500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 310 Dirty Looks

We walked into town, and it was bustling with people going about their daily lives. There were a few stalls set up along the side of the road that we walked down, and some people were even set up to play music in the town square for anyone who wanted to listen. As we walked into town, I couldn't help but notice all of the dirty looks that some locals kept shooting our way as well, though unless they said anything directly to us, I ignored them.

"Where do you think would be a good place for us to start looking around at then?" Olivia asked after taking another quick look around herself before turning back towards me again while still walking next to me through this crowded street. "Do you really think that your form is best? You seem a bit... husky, even for women of this area..."

"My form isn't the best, but it's not like I have time to change right now. Maybe once we find a place to settle down, we can focus on that more, but for now, this will have to do," I explained while shrugging my shoulders in response to her words. There wasn't anything else I could do about it at this moment; besides, maybe the extra curves would help draw a little less attention toward me in the meantime.

We walked into an inn after Olivia picked one out from all of the ones we saw that seemed relatively decent compared to most. The town was much bigger than the first one I had been in, and there were three inns. It was still strange that there were three because Northwall only had the one I knew about, but I hadn't even been to it. I had only been to one bar there, so seeing three in a place half the size made me want to start asking questions, but listening worked as well.

"Do you want to grab us some drinks and food?" "I asked, and Olivia nodded as I gave her some coins. I walked to a corner booth, but a woman stood in front of me. She was shorter than me, but she had gotten up from a table full of other rough-looking women.

"What is your reason for coming to town, Stranger? We don't need any more of your kind here." the woman said, crossing her arms in front of her. She had long black hair that started to go gray and green eyes. Her skin was weathered from years outside; from the looks of it, she worked as a farm hand or something close to it with all the callouses on her hands.

"I am just coming to this town, is all; my partner and I lost our farm down south," I said and then stepped into the woman with a menacing look. "Are you this friendly to everyone that comes into town? Did you girls want to have a little fun?" I asked as I cracked my knuckles, and the woman sat down just as Olivia came over and linked arms with me.

"I am sorry about Rosie! She is a bit much sometimes, but she has a kind heart. Ever since we lost the farm to the floods, she has been a bit jumpy," Olivia said as she patted me on the chest before receiving a tray of drinks from one of the maids.

"I don't trust them! They look like liars; I bet they are just here to steal our food and start more problems for us," the woman shouted, jumping back up with renewed courage. Still, one of her friends from the table pulled her down into her seat with ease before speaking up herself in an attempt to diffuse this current situation.

"Now, now, Karen, you know very well that we can't just go around causing trouble all willy-nilly, or we will end up getting kicked out again. You remember what happened last time when you got too drunk and started a bar fight?" The woman trying to calm Karen down explained while patting her on the shoulder in an effort to soothe whatever anger was still brewing inside of this other local. "You have got to be careful with these things now."

Karen settled down after being calmed by another member at their own table. Olivia and I left them and walked over towards ours with our drinks following us. Once we were seated, the waitress gave us our drinks and apologized for how Karen acted.

"Strange things have been happening, and more people are starting to go missing. Our hunters are stopping to go out as much, and there is more crime on the few farms we have. Things are rough here, so I don't know if this is a place that you might want to settle," The waitress explained, and I nodded.

"Do you get floods here?" I asked plainly, and the woman shook her head. "Sounds pretty good to me. Do you think people might relax if I did some hunting?"

"Really? Are you a hunter? We will pay you for the meat and pelts if you know how to do that, but you have to be careful. People are disappearing or showing us mauled by strange beasts most have never seen!" The waitress said, and I thumbed my chin and then looked at Olivia.

"Leafa, can you get us a room? I think that I will go do some hunting right now. If there are problems around here, then the night is when they will be the most likely to happen, right... What is your name?" I asked, looking at the waitress.

"I am Corrin. I want to tell you this is a bad idea, but you are much different than the other hunters that have come here. I will help your Leafa get a room while you are out, and there will be food when you return. If you kill anything, bring it to the back, and my sister will take it from you, but try not to be out too late, or she will get upset. My sister's name is Brenna," The waitress explained, and I nodded.

"Good, give me a moment with Leafa," I said, and the waitress walked away as I looked over at Karen's table. They were all drinking, so I could probably walk out without a problem.

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