21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

February 5th, 2021, 09:40

The skies above Iwozu Island, Japan

The SH-60K anti-submarine choppers were hit by the white beams of light while flying at a low altitude to attack the Yang Se-bong (SSP-85). The laser beams that grazed the choppers created small pillars of water across the ocean surface.

Pew pew pew pew pew~

Pew pew pew pew~

The sudden laser beam attacks had hit the rotor of the choppers and caused a few of them to smoke and burst in flames. Since they were hit by the rotors, the choppers lost their balance and began to crash into the ocean.


Woosh~ boom~

The SH-60K anti-submarines created a large wave from the crash and disappeared from the ocean after exploding. The two CF-21P Phoenix fighter jets flew across the air and moved to attack the remaining SH-60K anti-submarine choppers with its laser Vulcan guns.

The first Escort fleet’s anti-submarine choppers that had witnessed the crash of their allies immediately changed directions and began evasive maneuvers. However, they were unable to evade the laser beams traveling at the speed of light from the CF-21P Phoenix fighter jets and began to crash down.

Boom~ Bang~ Woosh~

The choppers either exploded or crashed into the ocean like the first one. When some of the choppers began to emit smoke, the crew aboard jumped into the ocean.

The 8th anti-submarine chopper had exploded from 10m above the ocean surface. Major Choi Young-ho glanced at his radar to find the next target, but the Radar Warning Receiver began to ring.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The source of the radar signal was the Kongo (DDG-173) destroyer, which was the only surviving vessel under the first Escort fleet. When Major Choi Young-ho confirmed the information, he gave an order to his wingman, Captain Oh Gil-sung.

-Black Moon 1, contact Black Moon 3, music on! Spike nine! Nine! Two two naked.

-Black Moon 3, copy that.

-Black Moon 1, target switch! The four bandits will be Black Moon 3’s target.

-Black Moon 3, sir! Are you going to face the Aegis destroyer alone?

Captain Oh Gil-sung asked Major Choi Young-ho once again, from surprise.

– Black Moon 1, I am busy so don’t make me repeat myself.

– Black Moon 3, copy that.

When Captain Oh Hil-sung’s answer came through, an alarm about a missile launch being detected came on.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The Phoenix jets of Major Choi Young-ho and Captain Oh Gil-sung emitted powerful Electronic Counter Measures to the maximum and began to spray flares and chaffs across the sky while making a break turn.

The two Phoenix jets began to make evasive maneuvers and turned in a sharp angle to draw a circle as the two SM-2 anti-air missiles launched by the Kongo destroyer flew toward them.

The SM-2 missile targeted at Captain Oh Gil-sung’s plane had crashed into the chaff and exploded. The SM-2 missile chasing after Major Choi Young-ho missed from his evasive maneuvers.

Major Choi Young-ho, who had evaded the anti-air missile launched from the Kongo (DDG-173), turned around and began to fly toward the ship. A battle against a jet and a destroyer that was last seen during WWII was about to begin. Not only was this a historic moment, but also the jet would face off an Aegis destroyer with only its 12mm guns. From an outside perspective, Major Choi Young-ho’s actions were reckless. However, Major Choi Young-ho paid no mind to the threat and began to dig into the rear of the Kongo (DDG-173).

Vroo~ Vroo~ Vroo~ Vroo~

As the Phoenix jet closed its distance between itself and the destroyer, the two-barreled CIWS 20mm Phalanx Gatling gun began to spray its bullets at it. The gun that boasted 3,000 rounds per minute began to graze the jet.

Major Choi Young-ho avoided the rounds of the phalanx guns by using evasive maneuvers. He focused on attacking the bridge of the Kongo destroyer by using the visor on his helmet. When the crosshairs lined up to where the Kongo’s bridge was, he pulled the trigger.

Pew pew pew pew pew

The 12mm laser Vulcan beams began to spray across the Kongo’s (DDG-173) bridge, and soon, it caught on fire.

Pew pew pew pew~ Pew pew pew pew~

When the pieces of the reinforced glass sprayed into the bridge onto the console, sparks began to fly. A few of the unlucky crew who were hit by the laser beams fell onto the floor. The Kongo’s (DDG-173) Captain Matsuyama was also hit by the glass and injured his right arm. He hid behind the console.

“First Mate Nakamoto! Are you all right?” The captain shouted to his first mate, who was on the floor.

However, the first mate did not respond. His lower and upper body was split and a dark pool of blood began to spread across the floor. The first mate was directly hit by the laser beam and died on the spot.

Major Choi Young-ho, who had made it out of the enemy phalanx gun’s net of fire, used the sal den maneuver and flew back toward the Kongo’s rear. He aimed toward the phalanx guns equipped on the chopper hangars.

Vroooo~ Vroooo~ Vroooo~

Pew pew~

The phalanx rounds raining down had caused sparks to fly on the right-side wing of the jet. Major Choi Young-ho checked his wing out of surprise. However, the wings of the jet were reinforced by liquid metal alloys and was able to withstand a few rounds of the phalanx rounds.

“Whew! That was scary.”

Major Choi Young-ho frowned. When the crosshairs on his helmet lined up to the phalanx guns on the ship’s rear, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew~ Pew pew pew pew pew pew~

Vroooooooo~ Vroooooooo~ Vroooooooo~

The phalanx rounds and the laser beams began to crash into each other.

