500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 261 Just Roll With It

Tallia took us back to the wagon, but it was just getting to early morning, and they were stopped outside of town. Rexa and Goldy were still sitting up top as we walked out, but Goldy hopped and tried to make a portal to get away, but Tallia grabbed her by the back of her golden dress, stopping her before she could escape.

"Gah! Why did you tell them?! You said you wanted to spend some time with him; I have... things to do!" Goldy complained, but Tallia just rolled her eyes.

"You need to get to know Galio just as much as Titania does, and now that I know you don't have anything to do, you can spend some time helping him. I know that you have things that you are going to ask of me when Galio gets to your island, and they will also require my help, yes?" Tallia asked, and Goldy grumbled but then let out a sign.

"Fine! But you own me for this!" Goldy declared as she pulled from Tallia's grip, but my Goddess just scoffed at her.

"You will be the one owing me after you spend some time with him, mark my words. You will see at some point why everyone is so interested in him, and it is not just the growth between his legs!" Tallia snickered, and I coughed from beside her, and Tallia looked up at me with a smile. "What? I was giving you a compliment!"

"You have a complicated way of complimenting a person," I said with a sigh as I leaned down to kiss her, but I didn't let her pull away when she tired, pulling her deeper into my arms as I enjoyed the soft sweetness of her lips.

"Enough! I have things to do, and you have a cult to dig up! Try to remember that not all of them are evil, just a few of the leaders. Most of the others are cast-offs, but that doesn't make any of them any less dangerous. You are going to have to find the balance between those that deserve to be saved and those that have lost the light and must be killed," Tallia said as she broke away from me with flushed cheeks, and I just nodded.

"I understand," I replied, and Tallia just sighed.

"Good, if you need anything, you know how to get me, but I am dealing with some things right now, so try to only call if you need. You have Titania and Goldy with you, so you really shouldn't have that much trouble," Tallia said and then opened a golden portal, leaving through it.

"So, this is not really what I thought I was getting myself into," Titania said as she lifted her beautiful dress that was now wet all along the bottom from the slush and wet snow all around us.

"Yeah, it is supposed to get colder, but I will work on getting us some clothing. It is early morning, so people should be getting up in this small village, and the girl in the wagon should be waking up soon," I said, and then looked up at Rexa, who was just staring straight forward. I turned to look at what she was, but there was nothing of importance there. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, I am just trying to process that you have two of the most powerful beings in this world to come and watch over you. This is all just a bit much for me to process, so I decided that it would be best for me just to stare forward rather than ask silly questions," Rexa said plainly, and I smiled.

"I get what you mean. This must be a lot, but I also must look like I take it all for granted, which must make it even more confusing," I laughed, and Rexa nodded.

"Yes, it very much does," Rexa said with a sigh.

"Cheer up, things are only going to keep going like this, so it would be best to just roll with it. Do you mind bringing the carriage into town and finding a place where we can park this?" I asked and looked back at the goddesses briefly. "I am going to take a look around with them first to see what I can learn about the place."

"Of course, my God," Rexa said with a bow before taking the reins and getting the horses moving. I waited until she was gone, resisting an eye roll before turning to look at Titania again.

"My lady, would it be alright if we walked around town for a bit? I have some questions that I need answers to about this place," I asked as respectfully as possible, and Titania just nodded.

"Yes, that is fine," Titania said, and then she looked at Goldy, who was currently sulking. "Goldy, you can come with us or go back to the wagon, your choice."

"I don't want to go back to the wagon! I want to stay here with you guys," Goldy said in a huff as she walked over towards us. It seemed like her objection wasn't just for show after all; she really did want to stay close by.

"Alright then, let's walk around town so Galio can ask his questions," Titania said before leading the way into town, with me following behind her and Goldy trailing not too far behind me.

The town was small, but it had a cozy feeling to it. The people were all friendly and stopped what they were doing to greet us as we walked by. I got the feeling that they weren't used to seeing outsiders here, which made me wonder just how often Tallia came into town.

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" Titania asked after a few minutes of silence, and I shrugged.

"I am not really sure. I ran into some strange demonic creatures in the forest that were summoned but a cult member. There is something going on here that I am not aware of," I said honestly, and Titania nodded her head in understanding.

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