500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 321 Cleena, The Queen Of Scream

The sound sent ice through my veins, and I grabbed and tossed Carly back into the building roughly and slammed the door with me on the outside. Layers and layers of wards and banishment spells rose up to seal off the Watch Tower as my eyes darted around to find whatever was flying around me, but I couldn't find it.

*Otherworldly Ethereal screams*

That sound was like a Riftwalker in a way, but I knew that it was much more haunting than that. My mind started to race as I narrowed down what it could be, but the thing took the guesswork out of it for me.

"LEAVE!" The Banshee screamed as it was suddenly in my face, and I jumped back as it tried to swipe at me with ethereal and transparent claw-like hands.

"Fuck," I cursed and kept jumping back to avoid the touch of the ghostly creature. This shouldn't be here, but there was no point in trying to say something that was already trying to kill me.

God or not, I fucking hate ghosts, but this wasn't right. A Banshee was a woman cursed, which was fine, but what was she doing here and attacking me? Where did the girls go?

I kept that thought in my mind as I focused on the creature in front of me who was trying to end this quickly. It seemed like it would be a one-sided fight at first, but banshees were devious creatures. They lured people and then killed them, which is why most humans treated them with caution if they crossed their path. Me? I just considered myself lucky that she didn't try to lure me closer before attacking because it could have slipped past my wards if she had tried, or worse yet, entered the Watch Tower to harm Carly.

The Banshee screeched loudly as it came for me again, and I started dodging out of instinct. Getting hit by this creature wasn't that bad, and I could kill her, but none of them made any sense as to why she was even here.

"STOP!" I roared so loud that it shook the snow on the trees all around us and fell to the ground. The Banshee had been coming for me but stopped to float in front of me. She had a red dress and glowing green eyes that were looking at me with pure hatred. "Let's talk about this."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, CAT GOD?!" The Banshee screamed at me, and I lifted an eyebrow as I looked the creature over.

"Cleena? What the fuck? Why are you, Queen of the Banshee, doing all the way up here?!" I questioned, and she screamed at me.

"I WAS... I DON'T KNOW WHY I AM HERE, BUT YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE. THERE ARE WORSE THINGS ABOUT THEN I!" Cleena wailed at me, and I narrowed my eyes. I didn't think she would have taken the girls, but what was this other thing that was worse than here?

"Do you mind calming down? What took the two girls from here? You were in the area, so you must know what it was, right?" I asked, and she looked me over before frowning. Some of her hostility started to die down, but she still didn't look any happier about the situation.

"I AM JUST AS LOST AS YOU ARE! I FELT A PULL FROM SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE OF MY REALM, AND TWO DAYS AGO, I AWOKE IN THIS PLACE DAMNED TO WALK THIS WORLD UNTIL MY WORK WAS DONE!" Cleena explained, and that was not what I wanted to hear because this was bad news with a capital fucking B.

"What is your work?"

"I DO NOT KNOW, OR IF THIS IS EVEN MY WORK! I ONLY KNOW THAT SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE HERE!" Cleena screamed at me again as she came for me. It was obvious that this conversation was not going anywhere.

"STOP!" I roared again, but this time I stopped her with a barrier, making her slam into an invisible wall. "You can not keep running around screaming at everyone. Considering you are the Queen of the Banshee, I also can't just leave you here."

"LET GO OF ME, CAT GOD, AND I WILL LET YOU LIVE!" Cleena screamed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you stop screaming already? I know that you can talk normally, and I am not letting you go," I growled, creating special chains that could bind almost any supernatural creature from thin air. They were impossible to break by anyone but myself, and once I had her chained good, I started carrying the struggling Banshee to the Watch Tower.

"STOP! YOU CAN NOT TAKE ME THERE!" Cleena screamed as she tried to wiggle out of my grip.

"Then tell me what is going on and where the girls went because I promise that if you don't talk, then things will get very bad for you," I threatened her as we made it back to the tower with no issue, but when we got inside Carly ran over to me with fear in her eyes.

I placed a reassuring hand on Carly's shoulder before turning back to look at Cleena, who was now staring around in terror while trying not to pull away from me still.

"What is this creature, Rosie?!" Carly asked as Cleena tried to scream, but I put my hand over her mouth.

"This is a Banshee, actually the Queen of Banshees, but I have no clue what she is doing here. This thing is not what took the girls, though," I explained as I slowly took my hand from Cleena's mouth and then turned to glare at her. "One more scream and I slap you so hard that your head spins around, got it?"

"That i-is a B-B-Banshee? Carly stuttered out as she backed even further away but then looked at what was binding the creature. "How are you able to use such complicated magic?"

"Does this creature not know who you are, Cat God?" Cleena asked in a finally somewhat calm voice. She wasn't screaming, so that was a win in my books.

"No, she didn't because I am trying to do something to clean up problems that are going around here. Thank you for spilling the beans and making this much harder than it needs to be," I growled, and the Banshee turned her nose up at me.

"It is hardly my job as a Queen to make your job easier!" Cleena said, and I ignored her and looked at the extremely confused-looking Carly.

"Y-Your n-not Rosie?!" Carly asked, but everything seemed to hit her all at once, overwhelming her, and she passed out on her feet. I rushed over and caught her but then turned to scowl at the Banshee.

"You know, I can kill you if you are in a hurry to leave this world? I can find a golden blade, and a laughing potion would be child's play for me to whip up," I warned in a dangerous voice, but the creature just rolled her eyes at me.

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