, aren't 80% of users from the evil faction? The imbalance is so severe that this seems to be unanswerable.

-Really;; Moreover, as time goes on, the demons become stronger.

People who do in-depth analysis, making various claims about who will win in this scenario. No one could say with certainty which of the two camps would win, but in general, many predicted that the evil camp would win.

[34% of the continent of Arcadia has been eroded.]

[The demonic energy has been further strengthened.]

[New demons appear through the Hell Gate.]

Every time the continent is encroached on, more and more forces of hell pop up. situation coming out. Unlike the camp of good, which wages war with limited and limited resources, the camp of evil is infinitely supplied with troops. So, in this long war of attrition, predictions were circulating that the line, which had reached its limit, would be defeated.



The setting that sustains this world.

[Good always win.]

Choco Piezoa emits the divine power that contains the power of destruction more powerfully than anyone else.

Predictions that Sun would be defeated by the existence of that one person holding the celestial deity, Muspelheim, with the Pope's authority, were far off the mark.

“O Almighty God, protect us with your eternal shield.”

Choco Pie Joea chanting in the brilliant light that brightly illuminates the dark night.

“Under your protection, no darkness can encroach on our souls. Please guide us with lofty wisdom and holy glory.”

A huge scale divine magic circle drawn over the great forest of Amil. And when it was completed, tremendous blessings began to pour into the Sun camp.

[A chant of joy resounds.]

[The wisdom of the lofty heavens guides you.] [The

firm protection of the heavens blocks the enemy's attack.]

[The glory of the holy heavens encourages your fighting spirit.]

[The benevolent heavenly mercy caresses your wounds.]




The highest level of divine authority that only the pope can activate.

The brilliant light of the blessing that spreads through the newly created holy land, pouring out an enormous increase in stats and additional effects unmatched by other general blessings, was giving intense hope to all those who were falling down and exhausted.

“This crazy... 1000% increase in defense...?”

“What is this..... Holy damage is automatically applied when attacking?”

“5x EXP...? What kind of free server event is this?”

“Is experience a problem? The overall ability... I think this has increased by at least 5 times?”

Users whose power has risen in an instant through a tremendous pop-up. After realizing such an absurd miracle, they stared blankly at Choco Paijoa, which was still floating in a lofty figure in the sky.

“The Last Judgment.”

Woo woo woo.

Choco Piezoa, who activated Muspelheim's secret skill in his hand.

It was just a matter of activating the skill built into the item, but the results were staggering.




A devastating storm of flames that burns everything.

A storm of holy flames that spreads over a vast land that is unbelievably powerful for a single person. And watching the tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts and Demons falling to ashes while screaming in pain without even resisting properly, everyone froze for a moment.

-Wow..... Cancellation. The divine camp might win.

-Does that sound like a real scam? How many did you wipe out by yourself?

-What kind of skill is that? Did

you roll the balance all by yourself.....

-If you look closely, this game is really a game that only a few people play.

-This is K-inequality.

In the midst of so many controversies, Choco Piejoa showed tremendous force and cut down all the demons and demons in front of her eyes.

As he moved forward, sweeping away even the advanced demons with mighty power like autumn leaves, he showed tremendous confidence as if he had become invincible, but unlike that appearance, Choco Piejoa was more nervous than anyone was dozing off

‘Damn it..... Where the hell are you hiding?'

[Time limit: 5 hours 23 minutes 29 seconds]

Choco Paizoa became the Pope and was able to fully demonstrate the power of the heavens, albeit temporarily.

However, it was not something that could be used indefinitely without any cost.

The time limit that is decreasing every moment according to the probability that the heavens had. In order to finish this scenario within that time, Choco Paijoa was roaming the middle of the army of hell in search of a target she must defeat.

“Crrrrrr. Cheeky human! How dare you get this far!”


A high-ranking demon who sees him come alone to his headquarters and becomes enraged as if his pride has been hurt. And numerous monsters around him screamed and rushed at it, but Choco Paizoa just waved the celestial instrument in its hand as if it were annoyance.

“Don’t make it too crowded and go away.”


The demons collapsed without being able to properly resist his attack. However, instead of being terrified by seeing them like that, Choco Paijoa let out a deep sigh and murmured when she saw the troops of the Demon Realm crawling up proudly again.

“Ha... that's really annoying.”


The target he needs to catch is the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness.

However, finding that one person among the vast number of Demon King's forces surrounding the entire vast Amil region was literally like finding a needle in the middle of the desert.

“All off!”


The clock of the power that was allowed to him continued to run.

It just repeats meaningless massacres.

* * *

“I was expecting it... but it was already a complete mess?”

Great Forest Amyl where the World Tree lives.

Jaeyoung, who was looking down on the battlefield from high above with the help of the top-notch wind spirit, soon carefully checked the battle situation.

“Seeing that those two guys couldn’t appear in the foreground, they must be watching this from somewhere...” I do

n’t know what the heck they were thinking, but the battlefield seemed to be heading for an extreme situation. However, as soon as he logged into the game, Jaeyoung did not choose any camp among the options that flew in.

“Both of them are shameless bastards who are stabbing the owner in the back, so why take sides because they’re pretty?”

He does not participate in the scenario itself and is placed in a neutral state.

In other words, he was in a state where he could be attacked by both camps of good and evil, but Jaeyoung didn't care at all.

“Let's see... How can I make the most of it here and give both of them a true education...”

The map of the heavens. demon map. neither good nor evil.

He who is not biased towards anything.

Jaeyoung, who was just thinking about how to feed both camps, picked up the mask as if he had a good idea.

“First of all... should I make both of them come to me?”

Jae-young has no intention of appeasing the two elementary school students who he calls himself.

That's why he jumped into the middle of that battlefield while transforming into Choco Paijoa.


“What are you guys...?”

“Is that...?”

The magic beast and demons look at Jae-young's sudden appearance with puzzled faces. And the users who were mixed among them shouted in an urgent voice in amazement when they saw the nickname clearly embedded above Jaeyoung's head.

“It’s a super choco pie!”

“what? Why are you here?”

“This madness... all attacks...”

But they had no doubts in the midst of an urgent and tense situation.

Why did Choco Paijoa, who is said to be playing a game in the north, appear in the southern part of the great forest on the opposite side? Why was he not carrying Muspelheim, the celestial deity that ignites divine flames?


“Come out, Ifrit, Lord of Burning Fever.”


“Come out, Minerva, the lord of the storm.”


Why is it that nature itself that composes this world, and each of them is acting as two spirit kings at the same time, each of them like a god?

“This crazy.....”

“What is this...”

The super-heated flame giant suddenly appeared and the lofty Queen of Wind.

The moment when everyone was frozen by the enormous spirit power and the power of nature that these two exude.

Jaeyoung smiled and declared to everyone.

“Come on all. I have come to end this war.”

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