Pew pew pew pew~

When a few of the laser beams hit the phalanx guns, an internal explosion occurred. The six-barreled Gatling gun stopped and no longer moved.

“All right! There’s only one left.”

Despite the tense situation, Major Choi Young-ho was still excited and began to take aim. He shot up to the sky at a 90-degree angle. However, the phalanx guns equipped at the front of the ship must have taken aim as well, for they sprayed their rounds at the jet’s rear. The shells of the 20mm rounds piled up near the phalanx guns.

Vroo~ Vroo~ Vroo~

Sparks flew at the Phoenix jet’s rear at times, but none of the rounds hit the plasma engine’s interior. A moment later, the Phoenix jet slowed down after reaching a certain altitude. Then it turned around and dove sharply toward the front of the Kongo. Then, the jet sprayed 12mm laser beams.

The numerous white laser beams hit the upper parts of the Kongo, and flames began to dance.

“If we had 50mm laser Vulcans on the jet, then I would be able to at least cause heavy damages,” Major Choi thought.

He left his thoughts behind before pulling on the trigger.

Pew pew pew pew pew~


The Kongo’s (DDG-173) mast and other radars were torn to shreds by the laser Vulcan beams. The jet aimed toward the phalanx guns, spraying bullets at it, and began to fire.

Pew pew pew pew pew~


Boom~ Bang~

Dozens of laser beams struck the phalanx guns. Then, an internal explosion caused the gun’s shrapnel to go flying in all directions. The Phoenix jet glided past the side of the Kongo (DDG-173) in the shape of an L. Major Choi Young-ho was full of excitement at the thought of him taking out the Aegis destroyer alone and raised his fists into the air.

“Yes! Your hands and feet are tied now! Ha ha ha.”

The Aegis destroyer was out of methods to attack after the last two phalanx guns were taken out. Major Choi Young-ho flew his plane as close as he could to the Kongo (DDG-173) and aimed toward the high-precision radars that could be considered as the ship’s eyes.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew ~


From the outer wall of the Aegis’ radar, sparks began to fly after being struck by the laser beams. Then, black smoke began to rise from it. Major Choi Young-ho flew around the Kongo for a few more minutes and used all of his remaining ammunition to render the radar useless. Then, he raised his altitude.

The Kongo (DDG-173), floating above the surface, began to explode at multiple areas, and black smoke began to engulf the entire vessel.

-Black Moon 1, contact Black Moon 3, did you accomplish your mission?

– Black Moon 3, contact Black Moon 1, all enemy choppers have been taken out!

– Black Moon 1, contact Black Moon 3, we return to base. Altitude at 20,000.

-Sir, did you destroy the enemy Aegis destroyer?

-Of course, I did. Who do you think I am? I’m the best of the best from the Corean air force, you know?

Major Choi Young-ho smiled brightly and fired up his afterburner while flying next to Captain Oh Gil-sung.

* * *

February 5th, 2021, 11:00

Seoul, Jongro-ku, the Blue House Emergency Situation Center, underground bunker

An hour ago, the president received a report from the Blue House that the president of the U.S. was calling from the hotline while he was watching the raid against Japan from the Joint Chief of Staff’s office. He returned to the Blue House and video called President Trump.

“What do you mean stop all raids against Japan?”

“As I have said, President Suh.”

“Didn’t America claim neutrality during the Corean–Japanese war?”

“Yes, we did. But the situation is different now.”

“What changed?”

The president barely managed his anger and had asked in a calm tone.

“Multiple reports that our bases are being damaged by Corea’s air raids are coming in, and the Pentagon is holding an emergency meeting about this matter.”

“Didn’t we suggest a solution for this last time? We requested for all Japanese troops residing within the American bases to be pulled out if America was truly neutral.”

“How could Corea attack the military bases of its ally? This could lead to an end to the alliance between our two nations and war.”

President Trump’s face was full of arrogance. President Suh slammed the table and retorted.

“Did you just suggest termination of our alliance? Did America ever treat our alliance on the same footing as the one with Japan?”

“No, President Suh! What exactly did our nation not do to keep the relationship between our nations?”

“Is that so? Then, let me ask you this. Would America lend the Japanese military weapons and trained them on how to operate the weaponry if it was truly neutral? Or is America attempting to attack its own ally?”

President Suh Hyun-woo stood up from his seat and asked his question as if to accuse President Trump. He was taken aback and glanced at his sides.

President Suh, who realized he had struck a weak point, hounded him.

“Despite America lending the Japanese B-1B Lancer bombers, Zumwalt class destroyers, and F-22 fighter jets, we have not made any complaints against America.”

“President Suh! That complies with the U.S.–Japanese military treaty. It is perfectly legal.”

President Trump’s shameless statement had shocked President Suh Hyun-woo, and he responded in a firm tone. “President Trump! Does the Japanese hold a weakness over your head? Or are you only acting this way out of capitalistic profit?”

“You are going too far. What kind of weakness or capital gains that the Japanese could hold against the U.S. to sway our nation?

“So are you denying these claims?”

The faces of the two presidents turned more sinister as time went on.

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