500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 190 [Bonus Chapter]The Dream: It Was My Fault

"Galio! What is going on?! Why are monsters attacking the village?!" Tallia cried out from beside me, and I looked up to see her now twenty.

"I don't know, but I need to stop them," I said as I transformed back into my human form, pulling my sword from my magical bag.

It had been two years since I had transformed in front of her for the first time. The moment had been one of my most treasured moments, but Xena had caught us kissing. She had watched me transform and then told me that she knew that I wasn't a normal cat all along. Xena had confessed to me in front of Tallia, but I turned her down.

From there, we barely ever saw her, then a year later, she left the village. This shouldn't be relevant in my current situation, but at the center of our burning village was said person, but something was dramatically different about her.

"What is going on here, Xena?!" Tallia screamed, and Xena turned glowing yellow eyes on us.

"You! We were friends, but all you ever cared about was the man that I loved! I always loved him! You never even knew what he was! Yet, he chose you! I was supposed to get him! She told me that Ophiuchus would be mine!" Xena screamed, and the fires flared all around us, and buildings were collapsing.

"You gave yourself over to my Mother, and you believed her lies! That was your first mistake, Xena! I was never yours, to begin with. I make my own choices, and I choose what I want!" I snapped, stepping in front of Tallia.

This moment was starting to bring back memories of a conversation I had with my mother when I entered this world. That was fourteen years ago, but I remember that day like it was yesterday, but I wasn't strong enough yet.

I had purged the forests, and we had actually had almost an entire year without any attack from Riftwalkers. I had thought that it was weird, but I also had been happy to do what I wanted, but the elder had warned me.

"They are not lies. Galio, I love you, and I will do whatever it takes to have you by my side! I will protect you from your mother! I love you!" Xena screamed, but I summoned magic, creating a double helix summoning circle, and pulled out a golden pistol with cat ears on it.

"You have already given yourself to the darkness. You disgust me, and now I will do as I always have and purge you, Blood Witch!" I roared and started to fire golden beams of light at Xena, but she dodged them and dashed toward me.

Destruction flew around her in perfect disharmony, but always just barely missing Xena. Chaotic Entropy caused this, and I turned, dropped my sword, grabbed Tallia in one arm, and ran, shooting behind me.

"Let the world burn! It means nothing to me without you by my side! If I can't have you, then no one can!" Xena screamed as she gained on us.

"Why is she acting like this?!" Tallia cried, but this was my fault. If I never came to this world, this would have never happened, but I would not let Nemoria take her from me.

"Stay here!" I yelled and tossed Tallia forward, creating a barrier around her, and I turned to slam into Xena.

Rocks kicked up, and a flying board slapped them into my face, cutting me above my eye, and then splinters from the same board stabbed into my neck. Xena slashed my chest with vicious claws, making blood spray from my chest. I punched her backward, but glass flew up and stabbed me in the arm, causing me to scream out.

As I ripped the glass out, Xena extended her claws, dove at me, and stabbed me through my stomach. I screamed out in pain, but I was not going to give up.

"Xena, you need to stop this!" I screamed as I grabbed her hand, and slammed it into a wall, but she kicked my legs out from under me, and I fell.

"I don't need to do anything! I don't need to stop this! I don't need to do anything! I am going to destroy this world and kill her!" she screamed and slashed me across the face, but I grabbed her wrist and slammed it into the ground.

"No, Xena! You don't have to do this!" I screamed, and she grabbed my head and slammed it into the ground, but I threw her off me and tried to get up.

"You don't understand! I love you! I don't want to destroy you, but I need to because I love you!" she screamed and kicked me in the head, and I fell to the ground.

I pushed myself up, but she kicked me in the stomach, and I fell back down.

"Please, Xena! You don't have to do this!" I begged, but she didn't listen.

She grabbed my head and slammed it into the ground again, and I felt blood running down my face.

"I'm sorry, Galio, but I have to do this! I love you!" she screamed and slammed my head into the ground again.

I couldn't take it anymore, and I blacked out. When I came to, Tallia was lying on the ground next to me, but she wasn't breathing, and her eyes were staring lifelessly.

"She is now gone! I will give you one final-" Xena started to say, but dark power flowed into me, and I was instantly on my feet with her neck in my hand. Tallia's heart was missing, and mine had been ripped out with it.

"SHE LOVED YOU!" I screamed into Xena's face with an Entropic Roar that tore the flesh from her bones and then turned them to dust in a beam of red.

I turned back to where the only thing that meant anything now lay lifeless. I fell to my knees. It had all happened so fast. I was powerless. This was all my fault.

Then I opened my eyes that were filled with tears in bed with Listenia and a heavy heart. The dream had left me feeling empty.

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