500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 240 RiftwalkerxNightmare Cat

Tallia slammed back into her body, and Umbra started to form over the Summoning circle that started to fade.

"Huh?! You summoned a cat?! I thought you were going to get some kind of power or something?!" Silvy asked in confusion as Tallia picked up Umbra and cuddled her into her face and chest.

"Umbra will be enough," Tallia said as she stood and then spotted Carla running down the wall. She opened a portal to open in front of the captain, and Carla came running out of the portal Tallia had made beside herself. Carla stopped in confusion and looked at her Goddess, who was petting a black cat that seemed to be made from shadow. It was so dark that it seemed to swallow the light, and it was hard to look directly at.


"Do not fire on Galio. Let him defeat the Riftwalker, and then I will deal with him," Tallia said as she turned to look out at the two massive monsters fighting over ten miles away.

"You have a way to stop him now and bring him back?!" Silvy asked as she came to stand beside Tallia to watch, but even with her Elf eyes, Galio and the Riftwalker were dark shapes.

"No, there is no way for anyone to bring him back from this. Galio has to bring himself back and get control of this power," Tallia said as she watched Galio and the Riftwalker square off.

"Then what are you going to do against him?!" Silvy asked but flinched back when Tallia turned her icy and determined look on her.

"I am the Goddess and protector of this island, and I love that man that is being consumed right now. He is doing everything that he can to protect us, but he is not perfect. I will hold him off until he can gain control again. I will not lose him ever again!" Tallia said so fiercely that both women were forced back, and every eye on the wall was on her golden glowing form.

Ten miles to the south, Galio was still fighting for control, but there was too much Negative Energy flowing into him from the Riftwalker that he was fighting. He was forced to sit and watch as a passenger as his now massive nightmare cat body fought with the serpent-like Riftwalker. Galio knew that he had to gain control again, but even the power of light was not strong enough anymore. He couldn't change back until he regained control and won this fight, so Galio did something else as his vast black body slammed into the Riftwalker and sent it flying into a rock wall.

With a thought, Galio cut himself off from all his Positive Energy and harnessed some of the Negative Energy surging through him into two dark orbs that floated to either side of him. The orbs were over ten yards across on either side of my head, and they would suck up anything within twenty feet until they were destroyed or removed by their master or creator, which Galio was now both at this moment. Despite being cut off from his Positive Energy, though, there seemed to be no ill effects on him yet, except for the fact that he felt less whole than usual.


"Dammit!" I growled to myself as I punched the Riftwalker in the face. I had no control over my movement still, but I was the one doing it at the same time. I was like being on auto-pilot.

I had hoped that the sphere would maybe disrupt my form, but Negative Energy just really did dick all against itself. The best way to compare it would be like two people using shadows to fight. On the other hand, this form was physical, and so was the Riftwalker. That meant that we could still hurt each other, but we both healed faster.

The Riftwalker lunged at me with scythe-like arm spikes, but I just spun and slapped it out of the air to smash back into the mountain. I screamed at the creature and then leaned forward and bent down, firing hundreds of hair spikes into the Riftwalker.

Suddenly, instead of trying to get up, it started to shift into a fatter and more like a lizard. The monstrosity grew massive spike legs like a centipede and turned its monstrous head at me with a red beam forming in its mouth.

My body didn't flinch as I felt excitement rush through me, and I caught the beam in my hands. Entropic Energy balled into my hands until the Riftwalker stopped in what looked like confusion. I looked down, and I suddenly felt an overwhelming hunger that filled me... oh fuck!

I raised the ball of pure red energy up to my face, and my mouth opened impossibly as I swallowed it whole, feeling my body stretch in ways not right. Then it hit me like a million volts as I screamed out, red cracks forming all over my body. This was not good at all, and the Riftwalker seemed to think the same thing as it tried to transform again, but I burst forwards with impossible speed.

My foot drove forward, and the Riftwalked was kicked into the air, smashing through the island's golden barrier and out of open water. I grabbed two massive twenty-foot wide boulders into two hands and jumped at the creature that was still rising like a rocket. I smashed into it and then used the rock to smash it down into the ocean below me.

A gigantic red spell circle formed about me as I flipped to face down and created a gravity well. I slammed downward, throwing both rocks to break the water as my huge nightmare cat body drove down into the deep water. The Riftwalker was waiting for me, and it had finished changing its form. It was now like a gigantic anaconda with spikes down its back and a head like a hammerhead shark.

I didn't give it time to attack as I pounced at it, slamming into its side and flipping it over. Then I pinned it down before it could escape, my teeth ripping open its throat out as my body wrapped around the creature so I could grip the Riftwalker tighter. The thing thrashed beneath me as the water started to boil around us from all the Negative Energy being released, but there was no way that this thing was getting away from me now!

Suddenly the Riftwalker discharged a crazy amount of energy that blasted me back out of the water. My body flew through the air, and I smashed a third hold in the golden barrier. Tallia was going to be pissed about this, but there wasn't much I could do at this point. I just had to hope that I would be able to stop myself if I could beat this Riftwalker.

I smashed back into the hard ground again, and the Riftwalker crashed into me, slamming a black blade into my chest and pinning me to the ground. It was one-third of its size, and the Riftwalker was in its black knight form. Then two more blades slammed down, but I just ripped the three of me like children and then slammed my arms back, catapulting me off the ground, blades still in my chest.

I ripped the blades out as I roared and flung them back at the Riftwalkers, stabbing two of them but missing the third that caught the blade and rushed me. Before it was close enough to strike, my arm snapped forward and grabbed the shadow night, bringing it up to my face as it slashed at me futilely.

Then I bit it in half and greedily devoured the other half. Internally, I would have puked because I could feel the first half claw and scratch as I swallowed it. This did not help things, and once I was done, I turned on the other two struggling forms. I already had no idea how to stop this, and now I was going to absorb even more Negative Energy.

I needed to think of something fast because the Riftwalker was done for now, and I was sure that this body would not be satisfied with just that. If I couldn't get control, I was going to destroy everything that I was trying to protect!

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