21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

December 18, 2020, 03:40 (China Standard Time 02:40), Qianryu Mountain, Yentai Province, China

The 2nd Marine Division’s 1st, 5th, and 8th Regiments all underwent building their defensive lines based on Qianryu Mountain, which was located between Yentai and Weihai provinces.

On that day, the air-raid alarm blasted across downtown Weihai, and the roofs of the buildings began to light up to defend their city. The sky’s outline could be faintly seen by the tracer rounds being used by numerous anti-air guns.

– Commander! It’s a message from the 255th Anti-air Battalion.

The Anti-air Battalion Commander, who was in charge of defending the skies, gave an urgent report.

– Korean paratrooper forces are coming down from the skies, sir.

“How many?”

Division Commander Zhong Lei asked about the numbers first.

– I cannot be certain but it seems to be within a thousand, sir.

“Only a thousand? That’s what’s causing all the commotion? All right. Keep firing for now!”

Division Commander Zhong Lei ended his call with the Anti-air Battalion Commander and gave an order to the radio operator.

“Get the Weihai Reserves Defense Division on the line.”

“Yes, sir.”

– This is Reserves Division Sun Xi Yang.

– This is Zhong Lei, Commander of the 199th Division. I would like you to call in your reserve forces and attack the Korean paratroopers.”

– We have already called for them.

“They seem to be only a thousand strong, so your reserve forces should be more than enough to handle them.”

– I understand.

“Then I will put my faith in you, General Sun Xi Yang, and our 199th Division will march to Yentai as planned.”

– Yes, you can put your faith in us and march toward your destination.

“All right then. Keep up the good work.”

– Yes, sir.”

Division Commander Zhong Lei put down the receiver and spoke to his Aides-de-camp and Directors.

“We continue our march. Give the order to each Director and Regiment Commanders.”

“Yes, Commander.”

There were only three roads that lead to Yentai Province that went past Qianryu Mountain, and the Korean marine regiments had erected a tight defensive line to face the 199th Infantry Division. Also, on the Qianryu Mountain skies, three of the Korean marine’s reconnaissance spider drones were filming and sending in the footage of their movements in real time. The 199th Infantry Division approached the three roads in units of regiments. At the rear, the artillery forces were following and making preparations to fire at any moment.

Across the dark skies, the three spider drones were spotted because of their lights by the Chinese military. They tried to strike them down with their anti-air weapons, but due to the spider drone’s powerful SEMP dampening abilities to throw off radars, the Chinese could not lock on to their targets. The Chinese forces made an attempt to aim manually, but they soon realized it was a futile attempt and gave up. It was as if they were trying to find the needle in a haystack.

* * *

December 18, 2020, 03:40 (China standard time 02:40), Kaipaku beach, Fuxan County, Yentai Province, China

The command headquarters for the 2nd Marine Division was watching the movements along the Qianryu Mountain area from images fed by the infrared cameras aboard the spider drones.

The Korean military’s motive was to respond accurately and thoroughly based on an accurate assessment and analysis of information. They believed analyzing the enemy accurately and making their strategies accordingly would be the best way to achieve victory. This was the ideal for all militaries across the world, but only Russia and America possessed the ability to follow what Korea was doing in battle.

“There sure are a lot of Chinese infantry, sir.”

Colonel Lee Won-who, the Operations Director, spoke first. Since it was a time of war, the Chinese infantry was at its full formation and reached some 17,000 in total. They had 1.5 times more men than a Korean division.

“I think a regiment would hold more than 3,000 men, wouldn’t you agree?”

Vice Commander Brigadier General Oh Choon-gyu also looked at the regiments pouring in and added in.

“It’s not like it’s the Korean War (also called the 6.25 war in Korea for it happened on June 25), and if they are swarming like that in modern times, they’re just begging to be slaughtered.”

Major General Ahn Gang-joon laughed heartily causing his shoulders to move.

“We have confirmed that there are no Chinese soldiers coming over the Qianryu Mountain, so those stationed at the mountain with heavy weaponry should be able to attack without worrying about being ambushed, Colonel Lee.”

“Yes, Commander.”

“Have the 5th and 6th Artillery Battalions load up the plasma cluster rounds first and fire, while the heavy guns forces to prepare an attack as well.”

“Yes, sir. I will give the order.”

“Ah, and another thing. Once the attack commences, have each Regiment Commander lead the battle on their own judgment. Tell them there will be no further orders coming in from the division. The outcome of a battle will be decided by prioritizing the judgment of Commanders in the field. Wouldn’t you agree, General Oh?”

“You are absolutely right, Commander.”

* * *

December 18, 2020, 03:50 (China Standard Time 02:50), Qianryu Mountain, Yentai Province, China

A moment later, the K-9A1 self-propelled guns from the marine artillery battalion began. The plasma cluster rounds flew toward the 199th Infantry Division’s three-o’clock direction, and when they exploded in the air, the Chinese soldiers all fell like dominos. Then the heavy firearms forces hiding along the mountain valleys sprayed 30mm laser Vulcan beams and smart grenades. The surviving Chinese soldiers puked up blood before falling over. Soon, a mountain of bodies was piled up in the area. It was a slaughter rather than a battle.

However, the 199th Infantry Division soldiers used their superior number and pushed forward on the road. They reached the defensive lines of the marines and began to fire back.

Bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

The Chinese soldiers struggled for survival. They fought fiercely for they knew their only way to survive was by killing their enemies. They used all their grenades and heavy weapons to close the distance and even resorted to artillery strikes from their artillery battalions. When the Chinese soldiers were able to move when the Korean suppressive fire stopped, they pushed forward with greater numbers.

