500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 228 As The Turds Start Flying

"What took you so fucking long?" Scorpio demanded when he saw me before turning to look at Capricorn, who simply shrugged unapologetically in response before turning back to look at me again expectantly. "Well? Are you just going to stand there gawking, or are you going to give me an update? Is this the girl?"

I mentally sighed before walking over to him and giving him a hug which he awkwardly returned halfheartedly before letting go and taking a step back from me while looking away slightly bashfully, which made me chuckle softly under my breath. "I'm glad to see you too, Friend."

"Yeah, yeah," Scorpio said as he waved a hand dismissively before getting down to business. "So, this is the girl that you left everything, including me, behind for?"

Scorpio pushed past me to get a better look at Tallia, who was standing behind me with a slightly apprehensive expression on her face as she looked at him. "Sorry about the scene. I was just, uh, cleaning up."

"I can see that," I said dryly as I looked around the room before turning back to Scorpio. "But what exactly happened here?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," Scorpio said with a shrug as he leaned against one of the walls nonchalantly. "This is just my way of passing time and keeping my fangs sharp if you know what I mean. Your boyfriend is a better killer than I will ever be, but he used to come and play these games with me! Does that bother you, Human?"

"No, but the smell of this place does. Are the rest just as sloppy as you? Or are you just a special case?" Tallia shot back, making Scorpio burst out laughing.

I simply shook my head before walking over to where Tallia was standing and putting an arm around her protectively, which made Scorpio smirk in amusement. "Don't worry about him; he's harmless."

Tallia still didn't look too sure, but she nodded nonetheless before looking up at me with an inquisitive expression on her face. "So, is there anyone else that I should meet or know about?"

"Did he tell you about our passionate lovemaking yet?" Virgo asked as she stepped through an Astral Portal.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Virgo! Is this really the time?" I growled, but Tallia grabbed me by the shirt.

"You were married to the Zodiac of Love?! And you left her for me?!" Tallia exclaimed, and I just shook my head.

"Do you see what you have done now? I have to go fight a serious battle right now; this is not the time!" I snapped, but Virgo just gave me one of her amused smiles.

"Considering that time doesn't flow unless you are in it, I think we have more than enough time for this! Dear, do not worry, the man is not that crazy. The reason that Ophiuchus left was for you, but that was also because he was the only one of us without a partner. My love, Sagittarius has some different tastes and enjoys watching Ophiuchus violate me in every position that was ever possible!" Virgo exclaimed, nearly on the edge of bliss, and I groaned.

"Dear Gods, make it stop!" I exclaimed as I put my hands over my ears while Tallia just looked on in confusion.

"What is she talking about?" Tallia asked, and I just sighed.

"She is the Zodiac of Love and one of the most sex-crazed people that you will ever meet," Scorpio said, and Virgo glanced at him before shrugging unapologetically with a smile.

"What he said," Virgo said before walking over to where we were standing and giving me a hug which I awkwardly returned halfheartedly before letting go and taking a step back from her bashfully, much like Scorpio had done earlier. "But it's good to see you again, Ophiuchus! It's been far too long since we have talked!"

"Yeah, it has been," I said before looking over at Tallia, who was still looking at Virgo with an incredulous expression on her face. "This is Virgo, the Zodiac of Love."

"Nice to meet you," Tallia said hesitantly, and Virgo just giggled in response as she walked over and hugged her tightly.

"The pleasure is all mine!" Virgo exclaimed as she finally pulled back from Tallia but didn't let go. "Just so we are clear, and you have no misconceptions, this man did leave me for you, as impossible as that might sound, so you should treat him very well. If not, I might just ask him to come to bed with me."

"I don't really care about that, and he can if he wants. I hold no strings on him in the world we are in, but I am just trying to wrap my head around him leaving you," Tallia said with perplexment, still in Virgo's arms, who just giggled in response.

"I am sure you will get used to it eventually, but there is one more person that you should meet!" Virgo exclaimed before finally letting go of Tallia and taking a step back. "She was a bit upset when Ophiuchus left, but I think she has come to accept it by now."

"Oh? Who might that be?" Scorpio asked, the amused smirk on his face turning into a furious look as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Virgo just giggled softly before gesturing for an Astral Portal to open, which revealed Cancer standing on the other side with her arms crossed over her chest and a pout on her face. "Cancer! It's about time that you got here!"

"Really? You are inviting her here?! This is my island, not hers!" Scorpio snapped, and Cancer burst into tears.

"Hey! Dickhead, what is the deal?!" I snapped to look at my best friend, who had just crossed his arms. Cancer was Scorpio's partner, but they always seemed to be on rocky grounds. This was more than rocky grounds.

"Why don't you tell him what I found stashed in your room after Ophiuchus left!" Scorpio snapped, and I whirled over to Cancer, who was now hiding between Virgo and Tallia now, hiding her face in Virgo's ample breasts.

"What is he talking about?" I asked, and Cancer just shook her head. "Cancer, tell me what is going on!"

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