500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 151 Nya~!

"Just so we are clear, I did not come with her as a group," Nyala said after the Amazon left the room.

"So then, what did you come here for? From what I understand, you don't seem to like Galio or approve of his selection, Cat Folk. What brings you here then?" Tallia asked in a low voice that I approved of.

While I thought it was nice for Tallia to stick up for me, I knew this was about more than just me. Some of the women that were in the wall guard seemed to have a silver spoon up their asses. Now, Northwall had no need for them, and Tallia looked to be done with putting up with some of them.

"I was asked to come by Breya, but I was told by Nya that I needed to come and talk to Galio," Nyala said, looking off to the side.

At the same time, a golden portal opened, and a beautiful woman with large white paws, ears, and a fluffy tail skipped out. This must be the Cat Goddess, and she was exceptionally beautiful.

"Oh wow! Look at the party that I got invited into, nya~! Naked people, not so naked people, and you, nya~!" Nya said as the white cat pointed at me.

"Is her name Nya? Or is that just the sound she makes when talking?" I whispered over to Tallia.

"It's both, nya~! I am the Cat Goddess, Nya~! I heard that a certain kitten of mine was being trouble through the Girl Vine, nya~! So, naturally, I had to fix it, nya~!" The Cat Goddess said and then turned on Nyala. "You did say you are sorry, right?"

"Not yet; there was an interruption before I could," Nyala said.

"Well, nya~?! What are you waiting for?! You know that I had to wait for you to come here, right? I could have crawled into bed with the three of them, but you didn't do as you were told, nya~!" Nya complained, and I looked at Tallia.

"Is she always like this?" I whispered, and Tallia had a small smile.

"She is one of the good ones, and yes, Nya is very friendly. I am sure that you would have fun with her, but I think you already have a hectic day ahead of you. You should get going to everyone that is waiting for you. I will talk with Kali. She is very young and was shipped here shortly after birth. Her time with her people was not good, but she has been here for two years now, so she shouldn't act this way," Tallia explained.

"Are you having trouble with other ones too, Tal?" Nya asked as she skipped over to stand in front of us between Nyala and me.

"Nothing more than usual for the most part, but since yesterday, some of the women are starting to get a little stir-crazy. There is a good chance that I might have to send some home to you if we can't find work for them," Tallia explained, and Nya's ears drooped, and her tail still.

"Mmm, if you don't have to, that is probably better. Things with Giantessa are worse than ever, and she refuses to stop the coastal raiding parties. We are having a hard time keeping people fed, so it might be better if they stay here," Nya said, but with no cute sound this time.

"Easier said than done, but I will not force them to leave. They are all going to have to pick up their attitudes and start helping out," Tallia said, and Nya whirled on Nyala.

"You heard both of us, right? Home is not safe right now, and we can't do anything about it right now. You are not safe at home," Nya said, and Nyala took a step back.

"What do you mean, not safe? It has only been ten years since I was home. How is it not safe?! I can help you fight!" Nyala Declared, but Nya shook her head.

"The Amazons can't fight with the Dwarfs and are tired of fighting with themselves. They also aren't overly bright and have hunted their lad dry and overfished their shores. The Dwarfs have their mountain to protect them and Boomsticks, but we aren't really the fighting type, and you know this. You and your daughter are Spirit Callers. While you and others have combat experience, that is all the Amazons do. Even their skin can shatter our claws and teeth," Nya said with a sigh before turning back to us.

"If there was something that I could do, Nya, I would," Tallia said, and Nya nodded.

"I know you would, Tal, but until they actually attack one of us on our soil, that would be inviting trouble. There is no reason to have the Golem's gang up on us and most likely the Undead. By the sounds of Elfinia, they might even be included in that group," Nya explained, and I frowned.

"Group? What are you talking about?" I asked, and Tallia replied.

"While everyone is technically at peace, we all always walk a very thin line, and one side is just waiting for the other to slip up. If the Amazons slip up, the Angels and Fae will jump on them with Nya and me. The golems look for any reason to join the conflict, but only ever to the aggressed, so they might help us, but they would not miss a chance to pretend like they are helping," Tallia explained, but I could tell she was sour about the last point, so I left that alone.

"Well, more shit for the sandwich, but I will eat it when I get to… Ten, right?" I asked, and Tallia nodded. "Then I will deal with the Amazons. While I am sure that most Amazons have more muscle than brains, not all of them can be like that. There is very likely a Blood Witch or another outside force affecting this. Still, I can't just run in there and bust heads."

"I understand, and things are tedious, but no one is starving. I am just glad to meet you! Sorry about not coming earlier. The truth was, I went to go get a golden egg for Chili there under the blankets,"

"Hi, Nya!" Chili called out from under the blankets.

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