As they did in the Korean War, the Chinese 199th Infantry Division used its superior number to march on. However, they had to stop their march when the Korean marine’s K-24-P-N armored vehicles’ appeared. The only weapons the 199th Division had were anti-armor firearms, but they were at a disadvantage from their lower position and could not use them.

As the Chinese forces hesitated, dozens of amphibious armored vehicles fired their 40mm photon cannons and 22mm laser Vulcans. The 50mm plasma cluster rockets flew in an arc and exploded in the middle of the group of 199th Infantry Division soldiers, tearing the men to shreds. The roadside turned into another gravesite for the Chinese soldiers. Also, from the mountain valleys, the heavy firearms took out the surviving soldiers.

Boom! Woosh! Wooosh!

The 3rd Regiment soldiers from the 2nd Marine Division all were equipped with shield glasses that allowed them to see the area as bright as day and changed their defensive tactics to an offensive one. They marched forward with the armored vehicles and started to attack the panicking Chinese soldiers.

* * *

December 18, 2020, 10:00 (China Standard Time 09:00), the X-2 bunker President’s Office, Beijing Province, China

The Central Military Commission had reorganized their 28th Army Group after much difficulty and deployed them into battle to defend against Korea’s 20th Armored Division that was marching on undefeated. The 38th Army Group was nearly annihilated once the war broke out, but now they were equipped with the latest equipment. Also, the army group consisted of 100,000 men all considered to be the elite from each army group. Therefore it was no exaggeration to call them the most powerful army group.

Their deployment took effect immediately after the first day. The 38th Army Group had blocked off the 20th Armored Division and began their march, causing the 20th Armored Division to retreat up to the Jiaodingshan’s rear. The Chinese military regained their morale. The 65th Army group and 27th Army group tried to take down the 20th Armored Division together. However, when news about the sudden landing attack and paratrooper forces coming to the Shandong peninsula and Yantai Province came, the Central Military Commission Commanders were extremely surprised.

Shandong Province was just as important as Beijing. General Chiu Li Jiang Ji tried to move the 21st Army Group stationed at Tenjin, but the General faced opposition from President Xi Jin Ping.

“Mr. President! We must move the 21st Army Group to Shandong immediately.”

“How many times must I say it? I still have not changed my mind. I will not allow it. If the Korean military lands at Tenjin, wouldn’t Beijing be in danger?”

When he received the news about Korea’s marines landing on Yentai and Shandong provinces last night, General Chiu tried to move the 21st Army Group to respond, but he faced unexpected opposition from President Xi Jing Ping. When the General learned about the onslaught of paratrooper forces, he tried to convince the President once more and visited him in his office.

“Mr. President, the Korean military would not land at Tenjin. If they had thought of doing so, then they would have done so already. Tenjin was a bait, and their real target was the Shandong Province. They have already conducted an amphibious operation and now their paratrooper special forces have taken over Weihai Province as well. Please heed my words, sir.”

“As the President of the Central Military Commission, I cannot allow it. Defend the Shandong peninsula using a different force.”

President Xi Jing Ping opposed adamantly. General Chiu Li Jiang Ji had no choice but to give up since the President only thought about the safety of Beijing, which was obviously motivated by politics and selfish reasons. If President Xi has a military background, he would not have misjudged the situation as he was doing now.

“That’s it! Have the 12th Army Group that is nearest Shandong peninsula retake the area.”

The 12th Army Group had its command headquarters at the Lianyungang and was tasked with defending China’s eastern seas. When the war broke out, they were tasked with landing operations that befit them as an amphibious force.

“I understand, sir. It will be done.”

General Chiu Li Jiang Ji must have judged it would be a waste of breath to continue arguing, so he left the President’s office after saluting to him.

* * *

December 18, 2020, 10:20 (China Standard Time, 09:20), X-2 bunker, Beijing Province area, China

When General Chiu Li Jiang Ji entered the Command Center, the other Commanders approached and asked him a question.

“General Chiu, sir! Did you get permission from the President?”

Lieutenant General Pe Feng Li Fu asked first. General Chiu only shook his head as a response and did not speak.

“How could this be? It wouldn’t be enough for us to pour our entire forces into the area, but we are going to leave our 21st Armored Army Group standing by at Tenjin without any notice?”

“It means President Xi Jing Ping values the safety of Beijing most.”

“Didn’t we deploy the 38th Army Group as well, sir? Even if the Korean military did attempt a landing at Tenjin, we would be able to defend against them with our remaining forces or the 38th Army Group.”

“That’s enough! The President’s decision is firm.”

General Chiu Ji Liang Ji cut off the Commanders who spoke out of frustration. He turned his gaze to Lieutenant General Luwei Long, the Chief of Army Staff and spoke.

“Move the 12th Army Group to the Shandong peninsula and have them work with the 26th Army Group to defend against the Korean Special Forces.”

“Yes, General Chiu.”

The 12th Army Group’s power was considerably low since it was an amphibious force when compared to the armored forces of the 21st Army Group. Especially considering how most of the 26th Army Groups defending the Shandong area consisted of infantry divisions only. The best move would have been to deploy the 21st Army Group to the Shandong area.

“This is truly a wrong call, sir.”

Lieutenant General Pe Feng Li Fu, the Operations Director tried to speak again, but General Chiu pretended not to hear him; instead, he gazed at the screen.

General Chiu was also frustrated. However, he had no choice but to follow orders from the President for it was his duty as a soldier. All he could do now was to find another way instead.

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