500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 337 Taking Charge

It was time for this Cat God to pull the lead out of his ass and shift into go mode!

"So, we are going to go down, and you are going to start making a big stink about the monsters coming," I said, but then I walked over and reached in hand into Olivia's shirt and grabbed her right breast, making her gasp.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked, and I smiled as I gave her a squeeze but placed my mark on her breast before taking my hand out. It was a U with a wave through the center horizontally.

"If something ever happened, and you get in trouble, place your hand over that breast and think of me. I will instantly come to you, but you can do it by just closing your eyes and reaching out to me in case someone catches you. While I don't think Xena will bother you, I am not taking any chances, and I also don't know any of the other Blood Witches. Powers or not, I am only one person, so I want to make sure you are safe," I explained.

"What are you going to do?" Olivia asked as she came up to me.

"I am going to try out the blessing that you gave me and thin out some monsters. I think that this is just the beginning of the monsters, and I even expect there to be more new monsters tonight, but I am going to thin them out," I explained, but Olivia frowned at me.

"Are you sure you should go alone? I know you are strong, but there are things that strength can't overcome, right?" Olivia said. "You said there might be more supernatural creatures yourself."

"Assist Rosie in whatever she needs, but make sure that you stay alive as well. I need you to be healthy and happy," I said with a grin, but Olivia frowned at me. "I will be fine, but thank you for worrying about me."

"I just don't want anything happening to you," Olivia said as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Then let us hope that nothing happens to either of us," I said as I put my arm around her and left the room, heading off downstairs with my godly powers now firmly under control once again! It felt good to know that I could get to anywhere in this world that I wanted at a moment's notice and I could prevent things from happening.

"You seem to be in a better mood now," Olivia said as we headed down the stairs where everyone was talking loud, and there were even what sounded like a few arguments.

"We will see for how long," I said as we got down to the tavern part of the in, where everyone seemed to be in discussion or arguing, but the barmaids seemed to be running with drinks. There were no fights, so everything seemed fine, but it looked like it was time for Rosie to step up and say a few words before I made off like a fart in a sandstorm and disappeared.

"You all know who I am, so let's get this started. There will be no more room for democratic discussion. This is a time for decisive action," Olivia said, and everyone turned to look at her. "We are under attack by supernatural creatures that have infiltrated your forests, and my partner has captured some of them already! Rosie has even rescued some girls that are recovering at the Watch Tower!"

A few people gasped in fear, but Olivia held up her hands. "This is not the time to give into despair or panic! We need to show these things what we are made of! Rosie is going out alone tonight to take out as many as she can to prevent them from gaining a force!"

"What do you suggest that we do?" One of the women called out, and then there were a few more questions thrown at Olivia, who was trying her very best not to damn herself with some half-thought-out stupid questions. I saw her eyes wander over to mine, so I stepped up next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"It is time for me to go," I said as Olivia nodded at me.

"What should we do?" One of the women asked Olivia, who was now turning red and looked like she wanted nothing more than to flee, but she took a deep breath and steeled herself before answering.

"You need to stay here! Stay in groups! Nothing will happen if you are together in groups because these creatures seem to exclusively attack women by themselves or in pairs! We are going to have to start having more people in the tower to watch, and we need to set up barricades around the town. Set up outposts in places along the barricade and only two places with checkpoints to register who is coming out of the tower right now. Do we have a list of all the people in the town?" Olivia explained to them all, and everyone went quiet, but her hands started to go up as she turned to me. "You can go; I have this."

"Don't let them bully you around. You are doing a good job," I said to her as I rubbed her shoulders. "I will leave this in your capable hands."

"Be careful out there," Olivia said, and then she stepped closer to me and kissed me deeply before stepping back to the front of the room, where everyone was now chatting about what they were going to do.

As soon as I got outside, I turned north and then started to run out of the town. As much as I wanted to start hopping portals, I needed to get out of sight first, so I kept going for almost a half mile before creating a portal far up in the sky and then transformed into my panther form that still allowed me to stand on two feet. My hands were paws, and my face was more panther-like, but I had a humanoid body.

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