500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 181 The Goddess Of Gambling

I left the room with a smile and headed back out to the front of the house. I waved to everyone and said goodnight as I passed the kitchen but stopped just before I was passed.

"Senna, can you come and close the door for me?" I called, and Senna nodded, coming out to join me in the hallway.

"You are leaving as a cat again?" Senna asked, and I nodded.

"Yes. There are too many women that are out patrolling for me. The last thing I want is a mob outside of Listenia's for half the night," I said with a sigh. This whole mob thing was getting out of control, but it was not like I wasn't without my tricks.

"I have told the guards to disperse the groups, but it is hard. Once they are broken up, they all just meet in a different location, or they spread out using the Vine," Senna explained, and I transformed into a cat.

"I might have to start doing things to maybe make the women like me a bit less," I said in my deep voice, and Senna giggled at me.

"You sound so strange when you are like this, but I would say good luck to that. Most of the women just want to get a piece of you and that growth, but your tail is the talk of the town," Senna explained, and I sighed.

"Well, I will just have to start being a jerk cat then. If there is one thing that cats do well, it is being a jerk. Not like we do it on purpose, well, I mean, we do, but there is always a reason for the rhyme!" I laughed, and Senna opened the door.

"That might work; just don't start going overboard. You don't want people to hate you, just be less interested in using you as a humping post," Senna laughed, and I looked up at her.

"Is that a real thing?" I asked.

"There is, but I am sure that you wouldn't be interested in using one," Senna said, and I nodded.

"No, but I would be interested to see you use one. You know, for science," I said, and Senna smiled at me knowingly.

"You know, I had really just wanted you to take me before, but now I feel more comfortable around you. I think we should make a competition out of it. I thought that it was very entertaining hearing about the countess and Chili. I don't want that, but I am sure that we can think of something? Maybe catching Skylar again?" Senna asked as I waited at the open door.

"I heard that you are a big fan of pranks and playing tricks on others. I am the Cat God, so that kind of thing is in my blood. Maybe we can make a game out of this?" I asked curiously, and Senna got that look on her face that bothered me.

"Oh? This is the type? You must have heard from the girls, but just to clarify, I am very good at my craft. I didn't suggest this because I thought that it might be too one-sided for me!" Senna laughed, and I made my cat face scowl.

"Hey! You might think that you are hot shit, but I am the king of discord! I will show you!" I nearly hissed, making Senna laugh more.

"Yes, whatever you say, all mighty Cat God! Just don't complain when you lose!"

"Wait! What are we even playing for? I mean, you want to do it will me, right? That doesn't really make it much of a prize if we both have intentions of doing it anyways. It can be like a celebration after the contest, but I think we should have actual prizes, right?" I asked, and Senna nodded, putting her hand to her chin.

"That is a good point. I do want some sort of compensation for having to make such a fool out of you," Senna laughed.

"Hey, there toots! You may be a big talker, but you had better be ready to put your money where your mouth is. I am not to be messed with! You shall rue the day you cross pranks with the mighty Cat God!" I said dramatically in my deep voice, going up on two legs, sticking one paw to my chest and the other in the air.

Senna burst out laughing, so I quickly tied her laces together. I turned around, trying to leave causally like I just had enough, but tripped over a wire that hadn't been there a second ago. I fell straight onto my face, and Senna laughed even harder. I picked myself up just in time to see Senna lift on leg up to turn around and then tipped over with a shocked look.

I fell over laughing, but it was a horrible hacking noise that drew the girls out of the kitchen.

"What happened to you two?!" Eliza asked in shock, but Chili pointed to the shoe laces and then the wire in front of the door.

"I think it has already begun, and the score looks pretty even. I am pretty sure Senna was laughing because she got Galio, but he had already tired her shoelaces. Pretty craft pair," Chili said while nodding in approval.

"Do you think we should call Goldey?" Eliza asked as Breya walked out.

"If it is gambling that you want, Goldey will always answer the call!" Breya laughed, and a golden portal opened and out walked Goldey in a golden night dress and cap.

"What is this I hear about women wanting to give me all their money? A bet? What is it this time? Or is the prank war already started? I just heard about it, so I thought that I would have some time! No rest for the wicked or the divine!" Goldey laughed but then stopped when she looked down at me. "Is that really you? Galio?"

"Yes," I said as I picked my furry ass off the floor, giving a quick scan of my surroundings.

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