500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 209 Kissing Rocks

"It's always been like this for us. We don't know why. Those of us that live in the city just need to sleep a lot. We've tried everything, but nothing keeps us up and going," Kajita said, and I furrowed my brow.

,m "How long has this been going on?" I asked, and Kajita thought for a moment.

"It's been going on for as long as I can remember. I have tried to stay up, but I just end up dozing off at whatever I am doing," Kajita said, and I frowned.

"Do you have any idea what could be causing it?" I asked, and Kajita shook her head.

"No. We've tried everything, but we can't figure it out. It's like they're in a deep sleep, but we can't wake them up," Kajita said.

"What about the ones outside of Northwall? They don't really seem like the sleepy group, but I wasn't around them for that long," I said, and Kajita nodded.

"The ones outside of Northwall are a different story. They don't need to sleep as much, but they're still pretty tired all the time. We don't know what's wrong with them either," Kajita said, and I frowned.

"Do you think it has something to do with the Goddesses?" I asked, and Kajita frowned.

"I don't know. We've tried asking them, but they just say they don't know either. They're just as baffled as we are," Kajita said, and I sighed.

"I see. Well, I'll see what I can find out. I'll talk to the Goddesses and see if they have any ideas," I said, and Kajita nodded.

"I don't know anything about it. We have trouble trying to get my girls to go to sleep!" Goldy laughed.

"Thank you. We would appreciate any help you can give us," Kajita said, and I nodded.

"I'll do what I can. In the meantime, just keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure I'll find a way to keep everyone awake," I said, and Kajita nodded.

"Thank you. I hope so," Kajita said, and I stood up.

"Well, we should get going. Goldy, are you coming with me, or are you heading back? I have an angry escort that is following me while I explore the place," I explained, but Goldy shook her head.

"I wish that I could, but I just got a call. Seems that some girls got into some trouble with a vein of platinum. I have to go dig them out now," Goldy groaned as she stood up, picking the last crumb of the crust off her plate.

"Well, maybe I could take you out for supper if you are free later?" I asked, and Goldy's face lit up with a warm smile, making her come over and sit on my lap.

"You know, I don't have any plans tonight. Maybe, if you wanted, you could come over, and I could cook for you?" Goldy asked, looking up at me with her beautiful face.

"A Goddess offering to cook me a meal in her own house? I would be a fool to pass up such an opportunity!" I laughed, and Goldy leaned her head into my chest before hopping out of my lap.

"Good. You know how to get a hold of me," Goldy said as she waved her hand, and a portal opened to a mine shaft. "This had better not get my dress dirty!"

I smiled as I watched Goldy leave and the portal close. Once that was done, I turned back to Kajita, who was just staring at me blankly.

"You can just call the strongest and most mythical beings that this world has ever known to you? And then they ask to make you supper? Am I still asleep? Or maybe I need to go back and lay down...." Kajita said as her voice trailed off and a wildly confused look spread across her face.

"We technically know each other, so this is somewhat normal," I said, even though neither of us seemed to remember before.

Kajita just shook her head before she stood up and walked over to the counter, where she started to bake another pie.

"I don't know what kind of world you come from, but it is nothing like mine," Kajita said as she grabbed a cloth to wipe down the table I was at.

"I understand that. Thank you for the pie, but I had better get going. I am sure that this won't be the last time you see me. I would really like to bring Tallia here sometime," I said, and the woman rolled her eyes.

"You talk of all this like it is the most normal thing in the world," Kajita said, shaking her head as she collected the dishes from the table.

I stood up and smiled. For me, it was. for others, well, I guess I could see how it might be crazy to see.

"Thank you again! Have a great day!" I called as I left the store.

"You took your sweet time. It thought that barnacles were going to cling onto me soon," Della complained as soon as I was outside.

"Maybe you might be more welcome if you change that attitude of yours?" I asked, and Della turned up her nose at me.

"Doubtful. You seem to be the only one in this world that can stand me," Della said, and I sighed.

"Well, I'm glad that I can be of service. Now, can we please go? I have another stop to make, and I would like to get there before nightfall," I said, and Della nodded.

"Fine, but you owe me," Della said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, and what might it be that you want? Some time with my fluffy tail? Or are you looking for something else, hmmm?" I asked curiously as I scooched over closer to her, where she was leaning into the wall.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what I want," Della said, her voice turning husky as her eyes met mine.

"Oh, I do, do I?" I asked, and Della nodded as she ran her hand up my thigh.

"Yes, you do. Now, are you going to give it to me, or do I have to take it?" Della asked, and I smiled as I leaned in close to her.

"Oh, I think you might enjoy me taking it," I said, and Della's eyes widened in surprise before she smiled.

"I think I might like that," Della said, and I chuckled as I moved in to kiss her, but the woman dodged me, and I kissed the stone wall instead.

"What are you doing?" I asked, and Della glared at me.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to keep you from kissing me. You have terrible breath," Della said, and I frowned.

What was this woman playing at? She clearly had just wanted me to make a move on her but played me for a fool after. Maybe this was all just a giveaway to tease me, but I could feel the energy coming off her.

"I do not have terrible breath. You're just being difficult," I said, and Della shrugged.

"Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that you have terrible breath. Now, can we please go?" Della asked, and I sighed as I straightened myself up.

"Fine, but you owe me a kiss, and maybe more after this," I said, and Della rolled her eyes.

"In your dreams," Della said, and I chuckled as we started to walk.

"Oh, I think you might enjoy my dreams," I said, and Della elbowed me in the side, making me grunt.

"Shut up, and let's go," Della said, but I could see the smile playing on her lips.

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